I Scream for Gelato

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  One Mushroom Kingdom Day, Mario was taking a stroll through Toad Town. He observed the Toads walking around. Some were screaming and playing. A few food booths were set up in a free spot. Mario observed them all. One sold hot dogs. One sold organic goods. The menu on that one was giant and drawn in chalk. He stuck his tongue out at the Toad. 

Then he observed the last booth—a gelato booth. There was a big plastic case with the buckets of gelato inside. There were seemingly fridges all over the booth, with endless flavors of gelato. He spotted a small fridge with little buckets of it for purchase. He looked at the big menu. He could not believe the amount of flavors. "Vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, mint chocolate chip, blueberry, raspberry, fudge, chocolate chip cookie dough, birthday cake, red velvet, strawberry cheesecake, Oreo..." the sign went on and on forever. The Toad running it stared at Mario oddly while he drooled at the sign.

 Finally, he said, "Would you like to order something?" 

Mario snapped out of his trance. "Uh, yes," he said. "I would like all of your flavors."

 "Uh, that might take a while," the Toad said. Then he clicked up a bunch of stuff on his cash register. "That'll cost ya 560 coins," he concluded. 

Mario gave him 560 coins. The Toad made him a vanilla gelato cone. He ate it. Then he made a chocolate cone, followed by a strawberry one, followed by a mint chocolate chip one, followed by a blueberry one. It took four hours for Mario to eat all the flavors. 

After that was over, he went home and weighed himself. He had gained fifty pounds. That made him 850 pounds. He was actually pretty good at hiding his fat. Due to his impeccable gut system, he had no stomach or bathroom difficulties after eating all that gelato. However, he did indeed feel kind of full after that. But when Blue Toad announced spaghetti for dinner, he downed everything. Then he went to bed with his heart –and stomach- bursting with joy.

The next morning he woke up happily. He had drooled an extra lot last night because he had been full. "I slept very good last night," he said to Blue Toad when he entered the kitchen for breakfast. 

Blue Toad cooked up some toast and apple juice and served it Mario. 

"No thanks, I think I'm going downtown for breakfast," Mario said, pushing the plate away. 

Blue Toad gaped. He had never seen Mario refuse food.

Mario left the castle and headed straight toward the gelato booth. However, much to his dismay, he found the Toad packing up all his gelato. 

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING??!!?" he cried in agony. 

"Oh, hey Mario. I'm packing up here. I make such good business that I figured I'd head somewhere else to share my gelato with the rest of the world." 

A lot of people overheard this. They started protesting and making signs. Mario started screaming like he was being murdered. An angry Toad mob gathered. The Toad behind the counter was utterly shocked. Mario screeched in his face. 

The Toad finally held up his hands and silenced the mob. "Fine. I'll stay," he said. A million happy yays erupted from the not-mob. The Toad opened up his gelato. Everyone ordered some. The Toad made 2 billion coins.

A couple months from then, the Toad opened a gelato parlor the size of an Olive Garden. He was the most successful person in town. Mario commonly brought all his friends there for gelato. He always believed that his scream had brought freedom to everyone's stomachs.


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