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One day, at Peach's Castle, it was time for dinner. Mario and Luigi sat in a dining hall. Peach and Daisy were cooking up dinner, and they knew exactly what kind of appetites they had to satisfy.

Mario and Luigi looked at each other. Luigi tapped his fingers on the table. He was STARVING. He couldn't wait for dinner. Mario twirled his fork around. He felt like drooling, but didn't because he didn't want to mess up the fancy dishes.

In the kitchen, Peach tossed fruit into a blender and set to work. Daisy was making a beautiful cake for dessert. Blue and Yellow Toad were sitting at a table kneading bread.

"We have a lame job." Blue Toad complained.

Peach randomly took their bread, shaped it, and popped it in the oven. Then she finished the smoothie and poured it into cups.

Daisy finished the cake and started making milkshakes to go with it. You might think this was a lot of food, but really, it wasn't. Peach took out the bread, sliced it and buttered it.

In the meantime, Daisy loaded some strawberry shakes into the freezer to wait until after dinner. Then she prepared some spaghetti. Peach put some big pizzas into the oven. Finally, Peach and Daisy went and sat down while their foods baked.

Blue and Yellow Toad admired all the food they had already made. "Honestly, do Mario and Luigi really have appetites this big?" Blue Toad asked, extending his arms out.

Peach and Daisy suddenly swept by, and got their foods ready. Then they put it all on their little table. For a finishing touch, Peach sprinkled Italian seasonings all over the food, including garlic for the bread. Then, Blue and Yellow Toad started carrying out the food.

Blue Toad set the pizzas down, while Yellow Toad put the bread there. Mario's tongue dropped out of his mouth. Luigi looked at him weirdly but still felt like doing the same thing. Blue Toad came with spaghetti and put it there. Yellow Toad served them some last-minute salad and breadsticks which Peach had almost forgotten to make. Then Blue Toad gave them smoothies. Mario and Luigi could hardly resist eating. Luigi leaned back and tried to block the food out of his mind, but the awesome smells came in like a tidal wave. Mario, in the meantime, just held his breath, and couldn't take his eyes off the food.

Finally, Peach and Daisy came in, and sat down across from Mario and Luigi.

"DINNER IS SERVED!" Blue Toad exclaimed happily, hopping into a chair next to Luigi.

Yellow Toad sat down by Mario. "Eat," he whispered to Mario.

Mario immediately broke from his trance and grabbed some pizza and bread.

"Oops, I think we have bread and breadsticks!" Blue Toad commented.

Mario shrugged and bit into a breadstick. Luigi ate his salad. Blue Toad nibbled some spaghetti. Peach and Daisy just seemed to be watching them, and that kinda freaked Mario and Luigi out. But they tried to look normal as they devoured the food. Yellow Toad sipped his smoothie. Mario bit some pizza. Luigi sophisticatedly ate his bread. Blue Toad cut his pizza into a billion pieces and then ate it. Mario glanced at the princesses. They were finally eating, but very slowly. Mario took a mental note for when they ate dinner at his house to make salad.

So, forty minutes later, Mario and Luigi were just about stuffed. However, when Peach and Daisy brought in a cake and ice cream, they stuffed themselves just a little more. Blue and Yellow Toad nearly passed out.

Finally, when the whole dinner was done, Peach and Daisy left, predictably to take a nap. Mario suddenly felt like exploding. He rushed to the bathroom. While he was in there, Luigi and the two Toads formed a line outside.

Fifteen minutes later, Mario came out and almost passed out on the floor. Luigi rushed into the bathroom. Blue and Yellow Toad had to make their bubbles into a cot and carry Mario to his bed.

When they got back fifteen minutes later, Luigi was just getting out of the bathroom. Blue and Yellow Toad went in at the same time, because their bottoms combined equaled a regular bottom. They only needed about ten minutes because they couldn't hold as much as Mario and Luigi.

Then, they went to the TQ, and the whole day came to a satisfying end.

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