Mario is Annoying

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Aroooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! An eerie cry split the air and a ghostly white mass shot by Mario's Mercedes. "Oh my gosh!" he yelled. He swerved the car to avoid it, but ran onto the grass into a ditch. "Oof," he said. He got out and saw that it was a cold, dark night. A single yellow streetlight buzzed dimly a few meters down the road. "Great," said Mario, "I hate yellow streetlights."

Mario woke up in his dimly lit room. He had recently styled it to look like a Jedi bedroom. The only difference was that there were fish tanks built into the walls. It was totally plain, with a round ottoman and bed. The bed was a mattress with a white fitted sheet and fitted brown comforter, sitting on the floor.

Mario sighed. His dream wasn't scary, but moderately weird. He got out of bed dressed in brown overalls and green shirt. It was his Jedi outfit. He added his green cap and grabbed a beam sword hilt.

Then he went out into the castle, because he had moved from his tiny mushroom house to there. He slept in the room where Jolly Roger Bay had been located. He had removed the big blue painting because a Jedi would never have a painting like that. The built-in fish tanks couldn't have been helped, so they were still in there.

Anyway, Mario walked out of his room and went down the short staircase that led to his door. He went and stood on the round rug that was in the middle of the floor. Ahead of him was another short staircase leading to a door with a star on it. It had housed the painting leading to Bob-omb Battlefield. Luigi slept in there, with the painting of a Bob-omb and everything.

Mario sat down on the rug. Then he dashed to the kitchen, which was empty. He suddenly noticed that Blue Toad was sitting on a stool, reading a giant cookbook which practically consumed him. "Sup?" Mario asked.

"Nothing much," Blue Toad replied. He licked his tiny Toad finger and turned a page. He grabbed a billion things out of a cupboard and dumped some of each into a prepared bowl. He grabbed a whisk and whisked it up. It looked like glaze.

"Is that glaze?" Mario asked.

"Yup," replied Blue Toad. Then the dumped some eggs and butter and flour and sugar and other things into a bowl, mixed them up into yellow batter, and poured the batter into a cupcake tin.

"Are you making cupcakes?" Mario asked.

"Yup," replied Blue Toad, popping them into the oven. Then he pulled out vast quantities of fruit and laid them into a square pan. He added granola and baked it. The cupcakes and fruit dish finished at the same time. He took them out using a tiny Toad mitt and then spread the glaze over the muffins. Mario started drooling.

"Oh, please, don't drool," Blue Toad begged. "It's disgusting."

Mario's tongue dropped out of his mouth as he stared at the food. Blue Toad put a bucket under his mouth to avoid a mess. Then he cooked up a bunch of granola and oats into a breakfast crisp and baked it and then put it on the table. Mario's drool picked up. It came out in a steady, centimeter-wide string. The bucket was steadily filling. Blue Toad cooked up more junk into a breakfast cake. Mario's drool string widened. Finally, Blue Toad poured about seven big cups of orange juice and laid them out on the table. Mario started making this continuous noise that sounded like "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhh" and it started driving Blue Toad crazy. Finally, Luigi came into the kitchen and saw Mario. Mario sucked up his drool string and came back to the world.

"Uhhhhh, what's for breakfast?" Luigi asked.

"This," Blue Toad said, pointing at all his food. "Have a seat, guys."

Luigi and Mario took their seats. Then Green Toad, Yellow Toad, Purple Toad, and Toad came in and sat down, too.

"Breakfast is served!" Blue Toad yelled. He cut everybody a slice of everything while they pawed at the muffins. Mario stuffed an entire muffin into his mouth. Some of the Toads stared as they ate a crumb. Blue Toad was wolfing down his fruit crisp. Luigi was eating the breakfast crisp and orange juice at the same time. Purple Toad was stuffing his face with breakfast cake. Yellow Toad was drinking orange juice nonstop. Toad took a single bite of everything and then a sip of orange juice.

Once the entire meal had been devoured, Blue Toad took all the leftovers and toted them to the princess, who had slept late. He opened the door and went in. She was still sleeping in her pink four-poster bed with the canopy made of silk and the heart carved in it. He put all the food on her dresser and then almost had a heart attack when he turned around and saw Mario in his face.

"Watcha doin'?" Mario asked.

"I'm feeding the princess," Blue Toad said.

"Why does she need to be fed? She's grown up, you know," Mario replied.

"I MEANT I was just putting her food here," Blue Toad said.

"Why? She's still sleeping. Why does she sleep this late? Her food will get cold. Want me to eat it?" Mario asked.

"No, I don't! Will you just shut your trap?" Blue Toad yelled.

"I don't have any traps. I don't hunt, you know." Mario replied.

Blue Toad was about to say something else when somebody said, "What on earth is going on here?" he turned around to see the princess staring at them.

"Want me to eat your food?" Mario asked.

She looked at the food. "Um, no thanks," she said. Then she started wolfing down the food.

Mario made a sad face and then left.

"Whew," Blue Toad said. Then he left, too.

He found Mario playing The Haunting of Castle Malloy (a Nancy Drew game). "WOAH!" Mario yelled as he crashed into a ditch. "This is my dream! Isn't that cool!"

Blue Toad rolled his eyes and went into the TQ, which stood for "Toads' Quarters." The TQ had beds lined up along the walls and a small bathroom at the end. He went over to his bed, which had blue comforters with blue mini-mushrooms on them, and hopped into it. He rested for half an hour and then woke up.

Yellow Toad was next to him in his yellow Mega-mushroom-covered bed. "It's time for lunch," he said.

"Okay," Blue Toad replied. He got out of bed and went to the kitchen.

Mario was sitting at the table holding a knife and fork. Blue Toad groaned and made some sandwiches. He stuffed Mario's with everything he could find. Then he poured Cheetos onto everyone's plate and set them out. Mario dug into his. All the Toads and the princess and Luigi came in soon. They took their spots and ate their sandwiches. Blue Toad presented a pumpkin pie for dessert. Mario cut himself half the pie. Everyone stared at him as he sprayed the Mona Lisa on his pie with whipped cream. Everyone else got moderately small pieces and then lunch was over. Mario was playing Castle Malloy again. Blue Toad went to bed again. He woke up and the room was orangely lit by his cool lamp. He grabbed his computer and opened his picture library. He went into his folder and then got on the web. He typed up 'Mario Kart 8' and saved some photos. Then he renamed them in his folder, set one of him and Yellow Toad in space as his wallpaper, and then shut his computer and went out into the castle. Mario was playing Castle Malloy STILL.

"I DID IT!" Mario yelled. He got the final question wrong and then looked at his awards. The only one he got was for making all the drinks. "Yay!" he yelled. He made himself a drink and drank it. Then he turned off his computer. He noticed Blue Toad staring at him. "It's dinner time," he said.

Blue Toad groaned super-loud and then went to the kitchen. He made some burgers. He stuffed Mario's with everything he could find. Then he poured everyone some coke, served up some fries covered in salt, and dinner was served. Everyone came in and scarfed down their food. Then they left and the kitchen was deserted. Blue Toad sighed, cleaned up, and went into the main hall. Everybody was watching a movie. It was Wreck-It Ralph. Blue Toad watched it with them. As soon as it ended they turned it off and zoomed to bed. The hall was deserted.

"Ugh," Blue Toad groaned. He went to the TQ, where everybody was crammed in the bathroom, trying to brush their teeth.

Blue Toad pulled a cup of water out from under his bed. He also pulled out his toothbrush and toothpaste. He brushed and spat into his water and then drank his water, swished, and spat it back out. Then he hopped into bed about the same time as everybody else.

"NIGHT!" they all yelled and turned the lights out. It was pitch black. Blue Toad groaned.

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