Mario Kart

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    3...2...1...GO! The big bell-y ring rang out, and with a burst of flames from his engine, Luigi took off. This particular race he was in his shiny green pipe frame, with blue roller wheels. Plus, a shimmering green standard glider. He was taking a drive at Sunshine Airport. He breathed in the fresh air as he drove through the station. Signs advertising other courses and things dotted the walls, and Toads, Yoshis, and Piantas cheered and waved everywhere. An announcer was announcing the final call for a trip to Mario Circuit.

As Luigi came to the exit, a schedule showing flight times came into view over his head. Most of them were for courses. He blasted out of the station and drove underneath a PTT (Propeller Toad Transport) plane.

Daisy blared by. She was in an orange Circuit Special with orange Sponge wheels. Flame blasted in Luigi's face. He waved it off. His hands were pretty much immune to fire, so he had no problems with it.

Peach blasted by in a Prancer with wooden wheels. She shot off a ramp onto an open plane. Luigi followed. Right when he landed, Mario nearly landed on top of him. He was in a standard kart with standard wheels. Luigi couldn't understand why his bro liked all the basic things. There were so many vehicles he could've had instead.

Right then, Luigi happened to nab a mushroom from an item box. Scooting in front of Mario, he let it rip. The speed set a trail of flames behind Luigi slamming into Mario, who just pressed his gas further. They flew down some steps and rounded a bend. They were nearing a gap that they had to glide across.

Luigi gave Mario his classic, fear-striking death stare. Mario tried to stare back, but Bowser bumped into them in a Landship with wooden wheels. Mario scowled at him and blasted ahead. Luigi blasted back up to Mario. They shot off the ramp as their gliders popped to life. They sailed through the cloudy skies, their wheels turning sideways in a flash of blue light as they landed. They then sailed up a vertical wall, fire blazing from their engines.

"So," Luigi said to Mario as they twisted and turned, almost in sync with each other. "How's the race going?" he asked.

"I'd say as fine as yours," Mario replied as they blasted off another ramp, their wheels returning to normal as a plane flew over their heads. "Did you see what Peach was driving?" he asked as they landed on the orange runway.

"She wasn't in a standard kart, unlike you," Luigi replied as they rounded a bend back into the station.

"I like standard things!" Mario insisted as they crossed the line into lap 2.

"Well," Luigi said as they plummeted into item boxes. "See you later!" he produced a mushroom from nowhere and shot off a ramp out of sight.

Mario shook his head smartly as he pulled a red shell from his pocket. He thrust it front of him, right when Bowser drove up. The shell exploded into a billion pieces as Bowser's kart flipped right over and landed back on its wheels.

"Hey!" Bowser yelled.

Mario pulled his cap over his eyes, as if he was trying to hide that it had been him, but it was obviously pointless. Mario shot ahead of Bowser, since Bowser was out of commission for the moment. He flew through the plane, rounded the next bend, and shot off the gliding ramp. He finally spotted Luigi rounding the next bend. Mario stabbed his gas pedal and blasted off toward Luigi. Luigi flew off the anti-grav section and landed back on the runway as another plane flew by. He drove back into the station. Randomly, Mario landed next to him.

"How did you get there?" Luigi asked, sounding not-surprised.

"I took the conveyor-belt-shortcut," Mario replied, rounding the bend out of the station next to Luigi.

"Have you noticed that no driver has passed by, in like, ever?" Luigi asked.

"Uh, yeah." Mario said as they swerved around a plane's wheels.

"Ugh, let's just finish this race, it's been going on forever." Luigi replied.

So, they blasted through the course, through lap 2 and finally on to lap 3. Finally, they rounded the last bend. Peach and Daisy just came into view.

"EEK!" Mario and Luigi screamed. They randomly produced mushrooms and blasted toward them. All at once they all passed the finish line.

"Who won?" Mario asked.

"All of us." Luigi answered.

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