Chapter 12

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Laurence POV

Jess falls asleep on Castor, I don't mind though since they are basically brother and sister. I still have my crush on her but I also don't want to bring it up while her uncle is trying to destroy the world.

"Laurence let's go." Cadenza whisper shouts to me. I turn to look at her to see her already in her Batgirl suit. I press my dangling earring charm and I feel my suit come on my body. The suit gives me lots of power. It feels like it has always been my suit.

"Let's run then." I say. We both run to the bank that is being robbed and the first thing I notice is that there is police tape covering the front area around the door and the police officers are nowhere near the door.

"Lets grapple up to the back window" Cadenza messages me in my mine. I just look her way and nod. We both run to the back and I click my charm, the grappling hook appearing in my hand. I shoot up to the open window and grab Cadenza before I start to reel the hook, making us go up. She can do it herself but it would be quicker if I picked her up. We both jump through the window and I put my hook away before bringing my batarang out, Cadenza doing the same.

"Knock them out and tie them up." I instruct her. She nods and we start attacking the patrolling from the shadows. We then tie them up and move to the safe where all of the hostages are.

"We have come to save you." Cadenza says before leading them out the front. I grab all of the tied up robbers and follow behind her. We walk out to see flashes of light from paparazzi.

"The hostages have been saved and the robbers have been caught by Batman and Batgirl! It's a miracle that they helped us! They have not been sighted ever before." A news reporter says. Me and Cadenza just nod to the camera before running to Castors house.

"That was interesting. It's like we have always been a superhero." I whisper to Cadenza as I walk into the living room to see Jess asleep on Castor who is awake, watching the news that was about the robbery.

"Good job you two. You guys would make great superheroes." He whispers to us before turning the tv off and facing us.

"I kind of had fun." Cadenza says.

"I did aswell." I say. Castor picks up Jess.

"Let's go to Asguard and drop Jess off before going to the hall. You should get to know the team a little." He tells me before walking down to the basement. We both follow him and jump on the transporter. "You guys go to the hall, I will meet you there." He tells us before running off with Jess, probably to her bedroom.

"Let's go to the hall and socialize then." Cadenza says before running off. I put my suit on before running past her. The suit doubles the speed that we can run at. I wait at the entrance and she looks at me confused. "How did you get here so fast? I had a big head start."

"I put my suit on unlike some annoying sister I know." I stick my tongue out at her. She hit me over the head.

"I am NOT annoying!" She shouts. I didn't know we attracted an audience until Kala spoke up.

"They are so adorable! But they look nothing alike!" Kala squeals.

"I'm adopted." I say to get. "I'm an orphan. Cadenza and her father adopted me and now she is my sister." I ruffle her hair.

"My hair! Laurence I will kill you!" She shouts before chasing after me, this time with her suit on. I just laugh while running away from her. This carries in for a few more minutes before she gives up.

"Where is Castor and Jess?" As soon as Sly asks, Castor appears behind me.

"She is Asguard, asleep." He tells sly, making him jump before turning around.

"Where did you come from?!" He hits Castor over the head. Lots of violence today. "Well might aswell wait for Jess to wake up before saying any ideas we have." He turns and walks into the hall, everybody following him.

"Let's get to know each other while we wait!" Kala says before sitting down on a chair. We spent the rest of that day socializing.

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