Chapter 13

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Aphmau POV

I wake up to see that I am in my room in Asguard. I thought I fell asleep on Castor? He must have carried me here. I get out of bed and pick up a sleeping Boomy before going down to the first floor and going on the transporter, teleporting me to my old room in the hall.

"Hey Jess, where are we." Boomy wakes up and asks me, being too lazy to  open his eyes.

"We are at the hall. I'm trying to find the others now." I yawn. He opens his eyes and jumps onto my head.

"They are in the discussion room at top." He tells me. I take my time walking up their, noticing that it was dark outside.

"I'm tired." I yawn again. It feels like I shouldn't be feeling this tired but I shrug it off.

"Why don't you go back to sleep then? The team won't be mad." Boomy rubs his head on my cheek.

"I'm fine. We need to discuss the problem with Loki anyway. I don't want him to put anybody else in danger." I finally reach the discussion room, yawning before sitting next to Laurence, putting my head on his shoulder.

"Morning sleepy head." Castor says. I just mumble a hi back to him.

"Well now that Jess is here, not in her suit might I add. We can start the discussion about what to do with Loki." Sly says. I just stick my tongue at him, cuddling more into Laurence's arm.

"Loki said only I could stop him so the next time I meet him, I swear that this time I will kill him without any failures. Not like last time." I look at Castor. He looks back at me. The Few notice this gesture between each other.

"What actually happened the last time we fought Loki? We were all unconscious and woke up in the hall, not knowing what happened." Sly said, making everybody look at either me or Castor. I don't notice the tears falling down my face until Castor is in front of me, wiping a year away.

"We don't have to tell them right now. We can just discuss our plans. Nothing to do with back then, ok?" I nod at him and he sits down next to me. I'm still cuddled in Laurence's shoulder but Castor is now holding my hand. "Let's just discuss the plans for Loki." He turns to Sly. Sly just nods slowly before explaining what should happen. I don't really pay attention but I know that I have to at least kill Loki. Soon, the meeting is   and everybody is just talking about anything. I fall asleep on Laurence.


I wake up back in my room in Asguard. I feel even more tired than yesterday. I just shrug it off. I get out of bed and walk to the kitchen and get some food from my cook. I then go to the room with all of my chests and I spend an hour inventing a hover board out of boredom. I like inventing things. Soon, Castor comes into the room, just watching me.

"I know your there Castor. Come out." He walks out of his hiding spot and sits next to me. I yawn again and rub my eyes before going back to making my hover board.

"If your tired, you can go back to sleep. We don't have anything planned for today." He tells me, stopping me from making my hover board.

"I'm fine." I tell him. "Just a bit more tired than yesterday. To prove my point, I yawn again.

"You really should go to bed." He attempts again. I glare at him.

"I'm fine!" I say again. He gives me a weird look before disappearing. I continue with my work.

Castor POV

Jess was acting weird and when she was glaring at me, her eyes turned red for a second. I need to tell Sly about this. I run to his tower to see him making out with Kala. The ship has been set!

"Am I interrupting something?" As much as I would love to leave them alone, Jess is more important than my ship.

"Castor! What are you doing here!" They both jump away from each other blushing.

"Jess would love it when I tell her this after she turns to normal." I grin at them.

"What do you mean when she turns to normal?" Kala asks.

"There is something wrong with Jess. She is very tired, very concentrated on her work, she looks pale and she is getting angry easy." I tell them.

"Maybe she is on her..." Sly drifts off.

"Last time I checked, her eyes don't turn red." He turns to me with a serious look before using the charm Jess made to send a message to everybody.

"Everybody stay away from Jess. Don't ask questions and Katz, report to my tower now." He cuts off the link and Katz soon comes to the tower.

"What's up?" He asks as soon as he arrives.

"It's Jess. When you didn't have your suit on, you were getting starting to become very tired right?" Sly asks him, Katz just nods. "You also felt agitated as well. You were having dreams weren't you? You just didn't know it."

"Yes, what has this got to do with- It's happening to her isn't it?" Katz pieces it together. We all just nod. "We need her to put her suit on. It will be very hard but we have to try. Loki is slowly controlling her mind with his physical dreams. The suit should repel the effects. We all nod.

"Mission: get Jess in her suit. Let's go!" I shout and we all run to Asguard. Hopefully we can get her suit on her.

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