Chapter 14

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Katz POV

Sly, Kala and Castor told me about what was happening with Jess, knowing the same happened to me. Let me explain. When Jess left, I started to become more tired but I shrugged it off thinking that it was just because Jess left but I started to get more agitated, I didn't want to put my suit back on and I always stayed and tried to upgrade my suit undead, not actually touching it. The Few wanted to go look for Jess but I didn't want to go so I stayed but the news then turned on saying that there was a crime and that nobody was there to help. I had to put my suit on. It was then that I remembered all of the spells that Loki was casting on me in my dreams.

"Right, so we need to get Jess to put her suit on by herself. She will still be under his spell if we put her in her suit forcefully and that would mean Loki has access to Mjolnir." I say to them while we are all running to Asguard. Why don't we ever use the portals?

"So we need to make Jess have a reason to put her suit on? I GOT IT!" Sly shouts. "We pretend that Boomy is in danger and she is sure to put her suit on!" We all nod in agreement. I go up to her bedroom to see Boomy trying to open the door. I pick him up and take him into the kitchen while stroking his head. I then put some food down for him and he quickly eats it.

"Boomy we need your help." It hisses at me, cocking its head to the side on confusion. "We need to get Jess to put her suit on and the only way we can do it is if she has to. Can you help us." Boomy nods before jumping onto my head. I take him outside to see that Sly has made a tall tower. I guess that's where Boomy is going. Sly jumps down.

"Boomy just needs to be at the top of the tower, Calling for Jess and Lady Thor will come save Boomy." He flies Boomy to the top and we hide behind the convenient bush that was placed down

Jess POV

I just finished my hover board and was about to test it out when I hear Boomy hissing very loudly. I run outside to see him on a really big tower of one block. Good time to use my hover board.

"Give me a minute Boomy!" I shout up to him before jumping on my board and flying into the air, picking up Boomy before falling back down slowly, not before noticing the two culprits behind the bush. I glare at them before speeding into my main room on my hover board, going to make a few adjustments.

I walk in to see the news showing, MyStreet? I sit on my board while watching what was happening.

"Breaking news! The villain that was attacking Meteli is now attacking MyStreet. Why? We do not know but we know that they are targeting one specific house! The owners being Katelyn, Kawaii-Chan and Aphmau. Hopefully, our new heroes come and help them soon!" The news turns off and I stand back onto my hover board. Luckily, we are all allowed one teleport per day. I teleport to Travis, pulling him into the room that he was just walking out of. He turns around to attack but he notices that it was me.

"Aphmau! Thank Irene you are safe!" He hugs me before putting me at shoulders length away. "You came back at the wrong time. Do you not see what's happening! You need to go!" I cut him off.

"Travis I need you to get everybody evacuated from here while I try to defeat Loki. Don't ask questions and just do as I say." I jump on my hover board again and fly out of the window, confronting Loki.

"Well well well, look who we have here. If it isn't my niece. How lovely of you to join us. You are just in time for me to kill your friends!" He laughs evilly. Luckily, the camera people fled the site.

"I won't let you hurt my friends!" I glare at him. He just smirks at me.

"You can try but you can't. You have an urge to keep your suit off. You have been very tired. You have been concentrating on everything unimportant. I've got you right where I want you!" He smirks at me. I growl back at him. He picks up Katelyn who was knocked out on the ground with Kawaii-Chan.

"Let her go!" I shout at him. He goes to throw her at the wall but I catch her, going into the wall with her but making it so she didn't feel any pain. She opens her eyes.

"Aphmau? What are you doing here? You need to run." She tries to get up but falls back onto me.

"Don't worry. Just stay here and I will be back to you in a minute with Kawaii-Chan. I'm sorry you got involved." I put her down against the wall, trying not to hurt my now broken arm. She falls back to sleep, still weak from being knocked out earlier. I put Kawaii-Chan next to her before mind linking Laurence and Cadenza.

"Teleport to me now! It's Loki just think of teleporting to me. You can only teleport once every 24 hours." They both appear next to me to see the girls on the ground.

"What is going on here!" They get their weapons out. I jump on my hover board again. I should put some straps on it later.

"I need to defeat Loki." I press the charm on my bracelet and my suit appears on me and I have my trusty hammer in my hand. I smirk at him. "Looks like your spell was broken." I strike him with lightning. He growls at me.

"I will be back!" I go to hit him with Mjolnir but before I could, he disappeared. I scream loudly before punching the wall the the already destroyed house.

"Calm down Jess, we need to get these two to a safe place." Laurence tells me.

"Take them to Asguard, I will get the rest of the gang. Time for the truth." I run away from them and jump on my hover board, speeding off to where the gang would most likely be. I soon reach the safe house to see Aaron, Zane, Dante, Garroth, Lucinda and Travis. Travis seemed to be holding Garroth and Lucinda back.

"We need to go help them!" Lucinda shouts. I take my suit off and just sit on my board.

"I have been given strict rules to keep you away from the area by Aphmau." Travis says back to them.

"I don't care! They are in danger!" Garroth pushes past Travis and is about to go through the door. I jump in front of him before he can go through the door.

"Don't worry about it. We sorted it out. Laurence and Cadenza took her back to my other house." I walk over to Travis and hug him. "Thank you Travis."

"Don't worry. Travis will help any lovely lady who needs help." He gave me a flirtatious smirk. Me and Lucinda both hit him over the head, knocking him out. I put him over my shoulder.

"Let's go, me, Cadenza and Laurence have a lot of explaining to do." I start to slowly fly to Castors house when my board runs out of fuel. I only wanted to test it. I didn't think I would be going on an adventure with it.

"Want me to carry him?" Aaron asks me. He goes to take Travis off me but I move out of his way.

"I can carry him, he is very light." I say to Aaron.

"Not even I can carry Travis. He is heavy. How can you carry him like he was a feather?" Garroth asks.

"I'm just very strong." We continue to walk in silence.

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