Chapter 27

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Aphmau POV

I wake up to Katelyn shaking me, yawning as she does. I sit up and look over at the beds to see everybody else in their beds still.

"Morning sleepy head. Go get ready while I wake everybody else." I nod and get out of the bed, walking out of the cave to the lake that Boomy mentioned to me. I quickly get washed and dressed before going to find some food in the forest. I come back to the cave with a bag full of berries and another bag with some raw pork what I killed the pigs for.

"There you are Jess. Where have you been?" Alex asks me. I put down the bags of food and mine some cobble to make a furnace while explaining.

"I went out for food. We will need a lot of energy for today. Pass me the bag full of pork?" He passes me the pork and I put it in the furnace. While I wait for it to cook, I split the berries and put them in piles, handing a pile to Alex. I put the other three piles on one of the beds for when the girls come back.

"I will call the girls while you take the pork out of the furnace. I didn't think we would have to do this from scratch again." He smiles at me before leaving the cave. I take the pork out of the furnace and put it on a plate, splitting the portions out so we get the same amount. I them put some gunpowder out for Boomy who should be with the girls. Soon, everybody walks in and takes their food.

"This is delicious Jess! Where did you get this from?" Cadenza asks, eating some of the berries.

"I went out and hunted a few pigs and picked the berries off of bushes." By now, I had finished eating.

"As soon as everybody is finished, let's go over the plans." Kala says. Suddenly, Boomy jumps on Alex and rips off something from between his cape and his back.

"It's an audio chip. I don't know how long it has been their but I don't know if they have heard everything we have done." Boomy places the chip in my hand.

"Do you think they heard us?" I ask him.

"I don't know. It's a 50/50 chance that they did. It seems that the chip is off at this moment. They might have not put the chip on when we discussed the plans." I put Boomy in front of my face so it would be easier to talk.

"Should we continue with the plan?" I ask. He thinks for a moment before replying.

"Let's continue with the plan for now. If they heard then they might come at the wrong time or leave us alone. We could also use their help. We don't know the amount of Gawkins their are." He jumps out of my arms and finishes eating his gunpowder.

"That is true but I don't want them to get hurt." Boomy looks up at me.

"They care about you too much for you to get hurt." At that, I smile. While we was talking, u could also hear the others whispering.

"What are they saying?" Cadenza whispered to Kala.

"I don't know." She whispered back. "What do you think Alex?" She turns to Alex.

"They were talking about the chip in my back and the plan. I think anyway." He whispers to them.

"How do you know that?" Katelyn asks.

"I speak a little bit of creeper minion. I found a book and read it." After that, they were just watching me. Before the chip could turn on, I destroy it.

"Let's head out to Loki's base now. I will grab the chicken bag. Boomy make sure you put your armour on. Get everything we need and let's go." Everybody grabs their stuff and we head out but not before I notice Katelyns charm that Travis gave her.

"We are all set now." Katelyn says.

"Katelyn, show me your charm." She gives me a confused look but puts out her wrist to me. My thoughts were correct. Their was a silver hover board charm with a turquoise gem in the middle.

"What's up Jess?" She looks at me with interest.

"Press that blue gem on the hover board." She does as u say and a hover board falls out of the air and into her hands. The same board that me and Travis worked on. "That's so adorable!" I squeal. "He gave you the hover board for your birthday! He worked hard on that." I take the board for a minute and fill it with power before giving it back to her.

"That's so nice. Who would have thought Travis could do something other then flirt." She says before jumping in the board. It turns on and she hovers in the air. I take my board out and jump on it as well.

"Lets go scout the area. These boards are faster then our flying speed so let's go." We nod at each other before speeding off until we reach the abandoned village of Falcon Claw. We quickly scout the area while waiting for the others, Boomy on my head.

"Nobody is here." Katelyn says. Soon, the others arrived. We make out way to the entrance of the base.

"Let's go!" I shout.

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