Chapter 28

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Aphmau POV

I blast the door to the base open before I grab the chicken bag and turn it upside down, making all of the chickens fall out and swarm the base. We all nod at each other and start attacking the hoard of Gawkins that have blocked the entrance. Soon, I am able to get through. I bring Boomy onto my hover board with me before speeding through the small opening, striking them with lightning. Cadenza is using her explosive baterangs with Alex using his lazier eyes to set them off while Kala and Katelyn are back to back, clawing at them. Katelyn are also setting them on fire while she punches them with her claws. I fly past all of the Gawkins that are going to assist their fellow Gawkins in trying to kill us.

"We should nearly be at the room I saw Loki in. Be prepared Boomy." I say to my little creeper minion, not facing towards him so that I can concentrate.

"Will do. I will assist you with this battle." He replies. I smile. We soon reach the room. We look at each other and nod before I kick the doors open, making an entrance.

"Well well well." I glare up at Loki. He is sitting on a golden throne smirking at me. Next to him, I see a flash of blue jump into the lake of water on the left of him. I ignore it though. "Looks like this is where you will die." He stands up and grabs his staff, getting into a fighting position. I grip my hammer and get into my own stance, putting away my hover board and putting Boomy on the ground.

"Correction: this is where you will die. The last place you see. I will be the last face you ever see again." I glare at him before lunging at him, trying to hit him with my hammer but he teleports behind me and kicks me into the wall. I get back out and send a lot of lightning at him, trying to weaken him so I can strike him with my hammer. He wobbles a bit but before I can hit him with my hammer, he strikes me with a shadow ball. I dodge it.

"Give up niece. You cannot defeat me. If your friends cannot defeat me with you then you won't be able to kill me by yourself." He laughs evilly. "Give up and I will kill you quickly."

"Never!" I strike him with more lightning. He dodges it and shoots three shadow balls at me. I jump above them but I don't see Loki pulling out a dagger and cutting my arm as I fall back down. I hold in my scream while launching myself at my uncle, grabbing and putting him I front of me for Boomy to shoot a fireball at me. It succeeds, sending us both to the ground. I then strike us both with lightning before he could get back up, hitting us both with lightning. Luckily, it doesn't effect me. I then kick him off of me and grab his staff, stabbing him through the chest.

"Smart." He says. "Remember niece, I am not alone. I can never be killed. As long as I have my crystal of power, I can slowly regenerate. I have guards just for this crystal." He chuckles.

Who are you working with!" I shout. Suddenly, I hear an explosion behind me. A fireball explosion. I turn around to see Boomy and two squids fighting. Wait... Squids? I thought the sky army killed all squids before I became a superhero. I run unfroze if boomy and strike the squids with lightning, killing them easily. I look back to Loki to see him already limp. I go over and close his eyes.

"We are done here for now." Boomy says after shooting a fireball at the squids, setting them on fire.

"Let's go meet up with the others." I bring out my hover board and put Boomy on the hover board with me before we hover into the air and flying forwards. I fly to the entrance of the base, deep in thought. How are the squids back? I remember killing them along with Adam or Sky. Me, Sky, Barney, Ross and Max were all childhood friends and created the sky army before I was teleported to the island where I met the Few. That was the day we defeated all of the giant squids, making then extinct. They should be gone. Soon, we arrived at the entrance. I look around to see our group just sitting down, catching their breath. All of the chickens seem to be all together near the bag so I open it and they all jump in their, wanting all of the food and chicken necessities that they need. It's like a heaven in their for them. As soon as all of the chickens are in the bag, all 276 of them, the rest of the gang stand up.

"Did you kill Loki?" Alex asks, walking over to me with a bandage for my arm.

"I don't know." I tell him. They all look at me.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Katelyn comes up to me.

"I killed him but he said that as long as he has his power crystal, he will live." I hiss in pain as Alex puts the rubbing alcohol on my arm.

"So we need to destroy this crystal?" Cadenza asks. I nod. "Shouldn't that be easy?"

"We need to find it first. He said that their are many guards covering the crystal." I avoid telling them about the squids. That's not their problem, only mine and the sky armies.

"Let's not think of this now. It looks like we have company." Kala says. I turn around to see the rest of the Few flying towards us.

"They are here a bit late aren't they?" I walk over to Castor who has just arrived and gave him the bag. He wasn't expecting the weight so he is crushed by the bag. I burst out laughing, ignoring the glares from Castor. He was about to throw away the bag but I caught it. "If you don't want your chickens, you can give them to me, not throw them away. What is wrong with you?" I say jokingly to him. He takes the bag off of me as soon as he said that. "I wasn't going to leave them. Just use them as a distraction." The rest of the Few arrive so I go over and stand with my group.

"We're too late aren't we?" Sly says. We all nod. He sighs. "Is Loki dead then?"

"Yes, he is. Nothing to worry about now!" I reply, cutting Kala off. The group give me a confused look but the Few believes me. "Now let's go back to the hall." I link my arms with Katelyn and Sly before teleporting us to the entrance of the hall. Everybody soon joins us.

"Jess!" I hear Katz shout. He runs up to me and hugs me.

"C-can't breathe." I somehow say. He instantly let's go, letting me take a deep breathe.

"So what do we do now?" Steven asks. At that, I smirk and look over at Katelyn, Kala, Alex and Cadenza.

"We party!" We all shout.

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