Chapter 29

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Aphmau POV

Right now, me and the girls are getting ready for a party in my room at Asguard. Kawaii -Chan is doing my makeup while Kala is doing my hair. Lucinda is doing Katelyns hair while Cadenza is doing her make-up. Me and Katelyn are the ones left who is still getting ready. Kawaii-Chan is wearing a glittery pink dress that stops half way through her legs, more than enough to cover what shouldn't be seen. Kala is wearing a floor length red dress that has a slit in the middle. Cadenza is wearing a beautiful green dress that stops just above her ankles. Lucinda is wearing a white dress that stops at the same spot as Kawaii-Chan but it shows her chest a bit more. Katelyns dress is the same as Cadenza but has a slit at the front and is a light blue. My dress is a black dress with dark purple sparkles that drags behind me since the front is shorter. Their is a slit on the left side of my leg.

"Done!" Kala says. Everybody else replies with the same answer so me and Katelyn go into the bathroom to put our dresses on.

"So Jess, why did you tell the Few that Loki is dead and won't return." She asks me. I just sigh.

"I will tell you after the party." I simply say before walking out of the bathroom, her following. "Let's go party!" We all go down to the ball room in Asguard. Me, Lucinda, Kala and Cadenza decorated it earlier while Phil Ramsey cooked food. I have no idea what the guys did. I think they just sat down and talked about whatever guys talk about. Before I could open the doors, Kala and Cadenza stop me.

"You need an entrance." Kala says. I just give her a confused look. She takes out fireworks.

"Isn't it dangerous to set fireworks in a building?" Katelyn asks.

"These are safe fireworks. They only send out sparks." I explain while Kala gives them out to the other girls. "Now let's go." All of the girls open the doors and walk down the stairs, me hiding out of their sight.

"Now presenting our hero, Jessica Aphmau Odisin!" They all say before activating the fireworks. I walk down the stairs slowly, everybody watching and cheering for me. I just quietly laugh. As soon as I reach the bottom, the girls sets all of the fireworks at once

"That is one entrance." I simply say. The rest of the girls laugh. Everybody goes back to doing whatever they were doing and the music starts. Everybody is just dancing around so I go over to the table and get a drink. Sly soon joins me.

"Hey Jess." He greets me.

"Hey. What's up?" I greet him back.

"Are you still mad at me?" I turn to face him.

"A little. But I'm more hurt. I don't control my family but you blamed me so of course I would be mad but I'm just more hurt." I turn back to the dancing people. "But I know you didn't mean it so I forgive you." I see him smile from the corner of my eye.

"Thanks Jess."

"Now go dance with your girlfriend." He widens his eyes. "Kala told me you were dating. So go dance." I push him onto the dance floor, making him move towards Kala before walking back to my spot. The next person to join me is Castor. "Heya."

"Hi Jess. We haven't talked in a while have we?" He stands next to me.

"We haven't had a proper conversation since before we came here. So do you plan on staying?" I turn to him.

"Yes, I am. Since Loki is gone, I don't have a reason to stay away. What about you?" He asks me.

"I'm not staying. I have business to attend too as soon as I leave. Very important business."

"What business? Are you going to visit?" He asks me.

"You don't need to know what I am going to do and I don't know if I will visit for a while. Not until I can relax in peace. Just know that it's for a good cause." He just nods, taking my silence as a good time to leave. Soon, the party is over and everybody went to their rooms since they are leaving back to their houses. While we were here, the houses were repaired. Me and Katelyn are getting ready to sleep but she brings up the topic I don't want to talk about.

"So why did you lie to the others anyway?" She asks as soon as we are ready.

"I lied because the army that was working with Loki cannot be killed just by heroes. I'm going to find a team that I have known since I was born and defeat that army. They were never meant to come back. I have to go warn them. As soon as I can find them, I will be gone. Gone until they are finally defeated and I can rest in peace." I tell her, looking straight into her eyes.

"So you are leaving again? Well, I am going with you! You tried to leave me behind before, it's not happening again. You are my little sister and I have to- No I need to protect you." She says on the verge of tears. I just smile and stroke her hair since she is sitting down.

"Are you sure? It would be a long journey. Meeting new people. Knowing things that you would have never known before, some good and some bad. Can you really do this?" I sit down next to her.

"I will go anywhere with you!" She hugs me back.

"Well let's get some sleep then. I have some work to do and you need excuses and to tell Kawaii-Chan that we won't be home for a while." She nods and I stand up to go over to the couch but she pulls me back.

"Sleep on the bed with me. I have noticed you are getting a sore back from sleeping on their. I'm too tired to argue so I just nod. We both get under the covers, letting the darkness consume us.

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