Chapter 7

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"Now Aphmau or 'Jess', tell us this story." We are all sitting in the living room, Boomy on my lap. Laurence being the one who talked.

"Have you ever heard of Lady Thor and Hawk Eye?" I ask them.

"Yes. They went missing until the incident in Meteli. You are Lady Thor and Hawk Eye aren't you?" Cadenza pieces everything together. I just nod. "I have always loved Lady Thor." I never knew it was you but why did you leave?" She asks us.

"Well me and the Few, as you know, are super heroes and the villain who attack Meteli is Loki. My uncle." They both gasp at the mention of him being my uncle. "He blackmailed me three years ago."

Loki was attacking a village so we went out to defeat him, Castor and Sly equipping their gems. We thought that it would be something simple but we didn't think there would be many Gawkins. Soon, everybody was knocked unconscious except for me, Steven and Castor.

"Loki give up now." I shout before dodging his attack.

"Now why would I do that?" He shoots a few more attacks and I dodge them all, but what I didn't know was that one of the attacks was coming straight at me from behind.

"Jess watch out!" Is all I hear before I am pushed out of the way by Steven. I turn back around to see his falling to the ground unconscious. Luckily, Castor caught him and put him with the rest of the unconscious superheroes.

"Steven. Why did you push me out of the way?" I whisper to myself. Loki laughs evilly before summoning a giant Gawkin in front of the Few. "Loki leave them alone!" The Gawkin picks the Few up.

"I will make you a deal." He grins evilly at me. I glare back. "I will leave them alone if you and Hawk Eye leave the Few." He starts to laugh evilly as well. Doesn't he ever shut up? "I suggest you hurry up and decide, my Gawkin looks hungry.

"Grr fine! Just leave them alone and we will leave." The Gawkin disappears, dropping all of my friends. Me and Castor both go and catch all of them before they hit the ground and we fly them back to the hall, putting them all in Castors room before putting a sign down saying "we are sorry but me and Castor couldn't stay anymore. I hope you can forgive us -Lady Thor"

"Let's go Jess. I know a place we can go to." Castor said before we left

"I never saw them since. Well, not until the incident in Meteli which made me want to go back to the hall and remove us from this life once and for all." I wipe away the tears that she'd while I was telling them the story. "Yesterday night, or morning, Katelyn was starting to get suspicious of me so I came here. I didn't want to wake Castor up so I went to sleep on the couch to be woken up by you screaming." I finish the story.

"Wow Aph. Or do I call you Jess?" Laurence starts to talk.

"I would prefer that you call me by my real name instead of my middle name but you can call me whatever you want." I say to him.

"Wait, middle name? What is your full name Jess?" Cadenza asks me. It seems like she will be calling me by my real name.

"Jessica Aphmau Odison" I reply.

"I guess I will be calling you by your first name from now on." Laurence tells me. I just nod at him before yawning.

"Hey Castor, can I stay here for a while?" I ask him. I don't want to be at my house while Katelyn is feeling suspicious.

"Sure Jess, stay as long as you would like. You know that you are always welcome to stay here. Now excuse me while I go and take care of my chickens." He puts up his chicken hood before going outside.

"Hey, I'm gonna go get some stuff from my house so you can get a ride with me. Come on Boomy." I go out the front door with them both following me and we all get into my car. I drive us all to my house since Laurence lives opposite of me and Cadenza wanted to come with me. They started to both walk up to the door before I grabbed their arms.

"What's wrong Jess?" Cadenza asks.

"I can't go through the front door! Katelyn will murder me." I whisper shout at them.

"Them how do you plan to get to your room?" Laurence asks me.

"I'm a superhero. I can just parkour up to my window." I say before doing some tricks while getting up to my window, jumping from the trees and bushes to my window. I open it up and jump in before turning to look out of the window. "You guys take the front door and distract them while I pack a bag. Oh and take Boomy with you since he can't get up here like me." I say before turning around to start packing a bag.

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