Chapter 8

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Laurence POV

After watching Jess jump up to her room, with a shocked face, me and Cadenza both go to the front door and knock. Katelyn answers the door.

"Hey Laurence, Cadenza. What are you guys doing here? Actually, it doesn't matter. I was just about to call you since u left as soon as you went back to your house last night. Come in, we need to talk about something important." She moves out of the way and me and Cadenza walk into the living room to see the whole hand here. The gang basically consists of Me, Garroth, Dante, Kawaii-Chan, Katelyn, Zane, Lucinda, Aaron, Cadenza and me. Also Jess but she isn't here obviously. Boomy is hidden in my hoodie which is up right now but that doesn't matter. If anybody asks, I will make up an excuse.

"So what's this important thing you was talking about?" Garroth speaks up after greeting us.

"It's Aphmau." I instantly tense up and I see that Cadenza also has but we quickly try to hide it. "She has been acting really weird since the Meteli incident. She is starting to come home late at night and yesterday morning, she had injuries. I tried to confront her this morning when she came home at 3am but she left without answering any of my questions. She hasn't come back since." Hah! If only she knew that Jess was upstairs packing a bag. To add onto my point, there is a noise from upstairs. Well, I jinxed it.

"What was that?" Dante asks.

"What was what?" Cadenza asks.

"That noise just? Didn't you hear it?" Dante looks upstairs.

"No? I didn't hear anything. Did you Laurence?" Cadenza looks to me.

"No. You must be hearing things." I start to fake cough over the noise of something smashing upstairs.

"Ok... If you say so." Dante gives me and Cadenza a suspicious look before turning back to Katelyn.

"So anyway guys, I have a plan. When Aphmau comes home. Aaron and Garroth will hold her down, Zane and Dante will block the doors and Lucinda will cast a truth spell on her and Laurence and me will ask her the questions. Cadenza and Kawaii-Chan will be the back up. Any objections?" Everybody agrees to the plan, except for me and Cadenza.

"I object!" We both say at the same time. Everybody looks at us.

"Why? She is hiding something from us. She shouldn't be keeping secrets." Katelyn states.

"Maybe there is a reason for that. Or she just wants to have her own secrets? She IS allowed to keep secrets, you don't control her life." I say back to her. Before she can reply, there in a bang from upstairs.

"Hey! I told you! I'm going to go see what that noise is." Dante says before he stands up. The rest of the gang follows him. I quickly run up the stairs and block Jess' door.

"There is nothing in here!" My hood falls down and Boomy climbs up onto my head and hisses.

"That's what came out of Aphmaus hood before she left. Why do you have it?" Katelyn glares at me. Boomy hisses at her.

"Boomy calm down." I whisper to the little creeper minion.

"Boomy? Is that what it's called. You know Aphmaus secret don't you?!" Katelyn pieces it together.

"I-I don't know what your talking about..." I awkwardly laugh. They just glare at me. "ABORT MISSION!" I shout before grabbing Cadenza and dragging her into Jess' room before slamming and locking the door. There is a lot of banging on the door.

"What's happening guys?" She picks her bags up and looks over to us.

"They found out that you were up here and we kinda can't stay here any longer. We should leave right now." I awkwardly laugh. I hear Katelyn tell Garroth to knock down the door.

"Guys we have to jump out of the window" Jess whisper shouts before opening the window and throwing her bags down. "Laurence you jump down first. Use the bags to cushion the fall then catch Cadenza and start the car." She chucks me her keys.

"How do you expect me to jump out the window!"

"Just jump or I will push you out." I start to hear a loud bang , telling me Garroth is going to break the door down. Luckily, Jess is holding the door.

"Fine!" I jump onto the window sill before jumping onto the bags. Jess was right, it did help cushion the fall. I turn around and catch Cadenza who also jumped down and we both run to the car and I put the keys in and start the car, Jess jumping into the back with her bags. I drive to Castors house before they spot where we are going.

"Well that was an interesting experience" Cadenza says.

"It was a very jumpy experience. Hehe." Me and Cadenza both groan. I regret getting into this car with her now.

Katelyn POV

Garroth finally breaks the door down and we see Cadenza jump out of the window. Aphmau is standing there with the creeper on her head.

"Hiya guys! How are you today?" She sticks her tongue out at us.

"Aph, what are you hiding from us?" I ask her.

"Remember Katelyn, don't cross a path that shouldn't be crossed." She tells me before jumping out of the window and picking up the bags on the floor and jumping into her car. We lost her.

"What's that on the floor?" Zane points at a piece of paper on the ground. I pick it up. I read it out.

"Hey Aaron, mind taking care of Celestia for me? Thanks!" I give the note to Aaron. "What are we going to do now?" We stay the rest of the day planning.

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