4: Telecrons, Shopping, and Bedtimes

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A few hours later, Kanan and Hera walked out into the common room. It was getting dark, and the Ghost was still flying. By now, they had rounded Lothal, and were nearing Capital City again.
There was a pile of Toads sleeping on the floor in the shape of Zeb. Lots of other Toad piles were lying around, too. Hera shook her head, swaying her lekku, and went into the cockpit. Kanan pulled out a holocron that was altered. He took out a second one and went to Ezra's room. Ezra was sprawled out on his bed. He was drooling into a box on the floor that was already three-quarters full. Kanan shook him. "Yo, I wanna show you something," he said. Ezra woke up, and sucked in his drool. "What?" he asked, sitting up. "It's like a comlink, because you talk into it, and the person holding the other one hears you and can say something else. To turn it on, you just press the little button on top," Kanan finished. He turned his on. "It's called a telecron," He added. He gave the second one to Ezra. "You're always inventing things, aren't you?" replied Ezra. He looked at his telecron. It had a "K" etched on one side and a "T" on the other side. "What do "K" and "T" stand for?" he asked. "Kanan and telecron," replied Kanan. He said, "Sup" into his telecron and Ezra heard "Sup" come out of his. "Cool," said Ezra. Then Kanan left.
All the Toads had woken up, revealing Zeb napping there. They were all walking around the common room, making Toad grunts and moans. Just then, the ship lurched and landed. "WE LANDED!" yelled Kanan and opened up the ramp. He bounded out to Lothal. Loth-Cats were everywhere. "Aww," said Kanan and picked one up. Hera walked down the ramp and stopped next to Kanan. She patted the Loth-Cat he was holding. "We're going to the Go-Lothal Hotel," she announced. She had decided that this many people couldn't stay on the Ghost, so the hotel was their best bet until they found a way to send them home. And with that, hundreds of Toads came frolicking down the ramp, and flooded Lothal. "Come on," said Hera and started walking. Sabine, Ezra, and Zeb came down the ramp and saw everyone taking off. They all sighed and went with them. On the way Hera contacted the hotel. She asked for a big room. "Why do we need a big room?" asked Kanan. "Because we have hundreds of Toads, duh!" replied Hera. So they kept walking. Eventually they got to Capital City. The market was swarming. The Toads wanted fruit and random gadgets, but nobody would buy them anything. Vendors stared at the huge group wierdly. Toads walked over to people just to say hi. After lots of walking, Hera finally stopped at a fruit cart. She bought ten tons of fruit and threw it all over the Toads. "What Yoshi wouldn't give to try this!" one said. The Toads started eating it. Everyone in the crew picked some up off the ground and ate it. Once everyone was stuffed with food, they continued walking. Finally, they reached this building with long ribbon-like posters around it's doors. They all said, "Go-Lothal Hotel" on them. Hera opened the door. Surprisingly, the cashier behind the desk was a Twi'lek herself. She was green-skinned, just like Hera. Kanan and the Toads and the crew and Mario and Luigi and Peach flooded in behind her. She cleared her throat. "Um, Kanan, you go ahead," she said and pushed Kanan in front of the register. "Hey," said Kanan to the cashier. "We called and asked for a big room," He said. "Oh, yeah, room 28 is yours. It's just down that hallway," replied the Twi'lek. "Thanks," replied Kanan and went down the hallway. Hera and the rest followed. Hera could see the Twi'lek weirdly look at their strange group. She felt stupid. She was glad when they found their room amd Kanan slid their card. They went inside. "Oh, brother," said Hera as soon as she saw the room. It was covered in double-beds. Not a single place on the floor remained visible. Well, there actually was one, square-shaped floor-plot still available. Kanan plopped their TV right in that space.
The last time they had been to a hotel, Kanan had ordered them a room with only one single-person bed, which was totally not enough. Now, their whole room was covered in beds, although Hera kind of felt she was responsible for that because she had called. Anyway, Toads started playing Super Smash Crew. Blue Toad and Yellow Toad, who were quite individual, sat cross-footed (as they had no legs) on a bed. Kanan looked at them weirdly. "Hello," Blue Toad said in this deep, official voice. Kanan just threw a piece of fruit at him. It hit his bubble and bounced off. Blue Toad grabbed it, split it in half, stuffed one in Yellow Toad's mouth, and then ate the other half. Then he laid on his pillow and went to sleep almost immediately. Yellow Toad did the same. Kanan brushed his teeth and got in bed. Though there were lots of other beds, Hera got in the same bed as Kanan. Sabine got in another bed. Ezra went to get in with her, but she said, "NO, Ezra, you are NOT sleeping with me!" and so he went to sleep somewhere else. A Toad ended up sleeping next to him. Luckily, Toads weren't really capable of kicking, so the night wasn't bad. Zeb took up a whole double-bed. Mario and Luigi slept together, not mad at each other anymore. Peach slept with two Toads who said they would "protect her" on a bed. After 23 hundred, the Toads playing Super Smash Crew all piled onto one bed and laid the comforters over them, leaving a big, white lump. Chopper charged himself. Then Kanan turned off the lights and lots of snoring, coming from some members of the crew, Toads, Mario and Luigi, filled the room.

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