5: Faucet Problems, Pool Parties, and Pillows

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The next morning, Kanan awoke to the sound of Super Smash Crew. He sat up and Toads were already playing it. Kanan groaned and laid back in bed. But when he slammed himself down, and Hera shot up. She saw the Toads, groaned, and slammed herself down. Kanan shot up. He laid down gently. Then they both resumed sleeping. But they were roused by Mario. Kanan covered his eyes when he saw Mario's face. Mario shook him even more. Kanan sat up, and so did Hera. "What is it!?" yelled Kanan. Mario pointed to the bathroom. "Ugh," said Kanan and went to check it out. A tiny water fountain spewed out from the knob of the sink, which was twisted and bent. Kanan covered his eyes and stumbled back to bed, where he told Hera, "We have to leave, as much as it pains me." The water was flowing out from the bathroom. Luckily, this time it was pure water. All the Toads playing Super Smash Crew stopped and drank the water nonstop. It didn't help, though. But they weren't trying to save the day, so it didn't matter. Kanan put a fan in front of the water stream, so it curved toward the window on the floor. He opened it, and the water poured out into the pool below. "That takes care of that," said Kanan happily and went back to bed. Seconds later, hundreds of Toads flooded out the window and splashed into the pool. In more seconds, there was a complete pool party going on.
After an hour, everyone woke up. "Where are the Toads?" asked Hera (in the same way she said "What is he doing?" about Tseebo). Kanan shrugged. They all heard splashing and yelling. They looked out the window and saw the Toad party. The whole pool was covered by Toads. There was an occasional gap where a Toad had gone underwater. Kanan sighed. "How interesting," He said. He put on all his underwater junk and dove all the way into the pool. The splash was not made by water but by Toads. He swam around. He went underwater. Toads were actually very funny paddling around under there.
A few minutes later, Hera and the rest walked out to the pool. Kanan was sending waves of water with the Force toward all the Toads, who washed to the opposite side of the pool. They all laughed and giggled every time he did it. "Again! Again!" they kept chorusing. So Kanan kept pushing them. Hera splashed into the pool. Zeb relaxed on a towel on the sun-bleached white duracrete (that's Star Wars concrete). Hera lowered her flight goggles over her eyes and looked underwater. Toads were paddling around as the surface quavered from Kanan's waves. Hera took her face out of the water to find that Sabine and Ezra had joined in the waves. They were splashing along with every other Toad as Kanan, at the very opposite end of the pool, sent giant waves (practically tsunamis) towards them. Eventually, Ezra went over to Kanan, and tried making waves with him. The waves didn't get much bigger, but they did improve. Toads were everywhere, now getting splashed out of the pool. Hera walked a little deeper, and soon a wave knocked her underwater. She almost shrieked when she found Kanan right in front of her. "How did you get there so fast!?" she asked, which came out bubbly. But Kanan still understood. "Awesomeness," He bubbly answered. Hera went back to the surface. The next time she looked at the end of pool, Kanan was already there. She looked at Zeb. He was napping. She sighed and joined in the wave fun.
Eventually, Kanan stopped making waves. "Oh, come on!" yelled hundreds of Toads. "Why'd you stop?" asked Hera. "I ran out of Force-power." replied Kanan. "Whatever." said Hera. Kanan got out of the pool and started drying himself off. Hundreds of Toads were crying by now. Finally, Zeb got in the pool and starting splashing the Toads. They weren't really waves, but the Toads were soon caught up in it just the same. Kanan and Hera and Sabine and Ezra and Mario and Luigi and Peach all relaxed on towels and beach chairs. Hera rocked in a hammock. The sun was beating down. Soon everyone was asleep. Soon, the Toads and Zeb got tuckered out. They went and fell asleep, too. Soon, the Twi'lek manager came out. She saw everybody. "Geez," she said and started cleaning the pool.
Lots of hours later, Kanan woke up. The pool was still as a blanket over a floor. It was dark out, and lights were shining from inside the pool, making it look green. "Ooooh," Kanan said to himself. He dove into the pool to find that it was freezing cold. "Sheesh!" he chattered and got out of the pool. He wrapped himself in a towel and laid back down. Then Hera got up. She could see that the pool was wavering. "I wonder why," Hera said to herself. She took off her glove and touched the water. "Sheesh!" she yelled and put her glove back on. She went and laid down.
After a while, everybody woke up. Kanan packed up all their towels and junk. Then he jumped all the way up the building and through the window, where the sink water was ever-streaming. At that point, Mario and Luigi got so fed up with it that they pulled out some tools and started working on it.
That evening, everybody was messing around in the room. Toads were screeching and catapulting on beds and ripping up pillows, Ezra and Zeb were wrestling over a data pad, and Peach was watching Sabine paint. A Toad came up to Kanan. "I need a pillow. My bed is bare at the head."
"O-kay, let's go ask for one," Kanan replied and grabbed the Toad by his wrist. The Toad was way too short too hold hands with, so Kanan just lifted him up and let him dangle like a man-purse. He went to the desk. "Hey, I need a pillow," He told the Twi'lek. "Sorry, we don't have any to spare," she replied. "What? That's impossible!" Kanan said. But the Twi'lek ignored him. Kanan walked down the hall with his dangling Toad. "That was fishy," he said. "We're going to break into the pillow vault," he announced to the Toad. "Okay," the Toad said happily, like he always was. Kanan found the door to the pillow vault. "Let's see if they really have a shortage of pillows," he said, igniting his lightsaber. He chopped the door off. The Toad walked in and his mouth dropped. Pillows were everywhere. The Toad stepped on the pillows. He frolicked and climbed and bounced in them. "Okay, seriously, get your pillow and we'll get out of here," Kanan told the Toad. "Alright, let me find the perfect one..." the Toad said and started examining all the pillows. Kanan groaned. Suddenly, the Toad spotted a pillow sitting atop a gold pedastool. "THAT'S IT!" the Toad screeched. He jumped down the pillow mountain. "Hold on, maybe I should get it," Kanan said. He took one step and a pillow launched off the mountain right toward his face. He ducked and it beaned the Toad. "Booby traps," Kanan confirmed. The Toad got up. Jumping in front of Kanan, he said, "Booby sounds fun!" And with that, he started running down the aisle as pillows launched all over the room. Kanan ignited his lightsaber and chopped up any pillows that came his way, which was actually quite a few. The Toad returned holding his dream pillow in a few moments. Feathers were floating around. "Wow, you have a cool beam sword!" he said. Kanan turned off his lightsaber. "I can't believe you," he told the Toad. "Why? Because I'm so impwessive?" the Toad asked. "No, because you almost got us killed!" Kanan yelled at him. He was in the middle of yelling when Hera appeared in the open doorway behind him. "We've got company!" the Toad alerted him and dove into the mountain of pillows. Kanan turned around and saw Hera. "Sup," Kanan said. "Hi. What are you doing in here? Why is the door on the ground?" she asked. "Uhhhhh..." Kanan said, looking at his lightsaber, which was in his hand. "No reason," he finally said, putting his lightsaber behind his back. Hera rolled her eyes, walked over to the pillow mountain, grabbed the Toad by the foot, and walked out of the room. Kanan shrugged and put his lightsaber back on his belt.

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