6: Old Guys, Illnesses, and Evil Schemes

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Once everyone was back in the room, Hera collapsed in bed, wondering how they would ever get these crazy people home. Just then, there was a knock on their door. Blue Toad, who was sitting there, screamed like a girl. Kanan looked up from his magazine. "Eh," he said and continued reading. At last, an old, shriveled up dude in a white lab coat opened the door. "And who are you supposed to be?" Ezra asked rudely. Kanan slapped him in the back of the head with the Force. "Hey!" Ezra said. Kanan kept reading. The old dude said, "Finally, I found you guys!" Just then Hera woke up. She saw the guy and screamed. She ran into the bathroom and threw a bottle of soap at him before anyone could move. "Ouch," said the guy after being hit. Then he cleared his throat. "Excuse me, this is rather odd. You see, I've been trying to find these people from the Mushroom Kingdom," he said. He looked at nobody in particular, and then said, "I'm Professor E.Gadd, head of Gadd Science, Inc., genius inventor, ghost guy."
Kanan looked up from his magazine with that you're-lame look. "What?" E.Gadd said. Kanan shook his head and kept reading. Hera frowned and tried to make sense of all this. Just then Luigi came out of the bathroom where Mario was finishing up work on the sink. He was staring at E.Gadd weirdly. E.Gadd surveyed the scene and saw Luigi. "Hey! It's Luigi! How's the ghostbusting career going? What are you doing here? Gimme a hug!" E.Gadd said. Luigi yelped and tried to back away, but Toads were everywhere. E.Gadd approached. Luigi held up his hands and accidentally burned him with a fireball. "Ouch! Youngster, I told you not to play with fire!" E.Gadd said. Kanan saw this and looked at Luigi with bewilderment. "Where did you get the fire from?"
Luigi just cupped his hands and formed a green fireball between them, then held it up to Kanan. "Just a talent," he said. Kanan, too amazed to say anything, looked to Hera, but she hadn't seen.
E.Gadd had turned to Hera. "We go way back," he was explaining. "You're from their dimension too?" she asked. "How did you get here?"
"Well, with the help of my brilliant inventions, I was able to track and follow them here. I, uh, found out what happened with King Boo," he said nervously, glancing at Luigi, who frowned. "The Mushroom Kingdom is in danger and we must get home as soon as possible. I'm working on something that will hopefully get us back home, but it's going to take a while, and, well... I'm stuck here. I guess I'll just stick with you." He sat down and started playing Super Smash Crew. But he didn't have anyone to play as. So he had to play as a Loth-Cat, which was a guest character, like all the other Toads.
"Great, a nerd was just what this party needed," Ezra snorted. Mario came out of the bathroom and wiped his forehead with a towel. He stared at E. Gadd playing with the Toads and looked at Luigi, who just made the cuckoo sign at him.

The next morning, everyone was too sick to get out of bed. "I wonder what caused this," E.Gadd pondered, staring at everybody. He was the only one not sick. Kanan was glaring at him from his bed. "What?" E.Gadd said. "This is your fault!" Kanan yelled weakly. "How?" asked E.Gadd. Kanan was sleeping, though. "Huh," E.Gadd said and went to heat up some leftovers he had cooked. "I hate my gut," Ezra grumbled from where he was lying. "I hate it too," Sabine replied.
Luigi was the only other person also not sick. He was walking around, looking at all the Toads rolling around on the floor rubbing their stomachs. He knew exactly why everyone was sick. It was E.Gadd's cooking. He had forced everyone to eat it the night before, and now everyone but Luigi had a stomachache. He had experience with E. Gadd's food, but that didn't make him enjoy it anymore. He was just thankful he didn't have a reaction like everyone else did.
Ezra had puked, like, three times throughout the night, and that was saying something because his stomach was used to digesting garbage. Whenever it was about to 'happen', the whole room groaned. "There he goes again," Sabine moaned at one point.
Peach lay on the bed, white as chalk. Many Toads also suffered this and had constantly been flushing in and out of the bathroom all night long, making sleep nearly impossible. To top it off, Mario, who was accustomed to eating Italian cuisine and desserts all the time, found the dish very obnoxious and the sounds his stomach kept making wouldn't let you forget it. Luigi had suffered that night next to him almost as much as Mario had.
Kanan laid in bed with Hera that morning. He took out another Star Warsy tissue and blew his nose. He wanted nothing more than for E.Gadd to go back to wherever he came from. But for now, no one could do anything about it.

Back in Mushroom Kingdom dimension...
"Where did they go?" King Boo asked his professor Boo. He floated in the wrecked front hall of Peach's castle, surveying the scene after the portal had disappeared. The Boo next to him wearing a tie around his fat little body and cool shades said, "Um, sir, it turns out you had an error. The people were warped to some other dimension, on a planet called Lothal," the Boo said. "What?" King Boo whipped in his direction. "How do we get there?" he asked after a moment. The Boo tapped at a 2DS. "Well, you could try to make a portal. After all, that's what you did," the Boo said. "I don't have time to make a portal. I've been saving my magic for months," King Boo replied absent-mindedly. He had an idea. Then he swirled around, using magic to conjure up a big crescent-shaped golden thing of metal. "Behold," King Boo said. "The answer to our problems!" he fingered (or should I say he knubbed) the base. "What is it?" asked the professor Boo. "A portal-thing, dumb," King Boo said. He placed it on the floor and stared at it. Lots of other Boos who had been picking and rampaging all over the castle began to gather around. King Boo charged up his jeweled crown and concentrated his lightning to zap the base. With a purple flash, a portal formed and began swirling and sizzling, using the gold base for a medium. "Follow me, Boos!" King Boo said, his tiny tail whipping. "Today, we fight for revenge."

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