Chapter 41: Time for some Desperate Measures

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(A static image of the Lubyanka Building is seen, then a map and the KGB badge. Then another blueprint is seen, and next comes another map along with a static image of the bunker and a person walking through it)

Adler: The Lubyanka Building... KGB Headquarters in Moscow. The sleeper agent records are stored in the archives one hundred feet below ground in a nuclear defense command bunker.

(Another blueprint is shown, and some seconds later a video of the elevator is seen.)

Sims: Your only way in or out is through this high security elevator.

(Then some identities are shown, and then the KGB script. Next comes a blueprint, and a circle with "Yamantau" is shown.)

Adler: We'll need proper credentials. That's where our asset, Belikov, comes into play. Belikov has been our source inside the KGB for nearly a decade. He'll get us in. He came through for us in Yamantau, and he'll do it again.

(Then a triple image shows a security system, and then a footage of russian vehichles comes next.)

Sims: This shit is crazy, even by his standards. You sure he's on board?

(Then a missile is seen launched, then a nuclear explosion destroys an entire city, and last but not least, a red telephone.)

Adler: An immediate nuclear threat warrants every risk at this point, I'm sure he wouldn't disagree. Sims, get Belikov on the line.

(Then the screen changes to an office room, where the phone rings, and someone attends it.)

Penile: Hello, this is Penile.

Foley: I'm sorry, I thought this was the Singapore Embassy.

(Belikov establishes secure connection.)

Belikov: The line is secure. Are you here?

Dunn: We're almost to the tunnels. Did you get access to the bunker?

Penile: No, there is a problem. They suspect a mole and security has been elevated.

James: There's always a problem. Solve it.

Belikov: I will have a bunker key for you soon. I have never let your team down.

Reznov: Not yet. I know you have this under control. And one more thing. One of our East Berlin informants recently switched sides and fled for Moscow. We have reason to believe he's in the Lubyanka building today. He knows too much about our Berlin network. I'm thinking an early retirement.

Penile: We will take care of it.

Petrenko: Good. Now I know why Hudson thinks so highly of you. We'll meet you at the basement entrance once you have the bunker key.

(Belikov disconnects the secure line. A military man walks into his office.)

Soviet Soldier: Comrade Belikov, you've been summoned to the conference room upstairs. Secretary Gorbachev is here from the Central Committee.

(Then Penile and Balikov sees another Soviet Soldier talking with a Soviet Male.)

Soviet Soldier: I'm sorry. You'll just have to come back tomorrow.

Soviet Male: I drove hours to get here.

Soviet Soldier: That's not our problem.

(Then they go to another office room.)

Soviet Female: Comrade Zakhev is still waiting on this.

Soviet Male: Try holding the power button one more time.

Soviet Male: Hey Vasily, did the General come through here yet?

Soviet Male: No, not yet. I think he's still in his office.

Soviet Female: Okay... Are you sure we can't just replace it?

Soviet Male: They sounded furious earlier. I heard them say "mole on a spit roast."

(Then they go up to the second floor and enters the conference room, where many high-ranking military officials are already seated.)

Gorbachev: Comrade Belikov, have a seat. General Secretary Brezhnev has taken an interest in the new... security development. (Belikov and Penile sit down) There's a mole within the KGB. The Committee wants someone from the First Chief Directorate to oversee Colonel Kravchenko's investigation. If you've not met him already, this is Imran Zakhaev.

Zakhaev: Thank you, Secretary Gorbachev. And thank you all for welcoming me with open arms. I can think of no greater tragedy than a home violated from the inside. The trust and love within a family is sacred.

Kravchenko: Apparently not everyone shares your beautiful sentiments.

Zakhaev: Comrade Belikov. As Head of Security, I understand you've practically exhausted yourself trying to unearth this mole. How has that gone?

Penile: The trail has gone cold.

Zakharev: I understand. Perhaps the love you hold for your comrades is so strong that you can't possibly imagine such betrayal.

Gorbachev: Until the mole is found I want security increased around the bunker. Zakhaev, do you have any recommendations?

Zakhaev: We should restrict bunker access. I also want to cultivate closer relationships with all of you. I want to know your hopes, your fears, your ambitions.

Gorbachev: Be thorough, but we don't want any significant disruptions. And you, Belikov. Who do you think should retain bunker access during the investigation?

Belikov: Zakhaev and I should retain a bunker key.

Zakhaev: Comrade Belikov, my apologies! Even your bunker access has been revoked. We can't be too cautious, can we? Secretary Gorbachev, I believe it would be best it only General Charkov retains his bunker key for now.

Gorbachev: Very well. See to it.

Zakhaev: Worry yourself no longer, sir. I've already ordered the bunker keys collected from the men.

Gorbachov: Comrade Belikov, we are in grave danger from the capitalists. Our collective, our very way of life is at risk.

Zakhaev: The traitor will be caught, and he will pay a high price for his betrayal.

Gorbachev: Belikov, Penile, you are dismissed.

(The duo comes out of the conference room. Now they have to somehow get the key for the others.)

Penile: We're being watched. We need a bunker key, but first we'll have to kill the cameras.

(Then they go to the Surveillance Room as the Soviet Soldier speaks up.)

Soviet Soldier: Sir.

(They ignore the Soviet Soldier and get in the Surveillance Room.)

Belikov: This area is restricted. If we're spotted here we'll blow our cover.

Soviet Soldier: How can I help you?

(Penile chokes the soldier to death.)

Penile: Now we need to hide the body.

Belikov: How about one of those lockers?

(Penile hides the body while Belikov shuts down the camera.)

Penile: We have to get a bunker key for Foley. He'll need it to access the vault. Unfortunately, Charkov now has the only one.

(Then they go down to a locked room, and Belikov uses something to open the door. Then they see a soldier and Belikov chokes him to death. Then they go to a room where they hide the body in a locker. Belikov then gets a cigar.)

Belikov: The armory guard has a weakness for Cubans. Perhaps a bribe could get me inside.

(Then they go to another room, where Penile unlocks the door. After this, Penile sees a code to unlock something, and then she gets some Nova 6 poison.)

Penile: We could schedule a meeting with Charkov and slip this into his tea.

(Then they go back to the first floor and meet another soviet soldier.)

Soviet Soldier: What can I do for you, Comrades Penile Belikov?

Belikov: We'd like to discuss my investigation with the General over tea.

Soviet Soldier: The General will be questioning a prisoner today, but should be available most of the time.

Penile: We're ready to meet with him.

Soviet Soldier: (gets up) Of course. Right this way.

(Then the Soviet Soldier opens the door of the General's room.)

Soviet Soldier: Go ahead and take a seat. He won't be long.

Charkov: (through the phone) Yes. Mmm Hmm. (as Penile and Belikov sit down) No, tell Nikita no one else trusts him either. Why do you think no one plays Durak with him anymore?

(The Soviet soldier places three tea cups.)

Soviet Soldier: I will be at my desk if you need anything else.

Charkov: (chuckles) That's right. (chuckles again) Yes, I am a busy man. Thanks for noticing. You too. I'll call you tomorrow. (takes a sip of his tea) Dimitri. Starlight. What's on your minds?

(They look up at a picture.)

Belikov: Did you ever think of home.

Charkov: (sighs) Home? Moscow is my home now. (as Penile swaps her tea with Cherkov's) If there was something before it, I'd hardly know it.

(Then they look at the picture of an helicopter)

Penile: Not many of us survived that platoon.

Charkov: At times I feel like I would gladly swap places with any of them. Terrible. I know.

(Then they look at the third picture.)

Belikov: How's Anna doing?

Charkov: The same, mostly. Still begging me to retire early to the country. Ridiculous, isn't it? (Then they take their teas.) To us, comrades. Two old warriors stumbling their way through the dark. (the three drink the tea.) Tell me, old friends, what are you really here for?

Penile: Your investigation led us to you.

Charkov: Please, stop playing me for a fool. I know you're the moles and that it is what you're here for. (gives the bunker key) What are you gonna do next? Kill me?

Belikov: I'm sorry we weren't better friends.

(Then Charkov dies from being poisoned, and then the duo goes to the security area.)

Soviet Soldier: How can I help you?

Penile: Open the gate. We're doing a security sweep.

Soviet Soldier: (clicks the button) Fine.

(Then the duo goes down to the bunker.)

Belikov: Foley's team will need uniforms to get past security. Luring two soldiers into the tunnels should do the trick.

(Then they go to furnace room as Penile grabs her radio.)

Penile: Penile here. Send a security detail to meet us in the furnace room. Immediately.

(Then they open the door's window as they see Sergeant Foley, Corporal Dunn, Private James Ramirez, Viktor Reznov, Dmitri Petrenko, Commissioner Makarov, Chernov, Blitzo, Moxxie, Millie, Loona, who are using special watches to make them look like humans, and Mackie "Mack" Connor the Ultra Solider (in his Stealth Suit))

Mack: Wasn't sure you'd come through.

Belikov: We don't have much choice, do we?

(Then Belikov opens the door, allowing Mack and his team to enter.)

Belikov: This keycard gives you elevator access to the bunker.

(As they walk)

Blitzo: What about uniforms?

Penile: Sounds like they're here now. 

Belikov: I will lead them through and distract them. You do the rest.

Loona: Let's take cover. 

Moxxie/Millie: Keep it clean. The uniforms are no good to us bloody.

(As they hide, Penile and Belikov are seen scolding the Soviet Soldiers.)

Penile: There-there-there! We found an unlocked door. (as they are followed by three Imperial Officers, four Federation Soldiers, four Inner Circle Soldiers and one LEGO Bazooka Trooper.) There is no excuse for this incompetence. We have very strict protocols in place to prevent this, is this clear?

(The heroes sneak up on the soldiers and kill them by breaking their necks while Mack rips off the LEGO Bazooka Trooper's head off.)

Belikov: Good. We have to leave, but you should have everything you need. Now if stopped, you're reporting to Commander Sobol.

(Then they leave)

Foley: Let's get changed.

(They use the following disguises: Foley, Dunn, and James Ramirez as Imperial Officers. Viktor Reznov, Dmitri Petrenko, Commissioner Makarov, and Chernov, as Federation Soldiers. Blitzo, Moxxie, Millie, and Loona, as Inner Circle Soldiers. and Mackie "Mack" Connor as an Lego Bazooka Trooper.)

Dunn: Here. Our weapons and keycard are in the bag. 

(Dunn then drags the dead bodies.)

James: Come on. This way. 

(Then they go on)

Reznov: Once we're in the bunker, we're on our own.

(As they walk, they hear some Soviet Soldiers.)

Soviet Soldier: He's in surgery.

Soviet Soldier: What, his heart?

Soviet Soldier: No, he's having his chest expanded. He needs room for one more Gold Star.

(As they keep walking up.)

Soviet Soldier: Hey Oleg, have you seen Belikov?

Soviet Soldier: He just went through here. Why?

Soviet Soldier: Coronel Kravchenko wants to speak with him. Said it was urgent.

(Then the heroes in their disguises approach the soldiers.)

Petrenko: Comrade. Do you mind letting us through?

Soviet Soldier: Fine.

(As they keep walking.)

Makarov: No metal detectors for us. We're going around.

(As they are seen trying to open the door, another Soviet Soldier approaches them.)

Soviet Soldier: What do you think you're doing? Everyone must go through the checkpoint.

Chernov: Comrades Penile and Belikov already cleared us.

Soviet Soldier: Go through the checkpoint.

(Foley, Dunn, James Ramirez, Viktor Reznov, Dmitri Petrenko, Commissioner Makarov, and Chernov pass through without any problem. But as Blitzo, Moxxie, Millie, and Loona pass through, the metal detector beeps.)

Soviet Soldier: Comrades, place your bag on the counter for inspection.

Blitzo: There's no need for that. Let us pass.

Soviet Soldier: Don't take it personally, Comrade. My orders are to inspect everything that comes through - no exceptions.

(Then Penile and Belikov come in)

Penile: Comrade, you are needed by Zakhaev. I will handle this.

Soviet Soldier: Thank you, Comrade.

Moxxie: You're running late, guys.

Belikov: We're here, are we not?

Mack: Let's go.

(As they go to the elevator)

Soviet Male: I was waiting to meet Olga Sokolova.

Soviet Soldier: And she never came down to reception...

(The heroes enter the elevator.)

Loona: Take us down.

(Millie inserts the card into the slot on the elevator panel. As the doors close, Almagro enters the elevator.)

Almagro: Hmm... fresh faces. When did you arrive?

Foley: We've been here for months.

Almagro: Ah. Of course. Who did you say you report to again?

Dunn: We report to Commander Sobol.

Almagro: Why, I have an appointment with him now. I'll give him your regards.

(Almagro steps out of the elevator.)

James: It's assholes like that we gotta watch out for. Gear up.

(They change into American military uniforms, pick up a machine gun and get out of the elevator.)

Mack: They won't be happy to see us down here, Wait for my word.

(As they are about to kill the first enemy guards, the roof opens, and Mordecai, Rigby, Skips, Muscle Man, Hi-Five Ghost, Benson and Pops come from above and begin shooting the enemies.)

Blitzo: Mordecai and his gang?

Benson: I own the park Mordecai works in. Therefore, technically it's MY gang!

Muscle Man: You know who else could lead a gang? MY MOM?

Mordecai: This is no time for jokes, Muscle Man.

Benson: Mordecai is right. We must destroy those evildoers. It's the only way to protect the park.

Moxxie: Guys, this way to the vault.

(Then they proceed while shooting more enemies.)

Rigby: By the way, we are here to help you so we can have our park protected.


(As they proceed)

Loona: Keep moving towards the vault!

Reznov: Advance!

(They advance.)

Petrenko: We're getting close to the vault!

(As they proceed)

Makarov: If things go south, we need to secure our exfil. Chernov, plant a gas canister in the vent.

(Chernov plants the gas canister.)

Loona: Good. Let's get to the vault.

(Loona opens the door and the proceed again.)

Millie: We're almost to the vault.

(Then they kill more enemies before getting to the vault.)

Mack: There's the vault. Mordecai, open the door. We've got your back.

(Mordecai opens the door and the heroes enter.)

Foley: Rigby, you and your friends grab the intel. We'll keep watch.

(As Rigby inserts the key into the computer)

Dunn: We don't have much time before they get through.

(Then Mordecai and company sees a list.)

James: There's the list, Skips. Copy to a disk.

Skips: Consider it done.

(As they copying process starts, the enemies start cutting the door.)

Reznov: We're running out of time, ghost. They're cutting through. 

Petrenko: They're almost through the door!

(The door explodes and more enemies come.)

Makarov: Get ready. There they come. 

(The heroes shoot the coming enemies.)

Chernov: Halfway there! 

(The conflict continues.)

Blitzo: It's almost done copying! 

(They kill more enemies as the copying is completed.)

Loona: I've got the disk! Let's go!

Soviet Soldier: Give up. You cannot escape.

Moxxie: They're locking the place down. Follow us. This way.

Soviet Soldier: Surrender, you will not get away.

Millie: This way.

(They proceed.)

Soviet Soldier: Put your weapons down now and you will not be killed.

(They proceed while killing more enemies.)

Soviet Soldier: We have blocked the exits. Surrender.

(Then Mordecai opens the door and the heroes proceed carefully)

Hi-Five: I don't like this. We're sittin' ducks here.

(Then the room gets dark.)

Benson: Keep moving. We need to find a way out.

(They kill more enemies in sight, and then they find the door.)

Pops: This might be a way out.

(Pops opens the door, and then they go up.)

Soviet Soldier: You are surrounded. We have your friends.

Foley: They've got Penile and Belikov. Time for plan B, Chernov. Activate the gas.

(Chernov activates the gas.)

Dunn: When we move, get a mask on Penile and Belikov. I'll cover you. Come on. Move!

(They get in and kill the enemies before giving the masks to Penile and Belikov)

Penile: Thank you, my friends.

James: What's the situation up top?

Belikov: They're on full alert, locking the building down.

Reznov: We'll have to fight our way out. We're gonna need some heavier gear.

Penile: I know just the place, my friend.

(They proceed and kill more enemies.)

Belikov: There are heavy weapons by the elevator where they brought me down. 

(They proceed to kill more enemies.)

Penile: We need to arm ourselves before reinforcements arrive. Keep moving. The gear is this way. 

(They proceed further, and then find the gear.)

Belikov: There's the gear. Body armor, helmets, LMGs and explosives...

Petrenko: Gear up, guys. 

(The heroes do so.)

Makarov; Let's get up top. 

(One minute later, the heroes are geared up. And then Chernov communicates with Stan Lee.)

Chernov: (commlink) Stan, meet us in the southwest courtyard in five minutes. And Penile and Belikov are hitching a ride.

Stan: (commlink) Plenty of room in the backseat.

Blitzo: (commlink) Once we get off the elevator, just keep moving towards the courtyard. (drops an explosive to (Loona) Get the charge ready, Loona.

(Loona activates the charge.)

Moxxie: Let's go, guys.

(Loona drops the explosive and it kills some of the enemies as the others kill more incoming enemies.)

Millie: Drop 'em!

(They burst through to the exit.)

Dunn: Go, go!

Foley: Don't stop! 

Mack: We're almost there! 

James: Keep pushing! 

Reznov: Stan should be just ahead. 

(Stan Lee comes in his vehicle.)

Petrenko: Go! Go! Get to the car. I'll cover you! 

(They get into the car.)

Makarov: Floor it! Drive! 

(Then Stan drives the car as the heroes keep killing the enemies. Then they destroy the car which was following them.)

Chernov: Park, we've got the list and we're heading back. Be ready to move.

(Chapter Ends)

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