Chapter 42: Train Chase with the British Commando

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Miller: (narrating) If we're gonna make our mark, we gotta be ready for anything.

(The screen fades in as the camera moves in to the 1st Infantry Division resupplying while Miller and Roebuck unload crates from a supply truck.)

Miller: (narrating) Like teaming up with the SOE - British Special Forces.

Daniels: (to Roebuck) Somethin' big's happenin'.

Roebuck: Gotta be. Nick Fury is here.

(Roebuck watches as Nick Fury leads Polonsky and Gordon to the command tent.)

Nick Fury: We've received intelligence from the Resistance about a Villainous Alliance train carrying V2 rockets for an attack on Paris refueling near Argentan. That gives us just enough time to move our team into position. It must be stopped. You proved yourselves in Marigny, which is why you'll get the opportunity and the privilege.

Polonsky: Thank you sir, but this seems like a job for more than one platoon.

Nick Fury: That's why I'm teaming you up with the SOE.

(They hear the sound of a horn honking as a jeep carrying Henry Stickmin, Ellie Rose and Charles Calvin from the SOE comes to a stop. The British agents hop out of the jeep and walk towards the Americans. Polonsky notes the damage done to the jeep.)

Polonsky: Looks like you two caught a bit of it.

Henry: Don't worry, Lieutenant. We saved some for you.

(Henry and Ellie shake hands with Polonsky and Gordon.)

Nick Fury: Agents Henry, Ellie and Charles will lead the operation. They've been working with the Resistance for months and know the terrain well. You'll defer to them.

Ellie: We heard about Marigny. Impressive.

Gordon: (shrugs) I can't take all the credit.

Polonsky: Just doing our job.

Charles: And a fine job it was, but a warm up I'm afraid.

(Charles hands a reconnaissance photo of the train to Turner.)

Henry: Look, this is no ordinary supply train. It's a fortress on wheels. Our liason in the Resistance, Rooker, will provide support if possible but attacks on their network could mean we're on our own.

Nick Fury: The fate of Paris is in your hands.

(The scene cuts to the Villainous Alliance supply train cruising through the countryside and then cuts to black.)

(The screen fades in as the American and British soldiers take up position on an overlook before the train tracks.)

Ellie: Reminds me of the time we parachuted into Vercor. Ambushed that Gestapo patrol.

Charles: You're just an old romantic.

(The armored Villainous Alliance train comes into view.)

Henry: Alright, there's our target.

Gordon: Hey, you gotta give those Krauts some credit, train's right on time.

Miller: Biggest train I've ever seen. Thickest armor too.

Ellie: It's a Panzerzug. Those V2s have a range of 200 miles. More than enough to hit Paris. We can't let it reach the launch site.

(Gordon spots Villainous Alliance soldiers in vehicles on the road down below and motions for the group to hush.)

Gordon: Enemy movement up ahead.

Charles: Alright, Henry, Ellie and I will take them out. Polonsky, that will be your signal to advance.

Polonsky: Miller, since you and Roebuck were so gung-ho at Marigny, you'll provide them with fire support.

Gordon: Come on.

Polonsky: Alright, let's go!

(The American and British soldiers move out.)

Polonski: Everyone stay low.

Gordon: Suppressors on.

(The teams attach their suppressors to their weapons and approach a pair of Villainous Alliance soldiers on foot patrol. One of the Germans walks away from the other.)

Henry: Take out the sniper. Use your knife, Miller.

(Miller crawls up to a Villainous Alliance soldier and stabs him to death.)

Ellie: Well done, Miller.

(A Villainous Alliance officer driving a kubelwagen arrives.)

Charles: Now, the officer. On your go. Shoot the officer.

(Miller snipes the officer and the team takes out a couple more Villainous Alliance soldiers.)

Henry: Brilliant shot.

Ellie: Polonski, take a few men and go around the house.

Polonski: Miller, stay with Ellie.

Ellie: Keep moving.

(Miller stealthily follows Ellie into the nearby house and spots a Villainous Alliance soldier inside at a doorway.)

Ellie: Careful!

(Miller sneaks up to the Villainous Alliance soldier and takes him down.)

Ellie: Well done. Let's move.

(Miller moves through the house while Charles hauls a Villainous Alliance soldier from outside a window and kills him. The team spots the German sniper by a balcony, providing overwatch for a German encampment in the courtyard.)

Charles: The sniper is yours, Miller.

(Miller sneaks up on the Villainous Alliance sniper and kills him.)

Henry: Stay low and advance slowly.

(Both teams stealthily make their way alongside the courtyard and through another house, killing Villainous Alliance soldiers along the way. The train's horn sounds from the nearby station as Miller's group makes it way to the road. They see several Villainous Alliance soldiers on the road as a jeep carrying the Allied soldiers drives down and opens fire on the enemy. More Villainous Alliance soldiers appear with their attack dogs and open fire on the Allied soldiers.)

Ellie: Change of plans. We've been spotted.

Plonski: Charles! Train's leaving!

Charles: We can't let it get away!

Draa: It's starting up!

Buzz: We gotta move!

Gordon: Enemies at the Post Office!

Polonski: Move, fellas!

Buzz: Flanking left!

Henry: We need to get after the train!

Gordon: Shit! Enemies ahead! Fire!

Buzz: We'll never make it.

Roebuck: There's still time!

Crowley: Get to the train!

(The train begins to leave.)

Gordon: Cut through the post office!

(The American and British soldiers continue to kill more Villainous Alliance troops as they move up to the station through the post office.)

Polonski: Miller, get the door!

(Miller opens the door to the train platform just as a Villainous Alliance armed train opens fire on his position. Miller narrowly misses getting cut down and falls backwards to the ground.)

Polonski: Look out!

Miller: Shit!

(Miller stays low as the train rips apart the post office with its guns. Roebuck runs over to Miller and helps up on his feet.)

Roebuck: Daniels, get up!

Gordon: Everyone in the jeeps, now!

(Miller follows Roebuck into one of the jeeps and drives while Roebuck rides shotgun. They start up the jeep and take off after the train.)

Ellie: We need to stop that train!

Roebuck: Let's go, let's go!

(Miller drives as fast as the jeep allows him to as they catch up to the train.)

Miller: Hold on!

(The train's rear guns open fire on nearby trees, causing them to fall and blocking off Miller and Roebuck from the tracks and sending them on the adjacent path.)

Roebuck: Stay on the path! Trees are coming down!

(Miller drives the jeep off a nearby dirt ramp as the fly through the air briefly.)

Miller: HANG ON!

(The jeep hits the ground on impact and they now drive beneath the train tracks)

Miller: Ooooph. Can you see it?

(Roebuck spots the train as it opens fire.)

Roebuck: There it is! Hit the gas! Punch it! Left!

(Miller drives left and under the railroad bridge.)

Roebuck: We're gonna lose it!

Miller: Workin' on it!

(The road they travel on takes them around to a curve.)

Roebuck: Right turn ahead!

(Miller turns right and steers back towards the train tracks with the Villainous Alliance train driving away.)

Roebuck: It's getting away! Under the bridge!

(Miller drives the jeep under the bridge and steers back onto the path running parallel to the bridge.)

Roebuck: Faster! Floor it!

(Miller continues to drive the jeep as the train opens fire on them and misses.)

Roebuck: SHIT! It's firing at us! Watch out! Keep going, Miller! I'm gonna puke. I should drove!

Miller: Now's your chance! Take the wheel!

(Miller switches over to the jeep's machine gun as Roebuck takes over the driver's seat. To their left, the train bursts out of the tunnel at sudden speed.)

Roebuck: Shit!

(Miller sees Villainous Alliance soldiers take up firing positions inside the boxcars and on top of them as well with machine guns.)

Roebuck: Light 'em up!

(Miller opens fire with the machine gun, cutting down the Villainous Alliance defenders.)

Roebuck: Cleared 'em out!

Miller: Keep steady!

(The Villainous Alliance soldiers resort to throwing grenades at Daniels and Zussman.)

Roebuck: They're throwing grenades!

(Miller continues to open fire on the Villainous Alliance until a tank on one of the train's boxcars opens fire with its main gun.)

Roebuck: TANK!!

(The train enters a nearby tunnel, cutting them off from Miller's and Roebuck's view.)

Roebuck: We gotta get to the front of the train! Keep firing!

(The train emerges from the tunnel and Miller resumes firing the machine gun. A Villainous Alliance panzerschrek soldier runs on top of a train carriage.)

Roebuck: Up top!

(Miller shoots down the panzershreck.)

Roebuck: Inside the train car! More comin' up! MG!

(Miller shoots down more Villainous Alliance soldiers, including firing on an explosive tank.)

Roebuck: Nice, Miller!

Miller: Get us outta here!

(Roebuck drives the jeep closer to the train to avoid the Villainous Alliance's main guns.)

Roebuck: They can't hit us if we get in close!

(The jeep gets hit by one of the gun's artillery rounds. Roebuck regains control of the jeep as a Villainous Alliance soldier on top of the train throws a grenade at them.)

Roebuck: Grenade!

(The grenade lands inside the jeep and Roebuck shoots the Villainous Trooper with his pistol, causing him to fall off the train and hit the jeep. Miller reaches for the grenade.)

Miller: I got it!

(Miller grabs the grenade and throws out the side just as it explodes, causing a shockwave that rocks Miller and Roebuck's jeep.)

Roebuck: Fuck!

(Roebuck swerves trying to regain control of the jeep, but they land up on the tracks in front of the train. The train collides with them. The jeep gets stuck under the front of the train, which drags along the tracks.)

Miller: Ahhhh! Jeep's comin' apart!

Roebuck: Jump!

(Roebuck leaps out of the jeep.)

Miller: Shit!

(Miller leaps off of the jeep just in time as the vehicle gets crushed by the train, causing it to finally derail and crashing into a few structures. The train's cargo and carriages come flying apart, wrecking the entire area and causing Miller and Roebuck to duck and cover their heads. One of the train carriages comes tumbling over and Miller scrambles out of the way before he gets crushed. One of the towers bursts apart and and collapses to the ground as Miller loses consciousness. The screen fades to black. After some time, Miller regains consciousness and the screen fades in blurrily.)

Roebuck: Miller! Where the hell are you? I'm coming! Hang on!

(Miller turns around to see Roebuck run towards him. Roebuck surveys the havoc and destruction caused by their actions.)

Roebuck: Holy Shit! Did that just happen?

Miller: Can't believe we made it.

Roebuck: That's one for the books. I hope Draa had his camera.

Miller: Major Gordon might even get off our asses for five damn minutes.

(A shot rings out and they turn to see a wounded Villainous Alliance soldier trying to fire upon them with his rifle.)

Roebuck: Look out!

(Another shot rings out, this time killing the Villainous Alliance soldier. From behind the fallen soldier, a sergeant holds a rifle and checks to make sure the soldier is dead. He turns to Miller and Roebuck.)

?: Follow me. I'll take you to your platoon.

(The sergeant turns to walk before Zussman calls out to her.)

Roebuck: I'm sorry, who the hell are you?!

(The sergeant stops and looks at Zussman.)

?: A friend. Now hurry!

(Miller and Zussman get up on their feet, grab their weapons, and follow the mysterious sergeant through the wreckage of the train. The three encounter Villainous Alliance soldiers who survived the train crash and shoot them. They spot the rest of the squad near the wreckage.)

Roebuck: Looks like they're up ahead!

?: Your platoon is through here.

(The three soldiers vault over a fallen tree branch and rejoin their platoon. They walk over to a jeep where Crowley awaits them.)

?: I believe these men belong to you.

Deka Master: Ah, I see you've met Rooker. He's with the Maquis, French Resistance.

Miller: She killed a Kraut that was gunning for us.

Deka Swan: (to Rooker) You could at least try to capture and interrogate them first.

Rooker: That would be more trouble than they're worth.

(Another kubelwagen appears with Polonski and Gordon in it. Polonski walks up to Miller, relieved to see him alive.)

Polonski: I thought we lost you. Looks like you did some damage.

Rooker: The train was supposed to be stopped, not destroyed.

(Major Gordon joins in the conversation.)

Gordon: (sarcastically) Yeah, I'm sorry that uh, things didn't go exactly as planned, but on the bright side, we just alerted every goddamned Villainous Alliance outpost in the area, so we gotta get moving, come on.

(Rooker holds up a hand to stop the squad from leaving.)

Rooker: Not until we finish the mission! Isn't that right, Ms. Belladonna?

Deka Swan: We'll need your help in securing intellignece from the wreckage.

(Miller narrates while the Allied soldiers converse with each other.)

Miller: (voiceover) Don't know how, but Roebuck' and I survived wreckin' that train long enough to find ourselves rendezvousing with a tough man. Goes by Rooker. He's a member 'a the Resistance, and if you can believe it, he mades us paw through the wreckage for some papers. He needed them for a mission in Paris. And he had a job for us too.

(Henry shows a photo of a building in Paris as the camera zooms in and the screen fades out.)

(Some hours later, the heroes return to the Dekarangers Base as they see other heroes (seen in the last chapter) stopping their car in there.)

Mack: Hey, Luthor.

Luthor: Wow, you must've had problems coming here.

Mack: Put trouble in that. We infiltrated the KGB HQ.

Blitzo: We'll explain the details later.

Luthor: Well, we destroyed a villainous alliance train, and had to secure people in Paris from the wreckage.

Henry: Fortunately everyone was safe... except for our enemies, as it should be.

(Then they enter in the base.)

(To be continued)

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