Chapter 43: The Defeat of Loki

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(The Dekarangers, the Humane Six, Kamen Riders Fourze and Faiz, and the Avengers are seen setting to Canterlot as they still have to deal with Loki and Sunset Shimmer.)

Fourze: Alright, guys. It's time to finish Loki and Shimmer.

Twilight: Let's teach them a lesson they shall never forget.

(Then a chitauri leviathan comes in.)

Faiz: Watch out.

(The chitauri tackles Kamen Rider Faiz.)

Fourze: Mark.

Iron Man: I'll save him. Jarvis, find me a soft spot.

(IRON MAN quietly flies behind and parallel with the chitauri leviathan.)

(The other avengers, the Dekarangers, Kamen Rider Fourze and the Humane Six come in.)

Sunset: Why so late, darling Nick.

Rarity: Hey, only I can call him Darling!

Loki: (chuckles) That's priceless.

Fourze: We will stop you. Right here, right now. Heroic Alliance Assemble!

(Fourze and the Humane Six charge at Sunset Shimmer, who throws some fireballs at them. Then Captain America turns to his fellow Avengers.)

C. America: You heard him. Assemble!

(Then Kamen Rider Fourze kicks Sunset Shimmer and lifts her into the air. He then slams her down, hard. Sunset Shimmer, bleeding, rolls over the edge. Rainbow Dash looks down. Sunset Shimmer is riding a flying chariot. Dozens of chitauri follow her lead.)

(In the streets of Canterlot, the Humane Six run behind upside taxis. They look up and see Sunset Shimmer taking Loki's band down the street and firing at the street in a chain of explosions. Cars are smashed and people get hurled as it goes off in one final conflagration. Terrified people run from Sunset Shimmer, looking over their shoulders, coming straight at the heroines. Twilight Sparkle looks down over the bridge.)

Twilight: Those people need assistance down there.

(CHITAURI SOLDIERS that have landed near them and begin FIRING at them. Applejack pulls both pistols and FIRES. Turns to Twilight.)

Applejack: Howdy. We got this. It's good. Go!

Twilight: (to Pinkie Pie) You think you can hold them off?

Pinkie Pie: Captain Twilight. (pulls out a cupcake shaped grenade.) It would be my genuine pleasure.

(Pinkie Pie throws a grenade into the creature's head, gaining a few seconds for Twilight ash she falls down the bridge, followed by an explosion. Twilight races over to the plaza, jumping over dozens of exploding cars. Pinkie Pie runs over a bus full of people. From the windows, small children are held by their parents for Pinkie Pie to to pull them out to safety.)

(The Dekarangers shoot at the flying chariots.)

Deka Red: We need to get those people to safety.

Deka Blue: Does Principal Celestia know what's happening here?

Deka Green: Not exactly.

(Then Captain America approaches them.)

Deka Yellow: What should we do now, Cap? I need men in these buildings. There are people inside that can run into the line of fire. You take them through the basement or through the subway. You keep them off the streets. I need a perimeter as far back as 39th.

Deka Pink: Are you sure about that?

(Suddenly, an explosion comes up from behind Cap. An energy blast is blocked by his shield. Two chitauri soldiers attack. The Canterlot cops watch in shock as Captain America fights them off with ease. The Sergeant turns to the Dekarangers.)

Sergeant: I need men in those buildings, lead the people down and away from the streets. I need a perimeter as far back as 39th.

Deka Red: Roger. (to his teammates) Come on, guys.

(At the skyline, Iron Man swerves around a building and faces the CHITAURI LEVIATHAN. He pulls out his miniature multiple rocket launcher and fires. The CHITAURI LEVIATHAN ROARS in annoyance and turns to him, allowing Kamen Rider Faiz to escape.)

Iron Man: (TO JARVIS) We got his attention. What the hell is step two?!

(Iron Man flies away.)

(At the Bridge, Pinkie Pie trips a CHITAURI SOLDIER and forces it to swallow a grenade, making him explode. Applejack gets her hands on an ENERGY RIFLE and STICKFIGHTS the hell out of them. CAPTAIN AMERICA joins back in and using his SHIELD, SWAPS and WHACKS oncoming CHITAURI SOLDIERS. It's all too much on them, until... Lightning strikes down from the sky, channeling the blast, firing the electricity out at the CHITAURI SOLDIERS around them. They're blasted back in a massive shockwave. The CHITAURI SOLDIERS convulse, drop dead to the ground. THOR TOUCHES DOWN, and then the other avengers come in, except for Iron Man.)

C. America: What's the story upstairs?

Thor: The power surrounding the cube is impenetrable.

Faiz: (voice over) Thor is right. We gotta deal with these guys.

Black Widow: How do we do this?

Fourze: As a team.

Thor: I have unfinished business with Loki.

Twilight: Same about Sunset Shimmer.

Hawkeye: Yeah, get in line.

Deka Red: Save it. Loki and Sunset are gonna keep this fight focused on us and that's what we need. Without them these things could run wild. We got Stark up top, he's gonna need us...

(Then Axel Tennyson and his cousins Ben and Gwen come in.)

Axel: So, this all seems horrible.

Gwen: I've seen worse.

Axel: Sorry.

Gwen: No. We could use a little worse.

Ben: Why don't you suit up, Axel? We almost missed a party.

(The other heroes look up, getting ready and standing still.)

Black Widow: I... I don't see how that's a party...

Gwen: Sorry about Ben. He's such an idiot.

Axel: Well...

Wizardriver: Driver On, Please!

Axel: Ben is right. I need to suit up.

Wizardriver: Shabadoobi Touch Henshin! (3X)

Axel: Henshin.

Wizardriver: Flame, Please! Hi-Hi, Hi-Hi-Hi!

(Axel becomes Kamen Rider Wizard, surpsising the other heroes.)

Wizard: Now, it's showtime.

(Then Kamen Rider Wizard draws his WizardSwordGun to slash the chitauri leviathan, causing the chitauri soldiers to gasp in horror. Then Loki watches the scene, and gets angry.)

Loki: (to Sunset) Send the rest.

(From the portal, thousand more of chitauri soldiers and leviathans fly out.)

Deka Blue: Guys?

Fourze: Call it, Cap.

C. America: Alright, listen up. Until we can close that portal up there, we're gonna use containment. Barton, I want you and Pinkie on that roof, eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays. Stark, you and Gwen got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or your turn it to ash.

Pinkie Pie: How about a lift?

Gwen: Right. Better clench up.

(Gwen uses her spell to help Pinkie Pie and Hawkeye to fly.)

C. America: Thor, Twilight, Rarity, you've gotta try and bottleneck that portal. Slow them down. You've got the lightning. Light the bastards up. (Thor carries Twilight and Rarity before flying up.) Natasha, Dekarangers, Fourze, we stay here on the ground, keep the fighting here. And Hulk.SMASH.

(Hulk smiles a most magnificent grin and leaps, soaring high up into the nearest building, Hulk runs up the wall hits several chitauri soldiers, snapping in half. He dives towards a building on the other side of the street, throwing the dead chitauri soldiers towards other soldiers. The chitauri soldiers fire at him. Hulk backhands them, seizes them and with raw power, throws them down. in his most powerful leap yet, Hulk flies up and is in the middle of a flying chariot traffic jam, to which he smacks them out of altitude.)

(Thor grabs onto the tower, raises mjölnir and a blinding bolt of lightning strikes down from above, colliding on mjölnir. Thor aims this massive shockwave towards the portal. thor channels the blast and fires the electricity out at the chitauri soldiers flying out of the portal. They're blasted back in a massive shockwave. The chitauri soldiers convulse, drop dead to the ground.)

(Atop the rooftop, Hawkeye fires arrows into the streaming flow of the chitauri riders, hitting his mark each time, while Pinkie Pie throws her cupcake grenades. Gwen shoots a magic blast at a rider behind her, without looking.)

Gwen: Stark. You got a lot of strings sticking to your tail.

Iron Man: Just try and keep them off the streets.

Hawkeye: Well, they can't bank worth a damn. Find a tight corner.

Iron Man: I will roger that.

(Iron Man does so and leads towards tight corners and in Hawkeye's view, who fires arrow upon and arrow, exploding the chitauri riders. Iron Man keeps leading chitauri riders under tunnels, through open parking garages.)

(Black Widow and Applejack, using the energy rifles, are taken off her feet by chitauri soldiers. They tiresomely take them down by cutting their throats. Black Widow grabs the energy rifle, turns to attack. Cap stands there, holding his shield. She slumps back, tired.)

B. Widow: Captain, none of this is gonna mean a damn thing if we don't close that portal.

CAPTAIN AMERICA: Our biggest guns couldn't touch it.

B. Widow: Well, maybe it's not about guns. (gestures the flying CHARIOTS)

CAPTAIN AMERICA: You wanna get up there, you're gonna need a ride.

B. Widow: I got a ride. I could use a lift though.

(Black Widow backs up giving herself a running start. Cap lifts and angles his shield.)

C. America: Are you sure about this?

B. Widow: Yeah. It's gonna be fun.

(Black Widow runs at Captain America. Black Widow does a parkour move, using her feet to run up the car and jumps up on cap's shield, who gives her a boost with the shield. She grabs onto a flying chariot.)

(Black Widow climbs onto the chariot and cuts the turret shooter's linkage to it. She then jumps on the rider and sticks her knives into his nervous system. She gets him to bank over a building.)

(Gwen Tennyson arrives and shoots any other chitauri riders following her. She makes his way down to Captain America, who fights off more chitauri soldiers. Iron Man points his hand boosters at his shield. The energy comes off and Cap uses it as a reflection beam and takes down nearby chitauri.)

(From above them, Hawkeye sends down remaining arrows. Pinkie Pie throws a grenade across the street, taking down a chitauri rider following Iron Man.)

(Finally, Kamen Rider Wizard, Ben 10 (as Humungosaur), Thor and Hulk fight on top the back of the chitauri leviathan, tearing apart and fighting soldiers. Hulk breaks off a massive piece of armor and slams it down onto the spine of the chitauri leviathan. Summoning all his strength, Thor raises, drawing lightning to it from all sides, and brings it down with a final, terrible blow--)

(Several humvees aim their mounted .50 Cal guns into the sky, firing and hitting chitauri riders. Kamen Rider Fourze fights off a soldier who is pinning him down with its energy rifle. Fourze breaks its leg. He stands up, picking up his weapon.)

Pinkie Pie: Nick, the bank on 42nd past MADISON, they caught a lot of civilians there.

C. America: I'm on it.

(Dozens of civilians are gathered in bank. Tension and uncertainty surround them. Three Chitauri Soldiers oversee them, pointing their weapons at them. One of them charges a bomb. It beeps.)

(Captain America jumps through the window and throws his shield at the chitauri bomber. The two chitauri soldiers aim their rifles, but Kamen Rider Fourze uses his weapon to shield Cap, who kicks a desk at them.)

(Captain America jumps over the desk, headlocks a soldier, while backhanding another one over the railing. The crowd moves away. A chitauri soldier attacks him from behind and rips off his helmet. The bomb is beeping faster.]

C. America: Everyone! Clear out!

(Captain America flips over the soldier, grabs his shield and just as the bomb is about to go off, chitauri bomber dives for, trying to stop it, but it goes off, sending Captain America through the window, landing very hard on a car. The civilians look up from below. They're okay.)

(Black Widow is seen at the chariot with Applejack, who is hit at her side. She looks about, wondering whose energy fire it was she looks behind.)

B. Widow: Oh. You.

(Loki and Sunset Shimmer follow in hot pursuit. They race downward, trailing between buildings. They race madly, driving and dodging.)

Faiz: (voiceover) How are you doing?

B. Widow: Uh... a little help

Faiz: (voiceover) Got it.

(Kamen Rider Faiz then draws his SB-555T Faiz Blaster, and shoots both Loki and Sunset Shimmer, blowing them to the Canterlot Tower, where the Dekarangers await them.)

Deka Red: Loki Laufeyson. For crimes of terrorism... Judgement.

(Then the roulette which shows "O" or "X" is seen in front of Loki.)


(The roulette stops at "X")

Deka Red: Guilty!

(Before Richard could trap Loki at the detention card, Hulk comes in and grabs the god of mischief by the legs so he can smash him against the floor repeatedly before throwing him asideto the ground, flattening him.

Hulk: Puny god.

(Loki whimpers in pain.)

Loki: Just trap me in that card of yours already...

Deka Red: Alright.

(Then Deka Red traps Loki at the detention card while Deka Blue looks to Sunset Shimmer.)

Deka Blue: Sunset Shimmer. For crimes of bullying and being accomplice of Loki in his terrorist attack...

Sunset: Wait. I know how to stop the portal.

Deka Green: Huh?

Sunset: Loki's scepter can penetrate the force field which surrounds the cube.

Deka Yellow: Thanks.

(Then Twilight Sparkle is seen holding Loki's scepter, and puts it inside the Tesseract's forcefield, closing the portal.)

Twilight: We did it.

Deka Red: Mission Accomplished.

(Then some minutes later, Sunset Shimmer is seen turning herself in to the officers, who take her away.)

Twilight: Well, we saved the world.

Nick: Yeah, but I wonder what will happen to Sunset...

Pinkie Pie: Don't worry. She turned herself in. If she behaves herself, she will get a parole.

Nick: Thanks, Pinkie. You're always positive. I like it about you.

(Then Pinkie Pie hugs Nick tightly.)

(The last scene shows the Dekarangers and the Avengers eating some burritos.)

(Season 3 End)

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