Chapter 44: The Battle in the Jungle

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(At South Vietnam.)

US Pilot: This is Hotel-Nine-One! We are going down in Sector Bravo Tango-Seven Niner, mayday mayday!

(A sound of an helicopter crashing can be heard.)

US Pilot: Damien, you still with me? Come on, Damien! Talk to me!

(Damien slowly wakes up and regains his vision.)

Damien: Saigon, are you okay?

(Saigon points Damien to the pilot. Two VC soldiers on a boat can be seen heading to the helicopter.)

US Pilot: Shit, my leg, I'm bleeding. I need some help here!

(Barbie Wire comes over to check on the pilots.)

Barbie: He's dead.

US Pilot: Shit, they're comin'!

(He is shot dead as Section and Harper grab their M1911s.)

Harper: Kill those bastards.

(Section shoots the two VC soldiers on the boat outside.)

Tilla: We gotta get outta here. This thing's about to...

(The helicopter suddenly sinks.)

Wallcroft: We're going under, Marcus!

(Marcus begins to swim and open the door. As he tries to budge it open, Hunter opens it from the other side.)

(Marcus leaps onto a sampan, uses a human shield and takes down the rest of the enemies with his AK-47. The last Japanese Soldier is killed with a headshot in slow motion.)

Robotboy: Stay sharp, Marcus. They're out there. This is Lima 9 X-Ray...

Hunter: Left flank, Damien! On the ridge!

Saigon: Dead ahead! Take cover!

(Matt "Damien" Matheson, Bomani "Saigon" Triathlon, Jason Todd/Red Hood, David "Section" Mason, Mike Harper, Petty Officer 1st Class Crosby, Barbie Wire, Tilla, Marcus Burn, Wallcroft, Clone Force 99, Robotboy, Robotgirl, Tommy Turnbull and his friends take out the rest of the Viet Cong in the jungle.)

Echo: Sergeant Woods is very capable. You have chosen your men well Mason. I will move to higher ground to look for Colonel Vogel's compound.

Damien: Understood. Stay close, Echo.

Bowman (radio): Lima Niner X-Ray, this is Whiskey. You out there?

Saigon: Yeah, Whiskey, go.

Bowman (radio): Woods! Thought we lost you in that chopper! What's the new plan?

Saigon: You clear the South East perimeter and meet us at the rally point.

Bowman (radio): Roger. Whiskey on the way, over. Glad you're still in the game, Saigon.

Saigon: The rally point is just ahead. Bowman should be waitin' for us. No noise - knife only.

(Damien, Barbie Wire, David "Section" Mason, Marcus, Mike Harper, Tilla, Wellcroft and Saigon swim to a covering point.)

Saigon: Shh. Charlie.

(The group begins swimming underwater to the boat with 2 VC.)

(Damien drags a VC under and knifes him in the neck while he swims up to the rally point with Saigon.)

Saigon: Psst. Hey, Charlie.

(Bowman and a SOG member kill the two VC at the rally point.)

Bowman: Never gets old.

Harper: Section, fill us in.

Section: Somewhere in this village is a military outpost under the command of Colonel Vogel.

Bowman: Been losin' our FAC to Triple A.

Harper: Probably a ZPU. We disarm it, then we'll bring in the Hornets. Whiskey Team, you cover the bridge and the East river. Section, Damien, Barbie and Marcus, with me, Tilla, Saigon and Wallcroft on the west perimeter. Rendezvous point, the village in 5 minutes. You got it?

Bowman: Whiskey Team - On me. Later boys.

(The heroes then proceed into the water. Marcus plants a C4 pack under a hut.)

Bowman (radio): Cleared East bank, moving to the bridge.

US Marine (radio): Sierra is at the North Perimeter.

(The heroes climb inside a small hut. Tilla signals Barbie to kill the two sleeping soldiers. After they are killed, she moves onto a third soldier and kills him as well.)

Harper: (To radio) X-Ray is clearing the West flank. ETA 3 minutes. (To Section) We gotta split up. I'll take the high ground. You cross the river, find a place for the Semtex.

Section: Roger.

(Section parts from Woods and swims to plant the C4. Mason swims across the river and links up with Harper.)

Section: Explosives are primed and ready.

US Marine (radio): Sierra in position.

Bowman (radio): Whiskey ready.

Harper: Roger, X-Ray inbound.

(Section and Harper exit the building and link up with the rest of the SOG teams.)

Wallcroft: You got that detonator?

Griffin: Right here.

Bowman: Put a little present in the fuel reserve up ahead.

Wallcroft: Alright... Griffin, let's see what this Semtex can do.

(Wallcroft and Griffin detonates the C4. The SOG team engages the Japanese and Nazis.)

Wallcroft: GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! Weapons free! Keep your eyes open for that ZPU!

Bowman: Keep your head down!

Wallcroft: Contact on the roof! Drop em'!

(Marcus takes out the enemies on the rooftops)

Wallcroft: Let's go, Marcus! On me!

(They move through the village.)

Bowman: We're clear - move move! Eyes high! Charlie on the roof!

Saigon: Spider hole dead ahead! Get a 'nade in that spider hole! Eyes left Damien - take those bastards out!

(Damien destroys the spider hole with a grenade.)

Bowman (radio): One zero, one zero, this is Whiskey! We've got a ZPU on the river! Damien, move it brother!

Saigon: Charlie on the right!

Bowman: We need more firepower, Johnson! Bring up the 202 flash. Hit that ZPU on the river!

Saigon: That's the gun, Damien! Take it out. Once their air defense is out, we can bring in the Hornets.

Damien: On my way!

(Johnson moves up but is killed.)

Tilla: Damn it! Barbie - Get to that 202, I'm pinned down! Next to the hut on the river. You see it? Charlie don't want to let that gun go, look at those fuckers move!

(Barbie picks up the Grim Reaper.)

Bowman: Barbie! Use the 202!

Barbie: All right, let's hit it!

(Barbie destroys the ZPU.)

Barbie: Got it!

Bowman: One zero, nest is empty. Objective cleared.

US Pilot: Roger. Lima niner X-Ray, this is Kentucky. Green Hornets are inbound.

US Pilot: Keep your shit tucked. We are coming in hot!

(A swarm of Huey Helicopters engages hostiles in the village.)

US Marine: Sierra has cleared the North Perimeter.

Harper: Left flank - Targets on the roof!

US Marine: Sierra in position.

US Marine: Got it!

Bowman: Someone drop a 'nade in the hole!

(They clear the remains of the dock.)

Bowman: Dock is clear, move up!

Wallcroft: Area clear - We're gonna cut through this hut. Marcus, lead the way!

Saigon: Damien, over here!

(They continue through the village)

Tilla: Clear the rest of the village!

Harper: MG! Take cover!

Bowman: Somebody take that son of a bitch down!

Wallcroft: Marcus! You got eyes on him?

Marcus: He's mine!

(Marcus shoots the gunner down.)

Wallcroft: Push through! Let's go!

Saigon: Damien! Make sure that hooch is clear!

(Damien clears the hut and continues with the rest of the team)

Damien: Rat tunnel up ahead.

Saigon: I see it. Charlie! 9 o'clock!

(They clear the village. Tilla tosses a frag inside the rat tunnel.)

Tilla: Fire in the hole!

(The grenade explodes, and both japanese and nazi soldiers can be heard screaming inside the tunnel.)

Red Hood: We have to clear this tunnel.

Deka Bright: We'll take it, Gibus Sniper with me!

Wallcroft: All right, I'll keep the Hornets scouring the area. Let's move. (on radio) Lima Niner, this is X-Ray. Prep for recon sweep, 3 kay radius.

US Pilot: Roger that, X-Ray.

(The Gibus Sniper and Damien's group jump in the tunnel. Saigon gives Mason a flashlight.

Saigon: Here, take this. Stay on it. We'll find your Vogel. You make it out of there alive. Bowman - Point, let's move!

(Saigon's Group and Bowman leave while Damien's Group and the Gibus Sniper go through the tunnel.)

G. Sniper: This son of a bitch ain't fighting no more. Keep that light steady, Deka Break.

Deka Break: Hold!

(As the Gibus Sniper disappears behind a turn, Hunter drops down into the tunnel, surprising the group.)

Red Hood: Hunter... You nearly took a bullet.

Hunter: No one fights alone, Jason. I will work my way around.

Damien: All right, but move quietly.

(Damien turns toward the Gibus Sniper, who turns back repeatedly and stares at Damien with a disturbed expression.)

Gibus: ...What the fuck's wrong with you? [moment of silence] Damien, you gotta keep your shit—

(A Japanese soldier jumps out and stabs the Gibus Sniper. He is then killed by Barbie Wire.)

Barbie: Sis, come in.

Tilla (radio): Go ahead, sis.

Barbie: The Gibus Sniper's dead...We got japanese and nazi crawling all over.

Tilla (radio): (heavily distorted) Lima niner is sweeping the area, no sign of- (Static)

Barbie: Sis - You monitor? Shit...

(Barbie clears a room and regroups with Hunter.)

Hunter: Where is your friend Gibus Sniper?

Section: Dead.

Hunter: We will mourn him later, Section. There are signs of Soviet presence in these tunnels... We are on the right path...

(Hunter walks over to a barricade)

Hunter: Here, help me move this.

(Hunter and Section clear out the barricade)

Hunter: Careful guys...I hear the enemy.

(Hunter counter-attacks a nazi ambusher.)

Hunter: Your turn my friends, I will follow.

(Marcus then moves first. He kills a japanese soldier attempting to melee him with a Machete.)

Marcus: Shit.

(They continue through the tunnel)

Hunter: We are getting close, guys.

Red Hood: Which way, Hunter?

Hunter: Follow your instincts, Jason.

(They kill the last of the japanese and nazis.)

Red Hood: Son of a bitch!

Hunter: This is it... Vogel's forward compound.

(The two breach Vogel's command center.)

Deka Blight: It looks abandoned.

Hunter: Colonel Vogel anticipated our arrival...

Deka Break: ...And left in a hurry.

(Hunter turns on the radio and views some documents)

Vogel (radio): February 4, 1968. The stabilizing agents supplied by Doctor Clarke have met much success.

Hunter: Look around. Colonel Vogel...

Damien: Quick, grab the documents, Damien. We're leaving!

Vogel (radio): Recent field tests on the local population have shown this to be the most effective strain of Nova 6 thus far. As with previous animal tests at Rebirth, the onset of symptoms in human subjects is exactly in line with our expectations. Within thirty seconds of inhaling the gas, subjects experience sudden and severe pain quickly followed by significant drop in blood pressure, leading to fever, nausea and vomiting. After sixty seconds, blistering of the skin begins, followed by scaling, peeling and discoloration across the subjects entire body...Effectively signaling the onset of epidermal necrosis. At this stage, we have had limited success, by way of aggressive surgical debridement, in keeping subjects alive for short periods. But even the surgical removal of infected tissue is not enough to prevent further spread. While the speed of the infection appears to be consistent across adult males, we have observed a more aggressive rate of decay within infants, usually leading to mortalitely within thirty to forty five seconds. We have every indication that we now have a workable formula which is effective, even in warmer climates. Communicate our successes to Doctor Steiner. Colonel Vogel out.

(Damien's group exits the command center and an explosion occurs.)

Damien: Shit.

Hunter: GO! GO!

Barbie: Vogel had the place wired to blow!

(They run through the caves.)

Section: X-Ray - do you monitor?! Dammit!

Hunter: Hurry, guys! I do not wish this rat hole to become my grave!

Saigon (radio): Damien! What the fuck happened?! We're seeing fire from the tunnels! Where the hell are you?! We'll maintain a holding pattern 'till we have eyes on.

Hunter: We will have to claw our way out of here! Dig, Marcus! Dig!

(The Heroes dig their way out.)

Red Hood: SHIT!

Hunter: Enemies, Mason!

(Hunter engages japanes and nazi in the caves.)

Deka Blight: Where are you, Saigon?!

(A Huey destroys the cave. Bowman and Saigon's Group are seen riding it.)

Damien: Come on! Come on!

(Hunter jumps onto the Huey's skids. He then grabs Saigon's hand. Meanwhile, Hunter jumps on Clone Force 99's space shuttle.)

Saigon: Let's get the fuck outta here...

(Chapter Ends.)

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