Chapter Four: Past Mario

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        Mario found out that the prison cell was very boring.  There was nothing to do, and it seemed as if his life was balanced on the life of the past Mario (he's the one who is not in the jail cell, just so you know).  Yet, he hadn't even seen the guy yet.

        It was Mario's second day in the jail cell.  He had arrived in the past yesterday and was imprisoned then.  It was the morning of the next day.  Captain Falcon wasn't allowed to talk to Mario, but there seemed to be nothing.

        The real trouble Mario was in was how to get back.  He couldn't stay here long before the past changed and he was sure to cause some sort of time paradox one time or another.  So, he was just thinking about how to get out, but there seemed to be no way.  The, as he was think, Mario heard a voice.

        "He's here!" the voice shouted.  "He's here!"

        Mario stood up from his wooden bed, because that was where he spent most of his time, and ran to the bars of the cell.  Mario saw Ness running down the stairs, running towards Captain Falcon.  Even though Mario was only here for two days, he seemed to realize that Ness was almost like the messenger.

        "Who is?" Captain Falcon asked.

        "The real Mario," Ness answered.  "He's come to see this imposter."  Mario hated it when he was referred to as imposter.

        "I'll go see him," Captain Falcon responded.  Then, he and Ness went up the stairs.

        Mario realized that this news was terrible.  If he saw his past self, he would create one of the biggest time paradox's known to man.  He didn't know what to do.  Then, Mario saw one of the sharp pieces of glass on the ground.  He quickly picked it up and started cutting through the bottom of his overalls.  At one point, he cut himself with the glass.  Mario winced but kept on going.  Soon, he had a blindfold from his overalls.  He quickly tied it around himself.

        Meanwhile, Past Mario (the one not in the jail cell) was walking down the stairs with Ness and Captain Falcon.  Then, they approached the jail cell.  Past Mario looked in to see the prisoner faced the other way.

        "Turn around," Past Mario commanded.

        Future Mario (the one inside of the jail cell) turned around.  Past Mario was shocked to see that a blindfold was around the prisoner's eyes.

        "Take that a-dumb thing off!" Past Mario exclaimed.

        Future Mario decided that he had to comply to most things Past Mario said, but not this one.  With the blindfold on, he wasn't able to see anything including Past Mario, thus avoiding a time paradox.

        "No!" Future Mario spat out.  He was faced slightly away from Past Mario since he couldn't see.

        Past Mario shook his head a little.  "Stubborn, aren't a-you?" Past Mario inquired.  Future Mario found it ironic how he was basically calling both of them stubborn.  He turned to Captain Falcon and Ness.  "Leave us a-be."

        "But-" Captain Falcon started.

        "Now!" Past Mario exclaimed.  So, the two of them left.  Past Mario turned back to Future Mario.

        "Where are you a-from?" Past Mario interrogated.

        Future Mario knew he couldn't give any real information away, because he would be easily spotted out, so he answered with, "I'm from an obscure Super Mario rip-off game."

        Past Mario stroked his chin.  "How did you a-get here?"

        "I was a-teleported here by the boss," Future Mario answered plainly.


        "He's a technological a-turtle."

        Past Mario thought about this for a long time.  Then, Future Mario fekt him get closer to the bars.  "I know a-you're lying," Past Mario whispered to Future Mario.  "I'll let you out a-when you tell a-me the truth."  Then, Past Mario beckoned Captain Falcon back and left.

        Future Mario knew that if he told the truth, they wouldn't believe him and he would be killed.  Mario didn't know what to do next.


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