Chapter Three: Imprisoned

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        Kirby and Pikachu helped Captain Falcon take Mario down to the dungeon.  Mario had never seen this dungeon before.  It had an elaborate, golden staircase with little hallways that led to jail cell.  However, Mario saw no one in any of the cells.  The three carried Mario all the way down to the bottom, where there was only one rickety jail cell.  Kirby and Pikachu dropped Mario.

        "Pika Piii," Pikachu said.

        "Hi-yie!" Kirby exclaimed.

        "Right, I'll guard him until the real Mario tells us what to do with him," Captain Falcon responded.  Mario realized that whenever they addressed the past Mario, they enunciated the 'real', probably to set off the future Mario.

        When Kirby and Pikachu left, Captain Falcon grabbed Mario by the collar and threw him in the jail cell.  Then, he closed the door and locked it with a silver key.  Mario was now stuck there.

        Mario looked around the jail cell.  It definitely wasn't much.  The only things there were a big piece of wood chained to the wall to act as a bed...and that's pretty much it.  Some pieces of glass were scattered on the black for a reason that Mario didn't know, but there was nothing else.

        Mario went up to the bars and looked at Captain Falcon.  "You have to a-let me out," Mario pleaded.

        "I'm not allowed to talk to the prisoners," Captain Falcon replied without looking at him, "so shut up, imposter!"

        Mario hated it how they all called him an imposter, but he had to deal with it.  So, he went away and sat on the piece of wood.  To Mario's surprise, it was even more uncomfortable than Bowser's prisons.

        Mario knew that he had to get out the jail cell and back to his present.  If he stayed here too long, he would change something major and mess the whole universe up.  But, how would he do it?  Mario looked at Captain Falcon.  Maybe if he gained these past Smashers' trust, then he could find a way out of here.

        "What are you a-doing down here?" Mario asked.  "Shouldn't you be out a-there, fighting."

        Captain Falcon didn't look at him, but just stared straight ahead.

        "Are they excluding you a-because they know a-they can," Mario continued, "because you let them a-push you around.  You-"

        Captain Falcon turned around with anger in his eyes.  "Shut up, you dang plumber!  I can easily get you executed!"  Mario's eyes widened and he decided to stop talking for now.  Captain Falcon turned back around as if nothing happened.

        Mario got off the wood, picked up one of the pieces of glass, and sat back down.  He turned the glass in his hands, left and right, up and down.  It was the only thing he could do in the boring prison cell.  He wondered where the glass could have even come from.  Then, Mario came up with an idea.

        Mario took the piece of glass and started repeatedly, monotonously, tapping it against the wood.  It made a loud, echoing sound, over and over.  It was fine at first, but Mairo realized the sound got annoying, which is just what he wanted.

        Captain Falcon turned his eyes toward the cell.  "Do you want something?" Captain Falcon inquired with obvious annoyance in his voice.

        "Why do you a-let them push you around?" Mario asked.

        Captain Falcon grinded his teeth.  "I do not," Captain Falcon finally and regrettably answered.  "I am helping them rid the battling area of pesks like you."

        "The battle areas a-you should be on."

        Captain Falcon stopped talking.  He didn't answer, but Mario could tell that he wanted him to stop talking.  That's when Mario realized something.  It was he who was segregating against Captain Falcon.  It was his past self, but still him.  Mario put his head down.  He could do that in the future.  What he needed to do now was convince Captain Falcon to let him out of the jail without changing too much of the past.

        "I-" Mario started.

        "'re mouth...shut!" Captain Falcon exclaimed.  Mario knew that he should just stop talking, or else he would be killed.  Hours passed and it was now nighttime.  Mario lay on his bed, just wondering what he would do.


Hey guys! The picture today is the original title card for the original Smash Bros.

Also, be sure to vote and comment on the chapter and subscribe to my account. Don't forget to come back for chapter four!

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