Chapter Seven: Fox's Attack

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        It was nighttime.  Mario was still stuck in his dank cell.  He lay down on the hard piece of wood, still trying to perfect his harmonic whistling skills.  He was restless that night.  He was almost every night.  Every night, Captain Falcon left.  No matter what, however, Mario could not think of way out in this time.  The night's were a perfect opportunity, but he could not find a way out.

        Mario looked over.  No Captain Falcon: a perfect time.  But, thoughts on how to escape kept him up at night.  But, Captain Falcon made sure that there was no way.  Mario just sighed and went back to his whistling, still thinking.

        Then, Mario heard something.  It was the door at the top of the stairs and the entrance to the very dungeon he was in.  Someone was opening the door.  Captain Falcon couldn't a-be coming back a-yet, Mario thought.  He got up and walked to the bars.  There were footsteps, down the stairs.  Teh room was very acoustic, so Mario could hear anything in the elaborate dungeon.

        The footsteps got closer and closer.  But, the person didn't seem to be walking down.  The mystery person seemed to be slowly creeping down.  Mario became apprehensive.  Then, a shadow spread across the ground.  It got bigger and bigger.  Someone was coming.  Then, a figure appeared right in front of Mario.

        It was Fox.

        Fox grabbed the bars and looked at Mario.  He seemed to be scanning him.

        "What are you a-doing down here?" Mario asked.

        Then, something seemed to click in Fox's mind.  He looked up, straight at Mario.

        "I know who you are," he simply said.

        "What are you a-talking about?" Mario inquired.

        "You're Master Hand!" Fox exclaimed.

        Mario stepped back.  "What?  Are you a-crazy?  Of course I'm not a-Master Hand!  I a-hate him!"

        "I know your tricks," Fox continued.  "You just say you aren't Master Hand.  You are hiding something.  Why else would you have come here?"

        "I was a-sent here by an enemy, you a-idiot!" Mario yelled, making sure not to give away any information of the future.

        "On the contrary!" Fox interjected.  "I know better than that!  You're just Master Hand in disguise and came here because you want to kill us all!  But, I'm going to kill you before you harm anyone!"

        "A-What!?"  But, before Mario could do anything, Fox pulled out his blaster and started shooting in between the bars.  Shot after shot, pink lasers were going through like crazy, and Mario was trying hard to dodge them.  Eventually, one of them hit Mario in the stomach.  It made Mario fall to the hard prison ground.  Fox shoved his blaster hand in between the bars and pointed it directly at Mario's forehead.

        "Any last words, plumber?" he questioned, even though he didn't really mean it.  Then, they heard another voice.

        "Freeze!"  Mario and Fox looked to see Captain Falcon and Samus running down the stairs.  Fox pulled the gun out and pointed it at them.  His eyes were filled with rage.  But, Samus held out her arm and a rocket fired out of it.  It streamed through the sky and exploded in front of Fox, who fell down from the impact.  Captain Falcon used this advantage to quickly run down there and kicked the blaster out of his hand.  Then, Samus picked him up by the shirt collar.

        "Wait!  You don't understand!"  Fox cried.  But, Captain Falcon nor Samus listened.  Captain Falcon opened the door to the cell long enough for Samus to throw him in with Mario.  But, the door closed in time before either of them could escape.

        "I can't believe you!" Captain Falcon exasperated.  "You know that Mario wants to keep him here.  You've made a horrible offense.  You're going to have to stay in here for a while."  With that, Captain Falcon and Samus both left.

        Fox jumped to his feet and ran to the bars, trying to call after them.  "You don't understand!  He's Master Hand!"  But, they were no longer listening.  Fox slumped away from the bars and sat on teh ground.  "I'll get you for this one," he threatened to Mario.  The rest of the night was quiet.


Hey guys! I've decided that I will no longer add music to this chapters. It's just a hassle to work with.

Either way, be sure to vote and comment on the chapter and subscribe to my account. Don't forget to come back for chapter eight.

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