Chapter Eight: Challenge

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        Fox was now stuck in a jail cell with the Future Mario.  They took away his blaster, rendering him useless.  And, if he killed Mario (who Fox thought was Master Hand) he, too, would be killed.

        So, Fox sat on the wood hanging from the wall, looking down and not moving or speaking.  However, Mario was pacing around.  He walked left and right, this way and that.  Fox didn't bother to ask, he was probably plotting to kill Mario without getting caught.

        But, Mario was deep in thought.  He had realized that getting Fox jailed would cause a huge breach in time.  They would keep Fox here, meaning he couldn't do the things he was supposed to do.  This would drastically change the future, and it was all Mario's fault.  He needed to find a way to get Fox out of here and trusted again, but he couldn't figure out how.  Mario just kept pacing around.  Fox should be out there fighting, Mario thought.  Then, it came to him.

        Mario turned to Fox and walked toward him.  "You want to a-get out of here, right?" Mario asked, breaking the hours of silence between them.

        "Oh, you shut up!" Fox exclaimed.  "I don't want to trust you, Master Hand!"

        Mario could still not believe that Fox thought he was Master Hand, because he was definitely not.  Either way, he needed Fox to trust him just this once.

        "I know a way a-out of here," Mario said.

        Fox looked up a little, but he didn't want Mario to think he was interested.  "Go away," Fox plainly demanded.

        "Fine, a-then," Mario muttered and began pacing again.

        Fox just kept on sitting there.  He knew he couldn't trust the Mario imposter.  But, then he thought about Falco.  Fox promised that he wouldn't be in the Smash Bros for long, but he could be in this prison for life.  He couldn't let Falco be out in space alone...forever.

        Fox jumped to his feet.  His feet made a loud noise, prompting Mario to turn back to Fox.  "What's your plan," Fox hesitantly questioned.

        Mario walked closer.  "You have to a-challenge the real Mario," he said, internally cringing when he had to say "real Mario".

        "What do you mean?" Fox asked, confused.

        "Strike a deal a-with him," Mario elaborated.  "If you can a-beat him in a battle with a-one stock, you can be free.  But, if you a-lose, you'll stay here."

        Fox's eyes widened.  "Are you crazy?!" he exclaimed.  "Mario is the best fighter here.  I'm sure to lose and be here for the rest of my life!"

        "But you would a-be here anyways," Mario countered.  "This gives you a chance a-to get out.  It's a-the only way."

        Fox thought about this.  Mario was right.  It was the only way.

        "I'll do it," Fox sighed.  Mario had a genuine smile on his face.

        Fox went up to the bars.  He saw Captain Falcon coming down the stairs.  He was out consulting Past Mario about the trouble with Fox that got him in the jail cell in the first place.  Captain Falcon stood in front of the bars.

        "Well, you are going to-" Captain Falcon started.

        "I challenge Mario in a battle!" Fox yelled through the bars.

        Captain Falcon was a little taken back.  "What?" he questioned.

        "If he wins, I stay," Fox said.  "If I win, I will be let out and can fight with you guys again!"

        Captain Falcon seemed to be considering it.  "I'll have to tell Mario.  But, if you stay here, I'll be sure to torture you."


         "Welcome to Saffron City, folks!" Link exclaimed in his microphone.  "It sure is a beautiful day out."

        Link and Samus were sitting on a desk in the background of the stage Saffron City.  There were small stands in the background, which were holding Donkey Kong, Pikachu, Kirby, Yoshi, Captain Falcon, Luigi, Jigglypuff, and Ness.  On the stage were Past Mario (on the right side of the platform above the door where Pokemon would come out) and Fox (on the left side of the main platform).  They were getting ready for a fight.

        "That's right, Link," Samus agreed in her microphone.  "As most of you probably know, we are gathered here today because Fox and Mario will be fighting."

        "Yes Samus, this will decide if Fox stays in the cell or not," Link added.

        Fox hated it how Past Mario had set the battle up like it was a big game.  Past Mario obviously thought he was going to win.  The crowd seemed to agree.  Everyone chanted and cheered for Mario, but not one soul cheered for Fox.  I can't believe I am doing what Master Hand told me to do, Fox said, remembering his hours with the Mario in the cell.

        "Look, the battle is about to start!" Samus exclaimed.  The crowd continued cheering for Mario.

        "3...2...1...," the ominous announcer voice counted, "FIGHT!"

        With that, Mario charged at Fox.  Fox knew that Mario was a good fighter, so he would have to be crafty.  Mario was about to give Fox a slide kick, but Fox used his shield.  This made Mario's foot bounce off of the shield.  However, he quickly got up and was about to grab Fox, but Fox released his shield and shot with his blaster.  He had gotten his blaster back just for this battle.  Mario was a little phased by this.  Then, he used his Fox illusion and knocked Mario in the air.  Mario then hit the ground.

        Fox was about to attack again, but Mario hastily got up and evaded.  This allowed Mario to make a strong punch on Fox sending him in the air.  This made Fox land on the first moving platform.  Mario jumped up and used his Super Jump Punch, sending Fox in the air again.  Mario landed on the platform under the "elevators" and Fox landed on the second one.  Then. Mario jumped on the first moving platform, leaving it so they were both on a moving platform.  Fox jumped, purposely missing the platform Mario was on, and then used his Fire Fox.  He was about to ram into Mario when he used Mario Tornado.  This sent Fox far away from the elevators and almost off of the stage.

        "Uh-oh!" Samus exclaimed.  "Look's like Fox is about to be out!"

        However, Fox was determined.  Fox double jumped and used Fox Illusion again to get on the platform below the elevators.

        "Can you believe it!?" Link yelled.  "He saved himself!"

        Mario, now angry, jumped down and used Mario Tornado when he was near Fox.  But, Fox evaded and did a combo of punches and kicks.  After a little beat-up, Fox punched Mario hand and sent him across the stage.  Mario flew through the air and landed on the target platform.  Fox ran and jumped up to the platform across from it, so they were looking at each other.  Fox was at 57% and Mario was at 46%.

        "You think you can a-beat me?" Mario taunted Fox, quiet enough so the crowd in the background couldn't here.  "I'm a-just beginning."

        Fox clenched his jaw in frustration.  Then, Fox jumped over and was about to attack with a kick.  But, Mario used his Yellow Cape and swung Fox around.  This made him falling into a pit.  But, Fox used his Fire Fox and got back up.  Now, they were both on the same target platform. At this point, they started throwing punches and kicks.  One of them would throw a punch, and the other would either evade or get thrown back, but land on the same platform once more.  It went on and on like this until Mario launched Fox so hard that he flew back and landed on the first moving platform again.  Not, Fox was at 127% and Mario was at 111%

        "Give it up, Fox!" Mario exclaimed.  "You a-won't win!"

        Fox ran up to Mario, still on the target.  He jumped up and was about to kick Mario.  But, when Mario truied to attack with the cape, Fox evaded in the air and landed behind Mario.  Then, Fox kicked him high up in the air.  He went so high, in fact, that he was flung off-screen.

        "Game!" the announcer shouted.  Then, Past Mario and Fox were transported to where the audience was.  The audience ran up to Fox and started congratulating him.

        "Well, it looks like Fox had beaten impossible odds and won," Samus concluded, still at her mic on the desk.

        "So it seems," Link said.

        It was settled.  Fox was able to be out of the cell as long as he didn't do anything like he did with the imposter Mario.  He obviously agreed.

        Then, as Fox was being fawned over by the audience, he realized something.  The imposter Mario had given him the advice to be out.  How could he be Master Hand if he would do something like that?

        So, now Fox and Captain Falcon could trust the imposter Mario.


Hey guys! If you couldn't tell, the picture is of the Saffron City stage, just for reference. Either way, be sure to vote and comment on the chapter and subscribe to my account. Don't forget to come back for chapter nine!



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