Chapter Nine: Chronophone

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        Mario now had two people trusting him: Captain Falcon and Fox.  But, this wasn't enough.  If he wanted enough trust to be let out, it woudln't be enough.  Plus, it was taking too long.  The future was probably a wreck by now and he needed to get back as soon as possible.

        But, how?  No matter what plan Mario had thought of, he could think of more than one way that it couldn't be possible.  Mario was in the prison, pacing for hours.  Captain Falcon just stood guard as Mario paced and paced.

        Finally, someone spoke.  "You okay in there, Giuseppe?" Captain Falcon asked, concerned.

        Mario remembered saying to Captain Falcon that he should be called Giuseppe, even though he didn't personally like the name.  Mario just internally smiled that Captain Falcon was actually caring about him.  Though, it wouldn't help...for now.

        "I'm a-fine," Mario answered and he continued pacing.  Captain Falcon just decided not to bother him.

        Mario just kept going back and forth, back and forth.  He kept going at it for hours and hours, making no process.  The day diminished and the night came.  There was no light change, really, but you could tell by the atmosphere.

        "Well, I'd better get going," Captain Falcon said.  "See you in the morning."  He left the dungeon and made it dark.  So, again, Mario was left alone in the night.  I could get out, Mario thought, if I knew how.  He just went to his wooden bed and lay down in it.  He tried to sleep, but he couldn't.  His mind was racing with thoughts.

        "Ugh, how do I a-get out of this a-place!?" Mario screamed.  He raised his fist and pounded it on the wood.  If only he could send himself back.

        But, what if I don't have to send myself back? Mario thought.  This thought made him sit up.  It was almost like a reflex.  Was he on to something?  Mario sat on the bed and thought.  What is he didn't have to send himself back?  Sending a human could be too much, but what about something simpler?

        Mario got up once again and started pacing...again.  If he didn't send himself, then what would he send?  And how?

        "Only if I could a-tell people of a-the present what's happening," Mario speculated.  Then, he stopped dead in his tracks.  "That's it!"  Mario went back to the bed and jumped on it.  His head was almost touching the ceiling.  He was onto something.

        "I can't send myself, because a-the time machine was a-destroyed," he thought out loud, "but maybe I could a-rebuild it.  I could a-send...a message!  I could send a message a-to the future!"  Mario jumped off the wood, scraping his head against the low ceiling and started pacing again.  "They could a-save me!  I could send it to a-R.O.B. from when he had the a-time machine.  He could get it and a-save me!"  He was all hyped up.  But, there was one problem.

        "I need a way out," Mario realized glumly.  No matter what he thought of, he could not think of a way out of the wretched prison.  Mario slumped on the bed once more and looked down in shame.  He saw all of the glass spread across the floor, like an aftermath of a battle.

        "Wait a minute," Mario spoke.  He bent down and off of the bed and picked up one of the pieces of shattered glass.  He looked at it and turned it around in his hand.  Then, he held it with one hand and put his other near the top.  He charged up his fist with fire, like he was going to shoot a fireball, but didn't.  This heated up the glass and started melting it.  Mario stopped immediately.

        "This could a-work," Mario said.  He knelt to the key hole of the cell and looked inside.  Then, he used his fiery hand to melt the glass once more.  If he could melt it in perfect position of the keyhole, he could use the glass as a key.  Mario kept looking inside and moving his hand around over the glass, melting it into position.  Finally, it looked perfect.  Mario tried to put the glass in the keyhole, but it shattered when he tried to fit it in.

        "Dang it!" Mario cursed.  He quickly grabbed another piece of glass and started melting it, trying to position it in different ways.  But, it wouldn't fit in the hole.  Again and again, he picked up glass and tried to sculpt it so it could fit, but none of it worked.

        Finally, after hours of working, Mario was left with one piece of un-tampered glass.  One try left.  Mario slowly melted it, looking in the hole to see how he should melt it.  After ten grueling minutes of precisely modeling the glass, he held it up.

        "Please say this a-works," Mario pleaded as he slowly put the key in the hole.  Then, it didn't shatter.  Mario looked in amazement as it fit all of the way through.  Slowly, he turned the glass.  It unlocked the lock and the cell door opened.

        Mario cheered in amazement.  But, he kept it a bit quieter, now that he was out.  Mario stepped out of the cell, into the open of the dungeon.. He ran up the stairs.  It was a joy to be stepping out of the cell, father and farther away from it.  Then, he made it to the top.  In one swift motion, he swung the door open.

        He had never been out of the prison besides from the past when he run this place and the short time that he was being carried to the cell.  But, he didn't remember or see what he saw now.

        Outside of the dungeon was a little ledge of grass that you stood on.  In front of Mario lay a weird machine.  Mario looked up and beyond to see a bunch of floating little islands in the air.  This is probably what held the stages, bedrooms, training rooms, and other places like that.

        "Whoa," Mario mused as he looked at the wondrous at all of the beautiful scenery.  But, that was not his mission.  Mario walked up to the machine.  It looked like an ATM machine.  He looked at the screen.  It seemed to be a teleportation device.

        Mario looked at the keys.  They had the names of the stages and all of the other buildings in the set of air islands.  So, he pressed "Princess Peach's Castle".  Then, the machine started making weird sounds that sounding like a dying fax machine.  Then, a big metal, gun-shaped pointer came out of the top of the machine.  Mario stepped back in shock.  Now that he was seeing this, he remembered these machines and mechanics a little bit.  The gun looked at Mario and shot a little red laser that scanned Mario.  Suddenly, after it was done scanning, the gun popped back in the machine and Mario was surrounded in blue light.  Then, he disappeared in mid-air.

        Mario reappeared in the Peach's Castle Stage.  He found himself on the bridge of the stage.  He looked down to see that the remains of the time machine were still on the same spot that Donkey Kong had destroyed them.  Mario picked up the remains and held them lightly in his hands.  I knew Donkey destroyed it, Mario thought, but this is demolished.

        Mario kept looking at it.  How was he going to make something out of this rubbish?  But, that didn't matter.  He had to make the futuristic messaging device.

        He had to make the chronophone.


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