Chapter Ten: Building a Masterpiece

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        Now that Mario had the pieces of the now-demolished time travelling machine, he saw one of the teleportation ATMs inside of Peach's Castle in the Peach's Castle Stage.  So, Mario found his way into the background and into the castle.  He pressed "dungeon" and the giant laser gun scanned Mario.  Then, he was instantly transported to the spot in front of the dungeon.  So, Mario swiftly, but sneakily, went down to the dungeon and in his cell again.  It would take more than one day to build this and he needed to make sure that there wasn't going to be scouts looking for him.  When he got in, he carefully picked up the glass key and locked the prison door again.

        Mario sat on the wooden bed.  "Now, what to do with this?" Mario asked himself.  Yes, he needed to build a chronophone (time messenger), but he didn't know the first thing about electronics.  He knew plumbing, carpentry, wrestling referee-ing, and wrecking, but he knew none of the mechanics about building electronic devices, especially not a chronophone.  Mario would just have to experiment with it.

        So, Mario took the rest of the night sorting out the pieces, trying to figure out what they did.  He did this with about half of the destroyed pieces when he heard footsteps.  He knew that meant Captain Falcon was coming.  So, Mario quickly pushed the pieces into the darkest corner of the prison and sat in front of them so Captain Falcon wouldn't see them.  When he came down, he noticed Mario sitting in the corner.

        "What are you doing?" he asked suspiciously.

        Mario needed to think of something fast.  So, he picked up the glass key and held it up flat, so Captain Falcon couldn't tell it was tampered with.

        "Just fiddling with a-some glass," Mario lied.

        Captain Falcon seemed skeptical at first, but said, "Alright," and faced the other way, guarding.

        Mario decided to stay in the corner in case Captain Falcon looked back around.  First, Mario tried connecting a red wire and a blue wire.  However, he got a big electrical shock when he touched the two together.  He made sure not to scream, thought, or else he would be busted by Captain Falcon.  Then, he decided he should connect the big button to the red and blue wire, but they wouldn't connect.  Maybe they needed heat, which Mario could surely provide.  But, it didn't seem to be working.

        Mario experimented in this way the whole day, but had no positive results.  Captain Falcon left as the night came, so Mario took his pieces and moved them to the wooden bed.

        "Come on, something a-has to work!" Mario exclaimed.  he held up a fiery hand and tried heating two red wires to a transmitter.  This time, it actually worked!  Mario wanted to jump for joy, but this was just one small piece.  It may not even work.  He needed to build the rest.

        Two weeks passed with Mario in the cell.  Captain Falcon would guard everyday, but Mario would hide his work.  He wouldn't dare to tell him of his work, or else he would be stuck in prison forever.  Slowly, he made progress.  Not by much, but he was slowly working at it.  He soon had a bunch of pieces that worked, but none of them would go together.  Mario was enraged and he took apart the whole machine, back to square one.  He knew what the pieces did now, so he thought that he could be able to work with something now.

        Another week flew by.  It seemed so quick to the plumber now that he was doing this invention.  It was the night, and Mario was working nonstop.  He hadn't slept in at least four days.  Mario started to quickly assemble th pieces to what he thought would work.

        "I can put the a-button on this transmitter and connect a-the trigger," Mario rambled.  "But what about a-this antennae.  Wait, it needs to a-be connected to the wires, which are in a-the transmitter."

        Mario was figuring it all out in his mind.  Then, he found out something.

        "Hold it!" Mario exclaimed.  "I can connect this a-to the wires!"  Mario quickly jumbled with it all.  he connected this to that and all over the place.  More hours past.  Then, he put the last piece on.

        "It's a-perfect!" Mario proclaimed as he pieced together the chronophone.


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