Chapter Eleven: The Message

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        Mario had finally built the chronophone.  The chronophone was about the size of Mario's palm, just a bit bigger than the time machine was.  It looked like a mini walkie-talkie, with a black exterior, an small antennae on top, the big button in the middle, and a small little trigger that you pushed down to put in a message stuck out of the side.  After weeks of work, Mario had finally built it.

        By the time he was done building it, it was near daytime.  Captain Falcon would be coming any second.  So, Mario slipped the chronophone in a pocket in his overalls and sat on the bed.  A few minutes later, Mario heard footsteps down the dungeon stairs.  Sure enough, it was Captain Falcon.  The Captain was surely surprised to see that Mario was no longer in the corner, but just sitting on the bed.

        "Well, it looks like your not stuck in the corner anymore, eh?" Captain Falcon joked, then he laughed.

        "Heh-heh, yeah," Mario nervously laughed.  The rest of the day, they were quiet.  Mainly, they were both just still.  Mario was in no mood to talk.

        The hours passed very slowly.  One second felt like one minute.  Time seemed to be like a struggling slug.  Finally, the night came, but it felt like ten days.  Captain Falcon, silently, left, leaving Mario to his cell.

        This is where the action started.  Mario whipped out his chronophone and looked at it.  To work it, he needed to press the trigger on the side in a Morse code.  This would make the time machine in the future click the same way, and R.O.B. or someone else would be able to read it.

        "Let's a-do this," Mario said.  Then, just as he was about to click the trigger down, the chronophone did something weird.  It started making a whole bunch of weird clicks without Mario touching it.  'What-a the heck!"  It kept clicking and clicking until it suddenly stopped.  Mario waited a few more minutes, but nothing happened.  "Must have a-been a defect," Mario assumed.  Then, he started pressing the trigger in this order:

          ... - ..- -.-. -.-  .. -.  .--. .- ... -  ... . -. -..  .... . .-.. .--.

        This said "stuck in past send help".  Mario thought this would do.  There was only one problem.

        "I need to a-transmit the signal," Mario declared.  To do this, he needed a satellite.  The problem was, he was stuck inside of a prison cell with no satellite dish.  In fact, there wasn't a satellite dish anywhere.

        Mario thought.  How could he send the message?  He was thinking.  There was nothing like it.  Dream Land, Congo Jungle, Yoshi Island.  None of these had anything he could send a signal by.  Then, he thought of a place.

        "Sector Z!" Mario exclaimed.  That was the perfect place!  It was in outer space, so he could surely get some signal.  Mario took out the glass key.  He would need to get to Sector Z, first.

        Mario walked to the bars and held out the key.  he inserted his glass key and twisted it, opening the prison cell.  The cell opened and Mario was able to rush out.  he ran up the stairs.  He remembered doing the same thing nights before.  He was filled with uncertainty then, but he now knew his mission.  All he had to do was get to Sector Z and send the message.

        Mario made it to the top and opened the door.  Outside, it was dark.  As he went out, he saw all of the air islands once again.  In front of him was the automatic transportation machine.  Quickly, he pressed the button that said Sector Z.  Then, the huge gun reappeared once more and scanned Mario.  After the scan, he disappeared from his spot.

        He then found himself somewhere else when he found himself once more.  He was in a little space dock for ships.  In front of him stood the might Corneria, ready to fly through the air.  Mario went under the wing and used a Super Jump Punch.  This put him on top of the wing.  He was easily able to cross over and stand on top of the main part.

        Just as Mario stepped on the main part of the ship, it flew into hyper-speed.  Mario was jolted back by the great force pushed upon him.  Everything he saw was just a big blur of random color, speeding by like objects in the distance.

        Then, the ship stopped.  He was now on top of a moderately moving spaceship.  Mario looked in the background to see explosions and flying asteroids.  It was a magnificent scene.  But, he was not here to admire scenery.

        Mario looked at the top "fin" of the ship.  This would work perfect.  he realized that the ship itself would send off the message, since wireless communication was used between ships all the time.  Surely he could send the message.  He pointed the antennae of the chronophone at the cockpit of the ship, the place with most reception, and...


        Someone had said something.  Mario quickly turned around to see none other than Yoshi, standing behind him on the ship.  Oh, crap! Mario thought.  he didn't know how Yoshi got there, but he was now surely busted.  He would have to fight the creature.

        "I don't want a-to do this," Mario warned, getting in a fighting stance.  However, something strange happened.  Yoshi backed away, making a submissive movement.  Mario became confused.

        "Yoshi!  Yoshi!" Yoshi exclaimed.  Suddenly, it occurred to Mario.  Yoshi was saying that he wouldn't tell anyone.  Mario didn't know why Yoshi would do such act.  It was obvious he was different from his past self, and he should be able to tell the difference.  And, in the time he was stuck in that past, he had done nothing that would make Yoshi trust him, yet here he was.  Letting Mario off the hook.

        "T-thank a-you," Mario stuttered, not really sure what to say.  Yoshi just went past Mario and into the cockpit, where the transportation machine was.  Mario was surely shocked that there were so many of those things.  Mario saw Yoshi being scanned, then taken away, most likely back to his bed.

        Mario just stood there for a few minutes, trying to figure out what happened.  It was just so strange that Yoshi would immediately trust an intruder.  Had it been a hallucination.  Impossible!  He felt Yoshi slightly brush up against Mario when he passed, so it couldn't have been.

        Whatever the case was, he could not let the strange occurrence get in the way of his true mission.  So, Mario pointed the chronophone once again at the cockpit.  Then, he pressed the big, red button.  He could not see it, but Mario could feel a signal come out of the device and go into teh cockpit.  The signal was transmitted and shot into a collision of data and time.

        Mario had sent the message.


Hey guys! If you couldn't tell, the picture is of the main portion of Sector Z. Either way, be sure to vote and comment on the chapter and subscribe to my account. Don't forget to come back for chapter twelve!


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