Chapter Twelve: Intruder Alert

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        Mario had sent the message, but he needed to get back to the prison cell.  So, Mario rushed into the cockpit and pressed dungeon on the transporter.  The silver gun came out, scanned Mario, and then he vanished.

        Soon, he found himself back in front of the dungeon.  Yet, the sun was starting to rise already.  How much time had passed? Mario thought.  But, he could not occupy his mind with such trivial thoughts.  He needed to get back in the jail, and fast.

        So, Mario whipped oepened the dungeon door.  There was no one in there yet.  Perfect!  So, Mario sped down the stairs, skipping four or five stairs at a time and he burst down them.  When he reached the bottom, he opened the cell and closed it shut.  He was safe.  Relaxing, Mario sat himself on the wooden bed.  Help would be on the way.

        About five minutes later, Mario heard the dungeon door open again.  No doubt that it was Captain Falcon.  The Captain strolled down the stairs like it was any other day.  When he got down, he leaned on the jail bars.  When he did this, the door slightly opened.  Captain Falcon looked confused.  I forgot to lock the door again! Mario thought.

        Captain Falcon looked at Mario.  "I locked this door," Captain Falcon stated,

        "M-maybe you a-didn't," Mario nervously stuttered.

        Captain Falcon opened the door all the way.  "Get out here!" he commanded.  Mario slowly walked out.  "Empty your pockets!"  Hesitating, Mario emptied his overall pockets.  In them was the chronophone, the glass key, and the blindfold Mario cut out of his overalls.  Captain Falcon just brushed the blindfold away, but he held the other items in his hand.  Then, he threw them against the wall.  Both the chronophone and the glass key shattered in an enormous burst and they were whipped to the hard surface.  Mario winced a little.

        Captain Falcon turned back to Mario.  "I trusted you!" he screamed.  "But, no!  You go on and betray me!  How could you do this, Giuseppe?!  That probably isn't even your real name!  If you thought you had a chance of living, then that chance is gone!  I will have you executed by tomorrow!"  Then, Captain Falcon pushed Mario in the jail cell and closed and locked the door.  Captain Falcon looked at Mario with hate, then turned back.  Mario put his head down in shame.

        His plan to gain evenyone's trust had failed, because once the word spread around, it would all be gone.


        It was midday.  The fighters realized that all they had been doing is fighting ad worrying about the Mario imposter, so they decided to take the day off.  There was a little field outside the bedrooms of the heroes, and they were playing tag on there.  It was obvious that Fox would never be caught and that Donkey Kong was usually the one that was it.  Right now, the monkey was chasing Kirby.  The pink puffball was running left and right to avoid Donkey Kong.  But, Donkey Kong got smart and leaped at Kirby, tackling him to the ground.  They all just laughed.  They were having a good time.

        Suddenly, Luigi shouted, "What's a-that!?"

        They all looked to see that he was facing a huge, blue portal that was facing directly at the heroes.  It was swirling around, making menacing noises.  No one knew what it was doing.  Suddenly, a creature popped out of it.  It was Master Hand!

        "Master a-Hand!" Past Mario exclaimed.  "You a-shouldn't be here!  The game rules are a-that you are supposed to a-stay in the Final Destination!"

        "No, you don't understand!  I-" Master Hand started.

        "You can't be here!" Ness shouted.

        "Just listen!"  Master Hand boomed.  "Something terrible has happened!  We must all team up or else we will all die a painful death!"

        Then, Captain Falcon appeared, who had come when he heard Captain Falcon's booming voice.  "You're going to have to fight us now!"

        "Fools!  Listen to me!" Master Hand shouted.  But it was no use.  Fox jumped up and kicked him a few times and Ness used PK Thunder.  "Alright, that's it!  I'll fight you if it's a fight you want!"  Then, when Captain Falcon and Link jumped up to attack, Master Hand swiped them away.  The fight was on!

        Donkey Kong jumped up and tried to punch him, but Master Hand punched him instead.  But, this gave enough time for Kirby to use Stone on him.  Then, while he was still phased, Pikachu used his Quick Attack move and Yoshi jumped up to get some punches in.  Now, Master Hand was infuriated.  He punched the ground and started a mini earthquake, knocking everyone to the ground.  Then, he slammed into people on the ground and threw them in the air.  Left and right, he was beating all of the heroes up.

        Past Mario knew that there was only one thing he could do.  If he sacrificed the prisoner, maybe Master Hand would subside.  So, Mario slipped away and transported to the dungeon.

        Meanwhile, Future Mario, in the cell, heard what was going on.  It was so loud that he could hear every word.  Then, he heard the door open and a familiar voice shouted down.

        "Imposter!  Get a-up!"

        It was Past Mario.

        The rules of time still applied, so he couldn't look at him.  So, Future Mario quickly whipped out the blindfold and tied it on, covering his eyes.  By the time Past Mario got down, Future Mario was blindfolded.

        "Take that stupid thing off already!" Past Mario exclaimed as he opened the prison door with his onw set of keys.  Now, Future Mario knew he would have to strike.  However, he would have to rely on his hearing.  So, right when Future Mario heard the door open, he charged to where he heard Past Mario's voice.  Sure enough, he tackled a big body.

        "Get off of a-me!"  Past Mario shouted.  Future Mario heard his voice, so his throat would be a little lower.  So, Future Mario snatched forward and grabbed Past Mario's throat.  With that in hand, he scrambled around so he soon had a chokehold on Past Mario.  Past Mario was have a struggle breathing, but Future Mario squeezed tighter and tighter.  Then, Future Mario felt Past Mario go limp.  He had fainted.

        Future Mario dropped Past mario to the ground.  Then. he walked around the fainted body and felt for its eyes.  When he found them, he closed them with his fingers.  Then, he was able to take the blindfold off.  Future Mario then lugged Past Mario into the jail cell and locked the body in with the keys Past Mario had.  Now, Future Mario had to get to Master Hand.

        So, the Mario not in teh jail cell (Future Mario) ran up the staircase and opened the door at the top.  Then, he pressed the bedroom button on transporter and he soon found himself there.  In front of him was the mighty Master Hand.

        "You!" Master Hand shouted as he pointed to Mario, looking angrier than ever.  "You did all of this!  I will kill you!"  Then, Master Hand formed his fingers into a drill shape and charged toward Mario, but he knew Mario.  Mario evaded and packed a hard punch.  Master Hand staggered a little and floafed back in the air.  Then, Master Hand pointed his fingers in a gun shape.  He aimed at Mario and shot.  However, Mario used his Yellow Cape and rebounded the blast back at Master Hand, hitting him.  Finally, Master hand started punching the ground, starting another earthquake.  But, Mario jumped up before it started and used his Super Jump Punch on the hand.

        "Fools!  Fools!  Fools!" Master Hand repeated as he started floating way into the distance, knowing that he had been defeated.  "You will regret your decisions!  You will see!"  Then, he went out of sight.

        However, everyone started cheering for the imposter Mario.  He had single-handedly defeated Master Hand when they most needed it.  He was not killed, but it was close enough.  They picked him up in the air and started chanting his real name.

        "Mario!  Mario!  Mario!"

        He now had all of their faith.


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