Chapter Eighteen: A New Village

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        And so, Hyrule was saved.  Bowser was kicked out, and Mario, Fox, Sheik, and Little Mac had two new recruits to their team: Toon Link and Lucario.  But, what now?

        "We a-need more recruits," Mario announced.  "Where do we go?"

        "I've got an idea," Toon Link informed.  Since they were now outside as everyone fixed their houses up, a slight breeze picked up when he said this.

        "Where?" Little Mac questioned.

        Toon Link pointed to the west side of the town.  "There is a little bit of forest out this way," Toon Link said.  "I've never seen it, but it is told that another small village lives out that way."

        "Perfect!" Sheik exclaimed.  "Let's go that way, then."

        So, Toon Link followed by Mario, Fox, Sheik, Little Mac, and Lucario, exited Hyrule through the forests and traveled through lands of shrubbery.  However, it was a dangerous trip.  Poisonous and thorny plants lined the whole way, pricking the heroes and keeping everyone in danger.  They kept a thin path so no one got hurt.  But, it was worthless.

        As they were walking, Fox got caught on a thorn.  "GAH!" he screamed in pain.  Everyone ran over to his immediate care.  Fox fumbled on the ground in pain.  Mario and Toon Link bent down to his level.

        "What's going on?" Sheik asked.

        Toon Link examined Fox.  "He was pricked by a poisonous bush," Toon Link informed sadly.  "He may...die."

        Everyone gasped.  It seemed as it was the end of Fox.

        "No!" Mario interjected.  "Fox will a-not die!" Then, Mario grabbed his suspenders and red shirt and ripped them off of him.  This revealed that he had his Dr. Mario garb under him the whole time.

        "Lucario," Lucario gasped in awe.

        "I'll carry him to a-the village," Dr. Mario planned.  "When a-we get there, you guys a-do what you need to do.  I'll a-find someone who can take us in and a-try to cure him.  But we must a-hurry!"

        With that, the group picked up speed so that they could get to this supposed place in time.  They did not want Fox to die.

        "We're almost there," Toon Link said.  "When we get there, we should see if we can get anyone from Smash Bros while Mario takes care of Fox."  Everyone agreed.

        After a few minutes more a travel (and a lot of screaming and wincing from Fox), they reached the end of the trees.  Then, they emerged out to a small little town.  It was so organized and peaceful, everyone so happy.

        Well, that's what it would have been like.  The only thing was that Wario was rampaging and ruining the town on his bikes.  Buildings were destroyed and everyone was running.  Wario saw the band of heroes enter the town and rode over to them.  When he got there, he hopped off his bike.

        "What do we a-have here?" Wario questioned the heroes.  He also had an Italian accent, but a nasty one.  "A group of heroes with a sick one in the group?"  Wario slowly walked over to Fox, who was laying in Dr. Mario's hands.

        "Don't touch him!" Toon Link ordered to Wario as he got in between the two.  Toon Link held the sword up to Wario, but the fatty just laughed.

        "Oh, I'm not alone," Wario chuckled.  Suddenly, what appeared to be a rocket shot out from a bush and rammed into Little Mac knocking him over.  It turned out that the rocket had been Luigi using his green missile move.  Not only that, but he was also possessed.

        Everyone looked nervous.  Could the four of them fight two evil guys of boss status at once.

        "Well, it's a good thing their not alone," a voice said behind Wario.  They all turned to look.  The voice came from Villager in a battle stance with a shovel in hand.  Dr. Mario used this distraction to sneak away with the dying Fox to find shelter and cure the wounded hero.

        Then, Villager jumped over Wario and Luigi, who were now standing next to each other, and landed next to Sheik, Little Mac, Toon Link, Lucario.

        "If it's a fight you want," Wario threatened, "it's a fight you'll get!" The battle begun.

        "You distract them," Villager whispered to the heroes.  "I've got an idea."  So, Villager left to make his plot succeed.  Meanwhile, the four heroes had to face the two villians.

        Toon Link and Lucario ran up to face Wario.  He was not on the bike anymore, so they could face him.  However, Wario had strong and unique attacks.  Toon Link got to him first, and Wario used chomp on the hero.  Then, Wario whipped Toon Link at Lucario and they both tumbled to the ground.  Lcario got up, though and ran once again for Wario.  Lucario evaded a punch from Wario than used Force Palm.  This sent him flying for Toon Link.  The hero of time was about to attack, but Wario used Wario Waft.  The fart cloud spread to both of the heroes and led them to be coughing on the ground, trying to get fresh air.

        Meanwhile, Sheik and Little Mac ran for the evil Luigi.  Luigi shot fireballs at the two, but they did little damage.  Sheik ran up first and had some hand-to-hand combat with Luigi.  Sheik was doing much better than Luigi at it.  Then, Sheik ducked and Little Mac used his Jolt Haymaker and knocked Luigi down.  When Luigi tried to get up, Sheik just used her Needle Storm and stopped that from happening.  Then, Little Mac started punching Luigi like crazy.  After about fifty punches, a huge flash of light seemed to fill the world.  Nevertheless, Luigi was good again when the light faded.  The two heroes helped Luigi up and hastily explained what was going on.

        Then, Wario looked over and realized that Luigi was good again.  He started to walk over in a rage.  Toon Link and Lucario were still being suffocated in the wave of the fart.

        "That;s it you dumb heroes!" Wario insulted as he walked over.  'You-" Wario was interrupted to say anything else.  A whole tree fell on top of the villain, trapping him under.  All of the heroes looked up to see that Villager had been planting a tree on a roof the whole time and made it fall on Wario.  Wario cried like a baby as he tried to escape.  Villager jumped down from the top of the building.

        "If you are going on a quest," Villager said, "I'll go with you."

        "Me a-too," Luigi agreed.  It was settled then.  However, they still had to find Mario.  So, they went around the whole village.  Trying to find him, but he was nowhere in sight.  Then, they came across a house that had Dr. Mario in the window.  The six heroes ran in to see Dr. Mario polishing his scalpel as Fox lay in a bed.

        "Mario!" Luigi called out.

        "Luigi!" Dr. Mario called back.  Then, they did a bro-hug.

        Sheik walked over to Fox and noticed him still breathing.  "What's the news with him?" Sheik asked.

        "The poison was a-easily found and extracted," Dr. Mario informed.  "It was not a-far in its tracks.  However, the poison took a toll a-on his energy, so he is resting."

        "Anything else happen?" Toon Link questioned.

        "Well," Mario started to answer, "he was a-mumbling things in his sleep.  He was a-talking about someone.  'Angel, Angel'.  'Angel, come a-back'.  'Angel, don't a-leave me'.  That is just from a-the poisoning though.  He will be a-fine soon."

        So, they let him rest.  They now had two new heroes.


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