Chapter Seventeen: Pokemon

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        Mega Man saw the ground coming closer and closer.  He was at the very tip of Bowser Jr's crashing airship.  It was getting faster and faster the more it went down.  Mega Man couldn't tell what was on the ground, but he knew that they had defeated Bowser Jr...for now.

        Suddenly, the ship crashed.  It busted and broke as it went down with chipped pieces of wood flying everywhere.  It was as if you were trying to shove an overload of wood into a partially working wood chipper.  In other words, it was complete madness.  Mega Man jumped off the ship just in time before he was crushed by the wood.  Then, he watched as the rest went down.  Soon, it was just a pile of useless wood.

        Mega Man looked over and saw Duck Hunt to his side, passed out.  He lay on the ground with the bird on top of him.  But, where was Link and Robin?

        They were probably crushed under the wood pile!  He needed to find the two other heroes.  But, what would he use to get them out.  He couldn't use any flame based attacks or the Crash Bomber because they would both start a fire.  Same for his electric attack.  What would work?  Mega Man thought.  What would cut through would?  Blades or saws of course.  That's when it came to him.

        Mega Man pulled out a Metal Blade and threw it.  It cut through the wood perfectly without having any harm to the two heroes.  Perfect!  So, Mega Man threw all of the Metal Blades he could until he got a clue.  After a while, he saw a shiny metal that wasn't from his blade.  He ran over and pulled on it.  Out came the Master Sword, with Link tightly holding it.  Right behind him was Robin, so Mega Man pulled him out, too.  There was only one problem: they were all passed out.

         "Wake up.  Wake up!" Mega Man exclaimed as he smacked Link.  However, it was no use.  The impact was too large for their bodies, so they would all be passed out for a while.

        Suddenly, Mega Man heard a screaming in the distance.  He couldn't tell what it was, but it sounded like it was in another language.  Mega Man stood up.  Then, something rushed out behind a building.  That was when Mega Man realized that he was in a city.  He looked around to find a sign.  Then, he found one that said "Kalos City".  He had never heard of it.

        The noise-maker came from behind the building.  It looked like a huge, mutated, yellow rat. Mega Man wanted to run, but it seemed in danger.  The rat came up, and he was easily recognizable.

        It was Pikachu!

        "Pika Pika Piii!" It shouted in a panic.  Then, he pointed back to the corner of the building.  Then, something else came from there.  It was something huge.  A big, orange monster.  With wings!  It came closer.

        "Charizard!" it cried out when it came close to the two.  This Charizard was angry.  He wasn't evil, but it definitely looked like he wanted to attack the Pikachu.  That's when Mega Man realized that both of the Pokemon were Smash Bros characters.  If he could reason with Charizard, he could recruit both of them.  But, there was only one way to reason with an angry Pokemon, and that was to fight them.

        Mega Man got in ready position along with Pikachu.  Charizard did too.  Before Pikachu or Mega Man could make a move, Charizard used his Flare Blitz and knocked into both of the heroes. It slightly hurt Charizard, but it sent Pikachu and Mega Man flying.  Pikachu landed near (but not on) Duck Hunt and Mega Man landed on the top of the pile of wood.  Mega Man knew he had to get off before Charizard lit the pile on fire, so he jumped off.  Then, Charizard ran up to the robot so they were forced to do some hand-to-hand combat.  But, Mega Man was never good at that, so he ended up being knocked away by Charizard's claw.  Then, Pikachu got up and used some Thunder Jolts. But, they were small projectiles that did limited damage on Charizard.  Charizard ran over to Pikachu, who was still doing his Thunder Jolts, to be interrupted by Mega Man.  Mega Man used slide and that knocked Charizard high in the air.  Then, Pikachu ran under the flying Pokemon and used Thunder.  This knocked off Charizard even more.  But, when Charizard reached the ground, he was infuriated.

        But, Mega Man had a plan.  He shot a Crash Bomber right by Charizard's feet and it blew up, making a hole in the ground but not harming the Pokemon.  Then, Mega Man whispered something in Pikachu's ear.  "Use Thunder," the robot quietly said in to the Pokemon.  Pikachu ran up to Charizard.  However, when Charizard tried to slash Pikachu, the yellow Pokemon went into the hole and used his Thunder attack directly under Charizard.  A streak of lightning came from the sky and hit Charizard.  He was not flown in the air, but he became dizzy.  Then, Mega Man went up and jumped on top of Charizard.  The orange dragon tried to do anything to get the robot off of him, but nothing worked.  Then, Mega Man pointed his blaster in Charizard's mouth and shot another Crash Bomber down his throat.  Mega Man jumped off as the bomb exploded inside of him.  The explosion did not penetrate the skin, but Charizard jolted.  He was frozen (not in ice, but he stood still).

        Pikachu ran up to Mega Man as they looked at Charizard.  Suddenly, the orange Pokemon shook his head.  Then, slowly but surely, walked up to Mega Man.  The robot was not sure whether to run or stay.  He just stood there.  Then, the menacing dragon stood above him.  But, instead of attacking, Charizard lightly hugged Mega Man.  He was back to the good side.

        Suddenly, Duck Hunt, Link, and Robin started to get up.  Then, they noticed the two Pokemon.

        "Whoa, what the hell is happening?" Link questioned, clearly talking about the Pokemon that stood in front of them.

        "These guys are on our side now," Mega Man informed.  "They are part of the team."


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