Chapter Sixteen: Fighting Rosalina

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        Falco saw his destination in sight.  He had Kirby, Pit, Meta Knight, and Peach in his arwing with him.  Then, he saw where he wanted to go.  It was a spaceship that was white with reddish-pink markings on it.  Then, Falco pressed his blasters and some laser bullets shot out.  The laser bullets hit the spaceship and it lit on fire.

        "What are you doing!?" Pit exclaimed.  "That's where you said you wanted to go."

        Falco ignored the last comment and looked at Peach.  "Take over the ship," he ordered and got out of the seat and opened up the ceiling latch.  Then, he jumped out into the space.

        Peach started panicking and started pressing random buttons.  The ship started going haywire, jerking left and right.  Peach did not know how to use it.  Pit, Kirby, and Meta Knight tried to help, but it was really no use.

        It was the worst for Falco, though, who was on top of the ship.  He jerked all over and had a hard time keeping his balance.  But, he was determined.  He would not give up.  So, Falco adjusted his center his balance and stood up straight.

        Falco ran to the very front of the ship and made a leaping bound.  He was now truly in outer space.  However, he used his Falco Phantasm to rush over to the ship.  The move swiftly burst him over the space and he was right by the white and red spaceship.  He grabbed onto a ledge so he wouldn't fall into oblivion.  After making sure he didn't land by a fiery spot, he punched a hole through the spaceship and poked his head in.

        Fire engulfed the entire place.  It was like hell on Earth (or, in this case, in space).  Lights and sirens went off as everything was in panic.  Then, Falco saw it.  There were little aliens with buds on their heads running rapid all over.  And, in the center of them, cowering, was the reason he came.

        It was Captain Olimar!

        "Olimar!" Falco called out to the scared astronaut.  Olimar heard the voice and got up from his cowering position.  The Pikmin he had with him also looked up.  "Grab my hand!" Flaco called once more.

        Even though fire was everywhere, Olimar saw a clear path to Falco.  Before he moved, though, a huge gulf of flames sprout up between the two, blocking Falco and Olimar from each other. However, Olimar did not give up that easily.  He gathered all of his fire Oikmin and made them all hold hands to form a long line.  The astronaut grabbed the beginning of the line and whipped it through the fire.

        Falco thought his suit was lost.  Now there was no way to beat Rosalina.  Just before he left, though, he saw a line of red Pikmin.  He knew exactly what was happening.  Falco snatched the Pikmin and yanked real hard.

        Meanwhile, Olimar had thrown his Pikmin and felt a harsh tug and he was pulled up through the air.  He was pulled so fast that he was able to be pulled through the fire without being burnt.  Soon, Olimar appeared through the flames.  Falco dropped the line of red Pikmin and caught Olimar in mid-air.  Then, he flipped around.  He was now on the outside of the spaceship as he quickly grabbed the bar.

        Falco searched for his ship.  The ship was very far away because Peach, Kirby, Meta Knight, or Pit did not know how to use it.  It was still flipping left and right.  Falco sighed.  It was too far away to reach by one recovery move.  They would either burn in the fire or lose oxygen in space.  Then, Olimar had an idea.

        The spaceman pulled out six flying Pikmin from the side of the spaceship.  Then, he sent them off toward the ship.  They needed to be fast, because the ship was going down and about to explode in a ball of fire.  The winged Pikmin flew all the way to the ship and each of them grabbed a corner. With all of their might, they pulled the arwing to the spaceship.  But, they were little creatures, so they only pulled little by little.

        Within three minutes, the arwing was closer, but not close enough.  The fire surrounded Olimar and Falco.  There was no way out.  Well, only one way out.

        Hesitantly, Falco grabbed onto Olimar and jumped.  It was the only way.  He couldn't use his Fire Bird, because they would get stuck in space.  Suddenly, Olimar's ship burst and exploded. Falco was propelled through the air form the force of the explosion.  They were close to the ship now!  Falco Aimed downward and used the rest of the momentum to punch Olimar and himself toward the ship.  Within no time at all, they were back on top of the ship.

        Falco dropped Olimar through the hatch and then jumped down himself.  Falco grabbed hold of the wheel before they could do anything else to it.  Olimar retrieved his winged Pikmin.  Yet, he was utterly confused.  Everyone was looking at him.

        "W-What's going on?" he stuttered, trembling in fear.

        "I need you," Falco informed Olimar.  "Someone in space has gone mad and we need you.  You can help us in our escapades."

        Olimar was still trembling.  Peach went over and comforted him.  Olimar seemed much better when she did this.  "I'll do it," Olimar agreed.

        However, Meta Knight was still skeptical of Falco's ways.

        So, Flaco flew his other five heroes at high-speeds.  They were going back to the planet with Rosalina.  Duing the flight, everyone was trying to comfort Olimar.  Except Meta Knight.  He went up to Falco while he was driving.

        "You blew up his ship just to get him?!" Meta Knight angrily whispered.  He didn't Falco.  Falco was a to cocky and liked to be a leader.  However, Meta Knight was a rogue.  He didn't take orders. They did not have a good relationship.

        "You said you wanted more Smash Bros recruits," said Falco, "and he is one.  So is Rosalina.  And, he can help us destroy her."

        Meta Knight could not argue with that.  It was all true.  Yet, the knight would probably do the same thing Falco did.  So, all Meta Knight said back was, "You're a big dick, you know that." And he left.

        They cruised through space more.  Then, Falco saw something in the distance.  He knew it was the planet that Rosalina resided on.  But, it looked different.  It was surrounded by stone.  As he got closer, he could see more.  The green planet was encased in a huge sculpture of a Smash Ball. The sculpture acted like a cage to the planet.  However, something was on the rocky depiction.  Lumas scattered around it, doing something, as they were being directed by Rosalina.  They were building a huge laser in the center of the Smash Ball, with mini lasers on the outside.  One hit from those would destroy the arwing instantly.  Falco rushed his ship forward.

        Meanwhile, Rosalina was ordering her Lumas what to do.  Then, she saw it.  The arwing had come back.  She squinted her dark eyes.

        "Fire at will!" she shouted.  "Charge up the Mega Laser!"

        The Lumas by the four mini laser got in their places.  They jumped in the lasers and started firing like crazy.  Falco had to twist and turn his ship to avoid the lasers.  All of the passengers of the arwing were jolted around.  They knew that they were at the planet.  Falco moved in closer.

        "When I say jump," Flaco demanded, "get out of the ship!"

        Pit opened the hatch, getting ready.  Meta Knight still did not want to follow his orders, but he had no choice.  Falco was almost at the surface as all of the lasers shot.  He was a good at evading. Then, he was close enough.

        "Jump!" Falco screamed.  Pit, Kirby, Meta Knight, Olimar, and Peach all jumped through the hatch and landed on the rocky ground.  They all split up to destroy the lasers.  However, Olimar went straight fro Rosalina.

        Falco swooped up his ship and started to evade some more lasers.  They all spread out.  Meta Knight cut one of the lasers in half, Pit exploded one with his Upperarm Dash, Kirby inhaled one, and Peach clogged one of the laser's systems with a turnip.  Now, all of the mini lasers were destroyed.

        Olimar, though, still ran for Rosalina.  He was not ready, though.  A Luma side-checked him and made him fall on the ground. Rosalina easily picked him up.  She held him victoriously and gave a laugh.  The other four heores looked at Rosalina with Olimar in hand.  They could not fight her, though, because she was too powerful along with the mass amount of Lumas she had.

        Then. a Luma went up to Rosalina.  Even though only she could understand it, the Luma informed her of all of the broken lasers.  She looked around to see the failed weapons.  She was infuriated.  Then, another Luma came up and informed her that the Mega Laser was ready.

        "Good!" Rosalina exclaimed.  "Fire the Mega Laser!"

        A bunch of Lumas went into the huge death weapon.  Then, they pressed a button and a huge, green laser came out.  It went so fast that Falco wasn't able to react.  The laser reached the arwing and hit it, causing a huge explosion.  Falco fell from the space sky and on the ground, utterly defeated.

        Kirby, Meta Knight, Pit, and Peach all tried to run forward to help Falco and stop Rosalina, but it was too late.  The Black Lumas grabbed hold of the heroes and held them back.  Rosalina stood in the middle of the ruckus, with Olimar in her one hand.

        "Yes!" she cheered menacingly.  "I've finally won against Falco and you heroes!  I triumph!"

        The heroes were defeated.  They could do nothing else.  That's when Olimar remembered something.  He had one extra fire Pikmin from his spaceship in his pocket.  When Rosalina wasn't looking, he pulled it out and whipped it at her face.

        "Ah!" she screamed as she dropped Olimar.  This allowed him to pull more Pikmin out of the ground.  Fore Pikmin, water Pikmin, lightning Pimkin, all kinds of Pikmin.  He whipped them all at her face.  The Pikmin viciously attacked.  She was weakened.  Finally, Olimar pulled out a plump, purple Pikmin.  He threw it at the sorceress.  When it hit her, a huge blinding light filled the heroes eyesight. The light faded, and the stoen sculpture was gone.  All of the Black Lumas had disappeared.  Only a yellow Luma was in her hands as she lay down.  The rest of the heroes were up (even Falco) and they walked over to her.

        Rosalina's eyes opened, to reveal that they were no longer the dark purple hue, but the regular colors they should be.  Rosalina stood up with her Luma.

        "What's going on?" she asked in her angelic voice.

        "You were possessed," Falco said.  "Bad things are happening.  We need you to join us."

        They all looked at her for an answer.  "I will join you on your quest," she replied.  They all cheered.

        "Wait!" Peach interrupted.  Everyone looked at her.  "We have to return to our planet.  But, we can't get there.  The arwing and Olimar's spaceship are destroyed."

        Unfortunately, she was right.  Their planet was only a tiny speck in the distance.  There was no way to get to it.

        "I can teleport you there," Rosalina said.  "But, I am very weak already.  Bringing you there will drain most of my power for a very long time."

        "Well, that's a risk we have to take," Meta Knight responded.

        Rosalina sighed.  Then, with a whisp of a wand and a big ball of blue light, they disappeared.


Hey guys! This one sure is a long chapter.  Also, sorry I couldn't post yesterday.  I was busy.

Either way, vote and comment on the chapter and subscribe.  Don't forget to come back for Chapter Seventeen 


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