Chapter Fifteen: Saving Hyrule

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        Fox found himself in a strange place.  It was like space with celestial backgrounds, yet it wasn't.  Most of the area was a drak navy blue and purple with some stars, almost no black.  Fox felt that he was on a ground, but he could not see it.  It was as if he was floating, but he knew he wasn't.

        Suddenly, a big burst of light flashed in front of him.  Fox was blinded by the light.  Then, the white light diminished and he found himself facing his wife, Angel.  Even though everything looked the same, she seemed to be floating.  She was more majestic than Fox had ever seen.  She was like a literal angel.

        "Fox," she called out in a calm tone.  Her voice was like a whole body massage, so majestic and smooth.  "Come closer."

        Fox found himself being dragged in, yet he didn't want to.  He was on a mission and he had no time for whatever this was.

        "No, no," Fox said, trying to resist the urge.  "I have to stay."

        "You must go to a kingdom," Angel ordered.

        "What?" Fox questioned.

        "You must go to a kingdom," she repeated.  Then, one word came out in a whisper: "Hyrule."

        Then, she started to diminish.  It was as if light was consuming her.  Then, Fox felt invisible hands pulling him back, away from the light.

        "No!" he cried.  "I don't want you to leave."  Then a huge burst of light filled the room.  Fox blinked.

        When he opened his eyes, he found himself back on the ship that Ganondorf had destroyed, so they were crashing.  Unfortunately, Fox was on top of the ship.  Before he could say anything, the ship crumbled and crashed right into grassy ground.  The sip toppled over and Fox, Sheik, and Little Mac (who were all on top of the ship), flipped off of it and landed on the ground before it.

        Fox remembered the conversation with Angel.  He wanted her again.  However, he couldn't have her.

        Then, the ship's door sprung opened and Mario fumbled out of it.  They were all beaten up from the crash.

        Little Mac and Sheik got up and ran over to Mario.  Fox got up to, but he seemed in no mood to help Mario.  Little Mac grabbed one of the plumber's arms and Sheik grabbed the other. Then, they pulled up and Mario was on his feet again.

        "What happened?" Sheik asked, then looked around.  "Where's Peach."

        "Peach is gone," Mario pouted.  "Ganondorf broke the ship before I finished him and now we are here."

        "Speaking of which," Little Mac added, "Where are we?" They all looked at their setting.  It looked like a place Bowser would have taken over, but the grass was still green and it seemed medieval.  Bowser was always modern.

        "I think I know," Fox interjected.  The other three looked at him for an answer.  "We're in Hyrule again."

        They all looked at him, stunned.  "Well, Bowser's obviously taken it," Mario observed from his surroundings.  "What do we do?"

        Fox remembered what Angel had said.  'You must go to a kingdom: Hyrule.'  Now Fox knew why he was here.  "To save Hyrule, of course."

        Everyone seemed on board with that idea, so they decided to do it.  Mario looked at the Hyrule castle.  It had all sorts of Bowser decor on it, so that was were they had to go.

        "This way," Mario beckoned as he ran toward the castle.  The other three followed.

        As they ran, the four looked around.  The place was definitely destroyed, with all sorts of crushed houses and homeless families.  However, they would all be saved soon.

        Finally, Little Mac, Mario, Sheik, and Fox made it to the front door of the castle.  Little Mac punched through the wood and they all went in through the hole.  The hallways of the castle were bustling with minions like Goombas and Koopas.  The four heroes were easily able to plow through them.

        The tough part, though, was finding a way around the castle.  It was so large and filled with winding hallways that it was nearly impossible to maneuver through.  After lots of searching, the four came to a fork in the hallways and where they split into two hallways.

        "Sheik and Little Mac, go in the left hallway," Mario ordered.  "Fox and I will go through the right one."  Then, they all split up.

        Mario and Fox ran through the hallway.  The area was much darker than most of the castle, giving it an uneasy feeling.  Plus, it also got skinnier and skinnier as it went on.  Soon, they couldn't run side by side, but had to fit through one by one.  It still got skinnier and skinnier.  They had to tip-toe and walk sideways so they could make it.  Finally, the hallway abruptly widened and led to a doorway.  They went in.

        There, Mario and Fox entered a room that was small and empty except for a few things.  There were two, huge containers that were used to fit people like cages.  In one of the containers was Toon Link and in the other was Lucario.  Standing between them was Bowser.

        "Oh, are you back for more, you dumbasses," Bowser taunted at Mario and Fox.  He stepped forward to fight.  "Well, come get some."

        Mario and Fox ran up to the villain.  It was a blow-for-blow type battle.  Mario would hit Bowser, Bowser would hit Mario, Fox would hit Bowser, Bowser would hit Fox.  However, Bowser had more stanima.  Bowser stood up triumphantly over Mario and Fox as they lay on the ground.  Bowser was too tough to face.

        Suddenly, the ceiling of the room bust open.  In came Sheik and Little Mac. Sheik started to fight Bowser and Little Mac went to the containers.  He bust open each one with a strong punch.  Toon Link and Lucario came out and thanked Little Mac.  Then, they went straight for Bowser.  Soon, Bowser was fighting against four heroes, a bout too much to face.  Soon, Bowser was on the ground with Sheik, Little Mac, Toon Link, and Lucario over him.

        "This is over!" Bowser shouted,  Then, he pulled out a smash ball.  The heroes could never face Giga Bowser.  He was right, it was over.  However, just as Bowser was about to crush it in his hand, something hit it and the smash ball diminished.  The five looked to see Mario and Fox standing up again.  However, Mario had a rainbow aura around him.  He had the smash ball!

        And so, Mario held out his hands and his smash was unveiled.  It was the Mario Finale.  A huge torrent of fire came from teh plumber's hands and circled forward.  Bowser was caught in it and was spinning around in the fire.  Then, the last burst came and Bowser was weakened.  Mario ran up and kicked the Koopa King in his buttocks.  This sent Bowser through the wall and flying out of Hyrule.  It was the first time he was defeated in this Smash Bros mess.

        Toon Link and Lucario went up to Mario.  "What are you doing here?" Toon Link asked.

        Mario explained the whole story, from the beginning to now, with all of the Smash Bros information.  Toon Link then explained how he was protecting Hyrule then was captured.

        "Would you like to join us?" Mario asked Toon Link and Lucario.

        The blue pokemon nodded and Toon Link agreed.  They had two new heroes.


Hey guys! I'm sorry for the break, but now I am back on consecutive chapters.

Either way, vote and comment on the chapter and subscribe to my account.  Don't forget to come back for Chapter Sixteen.


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