Chapter Fourteen: Attack on Hyrule

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        Lucario was in the cave.  It was a quiet cave.  The only sound heard was the constant drip of a water drop from the ceiling.  He was just resting there.  Perhaps a trainer would come and capture him, but he was ready.  Lucario did not like being captured.

        Suddenly, he felt something.  It was something bad.  His aura had become sour.  He did not know why.  No trainers were around.  Yet, he sensed something else.  Someone far away was in trouble.  He needed to help or bad things would happen to everyone.

        "Lucario!" he exclaimed as he shot up from his resting position.  Then, he ran out of there like a speeding bullet to stop what was wrong.


       Toon Link walked around the castle grounds.  The castle was quite ornate and elegant.  Pictures of Princess Zelda filled the halls.  The whole place, though, seemed empty.  Maybe because it was.  Toon Link was the only one there, alone.  Link forced him to watch the castle and he did not like one minute of it.

        "Ha!" Toon Link laughed to himself.  The chuckle echoed in the halls.  "Link owes me.  I could be out saving my Zelda right now.  But, no.  Link needs me to watch his castle.  What a weenie."

        Toon Link walked around some more.  It seemed awfully quiet in Hyrule.  Nothing bad was going on.  Not that he cared, but it was awfully peculiar.

        Toon Link aimlessly walked into one of the rooms.  It was a bedroom, most likely a guest bedroom. It was nothing fancy, but it was still had a very quaint atmosphere.  Toon Link walked walked around.  As he was walking, something caught his eye.  It was from the window.  Toon Link looked out to see a huge airship heading for Hyrule.

        "Oh, shit," Toon Link cursed to himself.  Even though Toon Link may have not liked protecting this Hyrule, he still had to.  Toon Link took a bell that was in the guest room for what ever reason and he ran outside.  Toon Link ran left and right, all over Hyrule.

        "Go into your homes!" Toon Link screamed at the top of his lungs and he rung the bell.  "Find shelter!" All of the civilians of Hyrule did not hesitate to heed his warning.  They all ran to find some sort of place to protect themselves.  By the time Toon Link had warned all of Hyrule, the airship was right above the kingdom.  Right above the hero.

        The bottom of the ship opened up and out poured an onslaught of Goombas and Koopas.  Some of the Koopas held Bullet Bill guns.  They surrounded Toon Link.

        "Show me what you've got!" Toon Link taunted as he swung his sword.

        Bullet Bills started firing at him from all direction.  Toon Link used his sword to slash all of them in half.  The projectiles were really slow, so it was no problem.  However, one of the bullets slipped past Toon Link's eyesight and hit him right in the back.

        "Ah!" he cried in pain.  Then, all of the minions advanced on the hero.  Toon Link took out his bow and started firing arrows.  His aim was impeccable, hitting every Koopa and Gooma he aimed for.  The only problem was the there were too many of them to hit.  The minions came closer.  The hero took out some bombs and started lobbing them at the enemies.  Even though he was able to knock out more at once, there were still too many.

        Suddenly, two Koopas grabbed his arms from behind.  He flung his sword and it hit one of the Koopas.  This allowed Toon Link to break free and kill the other one.  But, by this time, they were all basically on top of the hero.  It was no use.  No matter how much sword swinging he did, there were too many of them.

        Finally, two Koopas grabbed his arms and one grabbed his legs.  He could not break free this time.  He dropped his sword as the Koopas picking him up and started walking him.  They went out of the crowd of enemies.  Then, the huge airship came down for the ground.  It was bigger than Toon Link could imagine.  The ship came down.  Toon Link winced in pain as the ship crushed some houses.  Then, the door to the ship opened.  A creature jumped out of it.  The figure landed to reveal that it was none other than Bowser the Koopa King!

        "Step back!" Bowser commanded to his lackeys in his devilish voice.  They all stepped back far away from their king.  Even the ones holding Toon Link dropped the boy and went with the crowd.  Toon Link fell to the ground, flat on his back.  Bowser towered over him.

        "I was about to capture this kingdom," Bowser informed, "but I received captives that I had to take away.  Now I have to claim Hyrule as mine!"

        Bowser lifted up his hand, menacing claws bound to penetrate Toon Link's heart.  This was it. Toon Link was about to cry.  However, he was interrupted.  A blue sphere knocked Bowser in the back and sent Bowser over Toon Link and on the ground.

        The sender of the blue ball was Lucario!

        All of the Koopas and Goombas went nuts.  They didn't attack Toon Link or Lucario, but were running around like frightened maniacs.  Toon Link looked at the blue pokemon.

        "We have to go after him," Toon Link ordered as he pointed to Bowser, who was just getting up.  Lucario nodded.  Then, the two charged full speed at the nemesis.

        Lucario jumped up over Bowser and used Force Palm from behind.  Bowser flew toward Toon Link, who slashed Bowser with his sword.  Toon Link used a charge attack and sent Bowser for the air.  Lucario jumped up to hit him.  However, Bowser grabbed his foe in mid-air and used Flying Slam on him.  Lucario lay on the ground when Bowser got up.  Toon Link charged after him, but Bowser put forth a torrent of fire from his mouth.  Both heroes lay on the ground.  Bowser picked both of them up by their necks.

        "This is my kingdom now!" The Koopa King declared.  "This is Bowser's Kingdom!"


Hey guys! I know I said I wouldn't post anything on Christmas, but just count this as a gift from me.

Either way, I would like to unfortunately inform you that I will be unable to write for the next few days.  However, I will be back on track soon to give you consecutive chapters.

So, vote and comment on my story and subscribe to my account.  Don't forget to come back for Chapter Fifteen


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