Chapter Thirteen: Tortured

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        In a statement not surprising, Bowser Jr's airship was much like the armada of airships Bowser had raided Hyrule with.  It had the same set-up, but there seemed to be more hallways and rooms, probably to accommodate for the extra Koopalings.

        Link only knew this because he was stuck there.  Link, Mega Man, Robin, and Duck Hunt were stuck in a prison cell inside of the ginormous airship.  It was like the same one Mario and Fox were stuck in, but Link wouldn't know that.  He wasn't with them.  The cell was still made of the practically indestructible Chain-Chomp material, so there was no way out.

        Robin stood at the gates.  His hands were holding the bars.  It seemed as if he was examining a way to get out.  Link paced around the whole jail cell.  Mega Man sat on the rocky ground, his head in his knees.  The Duck Hunt Dog was playing 'Sticks' with his Duck Hunt Bird right next to Mega Man.  The whole atmosphere was glum and dull.

        "I know there is a way out," Robin said.  "I know it."

        "If there is, I'm not sure we can get to it," Link retorted.

        Robin hesitated.  Then, he took a few steps back and held his hands in the air.  He yelled out "Arcfire" and a ball of fire shot from his hand.  However, when it got in between the bars, the ball of fire just disappeared.

        "What the-" Robin sputtered.

        "Let me try," Link said.  He walked right up to the bars and jammed his sword between them.  But, when the sword was about to go through between the bars, it shot back like it had hit a trampoline.  "It's enchanted," Link immediately said.

        "Wait a minute," Mega Man spoke.  He stood up as Link and Robin looked at him.  "Weren't you able to put your fingers on the other side of the bar?"

        "...Yes," Robin answered in a confused tone.

        "So living things can go through the bars," Mega Man theorized.

        "What are you trying to get at?" Link questioned.

        Mega Man grabbed the Duck Hunt Bird by its neck.  It squealed a little and Duck Hunt Dog shouted out, "Hey!".  Mega Man pulled back his hands and threw the Duck Hunt Bird like it was a baseball.  The bird shot through the air and went straight through the bars.  He was on the other side.

        Duck Hunt Dog ran up to the bars, looking at the bird outside (which was still alive).  "What have you done!?" he exclaimed.

        "Flip the switch, birdie," Mega Man commanded in a voice that you would use to talk to a dog.  "Flip the switch."  Right next to the prison cell was a big lever.  The bird flew over and slammed down on it with all its might.  The lever slowly went down and the jail cell opened.

        "You did it!" Duck Hunt yelled as he went over and hugged the bird.

        "Don't get too excited," Robin warned as he pointed to the end of the hallway.  Standing there was Larry, looking at them.  Then, Larry started making a bunch of noises really loudly.  There was no doubt that is was to call over the other Koopalings and Bowser Jr himself.

        "Let's get out of here!" Link ordered.  With no pause, the four heroes started running in the other direction at super speeds.  They needed cover, and fast.  They kept on running and running.  The Koopalings were catching up fast, with Bowser Jr leading them.  It wouldn't be much longer before the heroes were caught once again.

        "There!" Link shouted.  He was pointing to a door up ahead of them.  It was just past a turn, so they could all get in and the Koopalings wouldn't know where they were.  They all put on an extra speed burst and ran for the door.  Link held it open and the others went in.  By the time the Koopalings got there, the quartet of heroes was all in the room.

        Link slammed the door shut and saw the others staring in shock at what was ahead.  "What the hell..." Link said when he saw.

        The room was full of all types of mechanics and electronics.  There were tanks filled with power and liquid and oh, so many cords.  Yet, that wasn't what shocked them.  In the middle of it all, there was someone, something, that all of the tubes were connected to.  They were sucking something out of it.

        It was Yoshi!

        Link, Robin, Mega Man, and Duck Hunt ran up to the defenseless creature and all of the electronics tied up to it.

        "What are they doing?" Robin inquired.

        Mega Man examined the technology.  "It looks as if they are sucking power from him."

        "For the ship?" Link questioned.

        Suddenly, electronic whirring buzzed.  The tubes filled up and started shooting electricity out of them.  The Yoshi squealed in pain as the electricity went into him.  He was passed out before, but now he was surely awake.  One of the tanks started to slowly fill up with green liquid.  After a few minutes of this, the machine stopped again and the Yoshi passed out once more.

        "No," Mega Man started to answer the previous questions.  "These tanks don't lead up to anything.  This juice they are using from him could be used to power some things, but they aren't. The Koopalings are just torturing it."

        Everyone's stomachs dropped when he said torture.  "Well, let's get him out of here," Link demanded.  With that, everyone started trying to pull off of the tubes.  It took some struggling, but all of the tubes were off and Yoshi was free.  However, he was still passed out, so he just fumbled on the floor.

        Mega Man ran up to the fainted creature and got on his knees.  The robot turned his hands into electrode to use Spark Shock.  "Clear!" Mega Man shouted and put the electrodes on Yoshi, a small, strong shock emitted and shocked the Yoshi.  The shock worked as a defibrillator and awoke the Yoshi.  Yoshi got up on his two feet and looked around curiously.  After some examining of his surroundings, Yoshi went to hug his saviors.

        "Yoshi!" he happily exclaimed.  And, just for a second, everyone was oblivious of their surroundings.

        Their moment of joy was instantly interrupted, though.  Bowser Jr (followed by the Koopalings) busted through the door.  The heroes were found.

        "Get back in your torture chamber, you bitchy dinosaur!" Bowser Jr ordered.  Now, Yoshi was mad.  He knew who imprisoned him.  Yoshi was pissed!

        Yoshi rolled up into and egg and used his Egg Roll.  This caught all of the Koopalings off guard and they were knocked over like bowling pins.  Then, Yoshi kept using his egg lay to put all of the bad guys inside of eggs.  Once ha had put them all in eggs and they were just escaping them, Yoshi used his signature Yoshi Bomb and knocked them all back down.

        "Robin and I will help Yoshi," Link whispered to Mega Man.  "You go with Duck Hunt to destroy this airship." Mega Man nodded and grabbed Duck Hunt by the collar.  They made a small hole in the wall and snuck out as Link and Robin went to fight the Koopalings with Yoshi.

        Mega Man and Duck Hunt ran and ran until they reached a staircase.  They were on the lower level of the ship, so they walked up to be revealed to fresh air.  After Mega Man breathed some in, they kept on running to the back of the ship.  After some more time passed, they were the very back.  Mega Man looked down and saw the rudder at the very bottom of the ship.

        "Duck Hunt, give me some dynamite," Mega Man said.  Duck Hunt pulled out a stick of dynamite and gave it to Mega Man.  After a few seconds of holding it, Mega Man dropped it like a bomb.  Teh dynamite fell through the air and blew out the bottom part of the ship, including the rudder.

        "Yes!" Mega Man cheered.  The airship abruptly started going on a downward angle.  Mega Man looked up and saw Bowser Jr in his little Koopa Clown Cart, yet there were none of the other Koopalings.  He knew that Robin, Link, and Yoshi were holding them back.

        Mega Man knew that they were crashing down, but he had done his duty.


Hey guys! I got some stuff to say.  Tomorrow (Christmas Eve) I will not be posting a chapter.  However, I will post a Christmas-themed short story.  Be sure to check that out.  I will also not be posting on Christmas day becuase...well...Christmas.

Either way, be sure to vote and comment on the chapter and subscribe to my account.  Don't forget to come back for Chapter Fourteen 


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