Chapter Twelve: Space Battle

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        A portal appeared in the sky.  No, not the sky.  In space.  A blue, windy, swirling portal appeared in the depths of space.  Yet, it was close enough to a certain planet's atmosphere.  Anything that happened to fall out would seemingly fall in.

        Suddenly, Meta Knight fell out of it.  The teleporter had been shorted, so the portal appeared in this random place for no reason.  Followed by the knight was Kirby and Pit.  They were all falling down straight into the planet.  However, the fall would surely kill them.

        Kirby screamed in terror as he started flipping in all directions.  Meta Knight was trying to save himself from the fall, but it was no use.  Then, Pit got an idea.

        "Hang on!" Pit shouted out.  Then, he sprouted his white wings.  Pit dove down and swiped Meta Knight in one arm and Kirby in the other.  Then, Pit used his wings to gracefully glide down onto the planet's grassy ground.  When his feet touched, his wings contracted and Meta Knight and Kirby wriggled out of his arms.  They looked around.

        "What is this place?" Pit asked as he turned around in a circle to see the whole place.

        "Dedede cut the wires," Meta Knight informed.  "The teleporter shorted out and took us to this foreign planet."  Meta Knight dug into his pocket only to find the completely obliterated teleporter.  It could never be used again.  "Dammit!" Meta Knight swore.

        Kirby wandered off.  He was a curious little fellow.  The pink puffball wandered off and saw many structures.  Most of them were white.  And, if Kirby squinted really hard, he thought he could see the face of Mario in distant space, but he wasn't sure.  Kirby kept on walking, but he was looking behind him.  He abruptly hit something and fell down.  He looked up to see what he hit, but he did not expect what he saw.  There stood Peach, with blackish-purple eyes.

        "Hi-yie!" Kirby screamed in terror.  Peach took out her parasol and smacked Kirby with it, making him fall again.  Pit and Meta Knight heard the smack of the umbrella and were over there in a fast time.  The three stood in front of the strange-eyed Peach.  Suddenly, someone appeared from behind the princess.  She wore a light blue dress, had the same black eyes, and held a black star.

        It was Rosalina and Luma!

        "I see you've met my minion," Rosalina said, pointing to Peach.  "I just found her here one day.  She must have been sent here.  I know that if you fall at a hyper-speed rate, you could get flung to places far away.  So, I took her under my wing.  Peculiar, isn't it?"  She laughed a laugh that would make anyone cringe

        It didn't take long for the three heroes to realize that Rosalina and Luma were possessed to be evil, and Rosalina did the same thing to Peach.

        Pit split her bow into the dual blades.  "I dont't want to do this," Pit threatened.

        "Then don't," Rosalina suggested sarcastically.  Then, she shot Luma at high speeds toward Pit.  The start hit Pit and the angel hit the ground with a big THUD!

        Pit looked up.  He had had enough.  "Attack!" he shouted.

        Meta Knight and Kirby lunged for Pit.  They jumped at her, only to be hit by her hard frying pan.  The two were sent back, but got up immediately.  Meta Knight charged forward at the princess.  She tried to hit him with a golf club, but Meta Knight used his Dimensional Cape to vanish away just before being hit.  Meta Knight reappeared behind Peach and hit her with a hard sword attack.  Peach was sent flying through the air.  However, Kirby brought her down to the ground with his Cutter.  Meta Knight went up to the princess to do a bunch of Mach Tornadoes.  It was looking good for the good guys.

        Meanwhile, Pit was fighting Rosalina and Luma.  Pit tried to come down with a strike of her blade, but Rosalina used Luma to block the attack.  The Luma used star bits to stun Pit.  This allowed Rosalina to attack with a bunch of punches.  Pit recovered quickly and used his Upperdash Arm.  Rosalina evaded this attack and used another powerful Luma Shot.  By now, Pit was brought to the ground. Rosalina stood above the weakened Pit.  Pit looked over to see Kirby and Meta Knight.

        Peach looked like she was done for.  She lay on the ground, helpless.  Kirby had to make the last move.  He jumped high in the air above her and became a stone.  At rapid speeds, he came down to the ground.  The instant he touched Peach, a huge light filled everyone's eyesight.  It blinded the whole world.  The light soon faded away to reveal a Peach who had been turned good.

        "W-W-Where am I?" she stuttered weakly as Meta Knight and Kirby helped her get up.

        This made Rosalina infuriated.  "That's it!" she shouted.  She waved her wand high in the air.  Suddenly, the ground started to quake.  Everyone (besides Rosalina) was having a hard time keeping their balance.  Suddenly, a black Luma shot out of the ground.  This led more of the black stars just popping out of the ground.  Once they were all out, it was obvious that there was more than a hundred of them.  "Get them!" Rosalina exclaimed.

        All of the Luma started using their Luma Shots all over the place.  It was mass chaos, with everyone being hit.  The four heroes were being attacked left and right.  There was no hope.

        Suddenly, something hit one of the Lumas.  It was a laser bullet.  Pit, Peach, Kirby, and Meta Knight looked from where the blast was.  They saw a Starfox spaceship, streaking through the sky.  It shot a multitude of laser bullets, all hit and knocking out the numerous Lumas.  Once most of the Lumas were gone, the spaceship landed on the planet's surface.  The door to the ship opened... reveal that Falco was riding it!

        "Get in!  Now!" he ordered.  The four heroes ran into the ship with no hesitation.  The spaceship was not meant to hold five people, so they were all crowded in it.  Peach sat in the co-pilot seat because she was the weakest, but the rest just stood.

        Rosalina was now infuriated.  You could tell that she was about to attack the ship, but Falco flew off into space just in time.  The ship went off far away from the planet.  Just they were leaving, they could see Rosalina using her magic to rise giant rock pillars out of the ground.  Meta Knight turned to Falco.

        "You tell me what's going on and you tell me now!" Meta Knight ordered.

        "I don't take orders," Falco retorted.  Meta knight growled, looking like he was ready to attack, but Pit interjected.

        "Can you please tell us what is going on," Pit questioned.  Falco nodded without looking away.

        "I was looking for more inter-planetary life," Falco started, "when I came across a strange planet I had not seen before.  I went over to find that she-devil.  We have been fighting, but with no victor.  Something is going on in this galaxy."

        "I know," Peach spoke up.  "Mario told me.  Villains are teaming up, so we were finding heroes. Rosalina must have been possessed." She turned to Pit.  "How did I get here, anyways?"

        "I think it was something about hyper-speeds," Pit informed.  "I'm not really sure." Peach sighed.

        Kirby squeezed his way up to Falco and started tugging on his leg.  "What the hell are you doing!?" Falco exclaimed.

        "He wants you to join us," Pit said

        There was a hesitation in conversation.  "What for?" he asked.

        "We're teaming up to stop the alliance of the bad guys," Pit answered.

        "What's in it for me?" Falco questioned.

        "Not dying," Meta Knight informed.  Another hesitation.

        "Fine," Falco finally spoke.  "But, first, we have to stop this witch."

        "Any ideas on how to?" Peach inquired upon Falco.

        "I do have one," Falco said, "its a destination.  And, we're here right now."


Hey guys!  I was looking and saw that I had a lot of reads for this book (170 of them).  I just want to thank my followers and readers SO much for all of the support.  I just hope you keep reading.

Either way, vote and comment of the chapter and subscribe to my account.  Don't forget to come back for Chapter Thirteen

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