Chapter Twenty One: Monkeying Around

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        Fox was all better.  The poison was completely healed and he was ready and back in action from a good night's sleep.  Dr. Mario had changed back to Mario.  By the next morning, they were ready.

        "You know around a-this place," Mario said to Villager.  "Where should we go to find more characters."

        Villager took out a map and looked at it.  Then, he pointed to a spot on it.  "Here," he pointed.  The spot on the map was in the shape of what looked like a bird.  "Rumor has it that this place has some characters, but no one from this village has been there.  Forest lies between us and it, and that is very dangerous."

        "Oh, I think we've experienced enough forest to be able to make it through another," Fox interjected with an eye roll.

        "Well, we'd better get there fast," Sheik said.  "Time's running thin."

        And so, Mario, Fox, Sheik, Little Mac, Toon Link, Lucario, Luigi, and Villager all went out of the house and into the depths of a forest.  A forest that no one has been in before.

        The forest was eerie.  The whole place was very dark, but you could look up to see clear sunshine.  There was a silence that filled the place.  It just seemed wrong.

        Luigi was shivering with fear.  "A-A-Are a-we almost o-o-out of a-here," Luigi stuttered as he tried to maintain his voice.

        "You're a man.  Man up," Little Mac forcibly advised.

        "It's a-okay Luigi," Mario assured.  "Everything will a-be fine."

        Suddenly, there was a noise.  A snapping sound.  Luigi screamed at the top of his lungs and hid behind a bush.

        "Hey, it's a little squirrel," Toon Link pointed out.  It was on top of a broken twig.  Toon Link tried to grab it, but it skittered away.

        "You a-see, Luigi," Mario said.  "Nothing to a-be afraid of."

        "Luigi poked out of the bush and started to slowly walk out of it.  "O-O-Ok," Luigi stuttered.

        "Wimp," Little Mac whispered.

        "Suddenly, a gust of breeze came by.  Then, a huge object, whatever it was, came through the whole crowd of heroes.  They all split apart so they weren't hit.  Once the mysterious object was gone, they all looked at each other.

        "Is everyone alright?" Sheik called to everyone.

        "Wait," Mario said.  "Where's a-Luigi?"

        Suddenly, a calling came out.  "Mario!  Help!"

        The seven heroes looked up to see something horrible.  Luigi was at the top of a very tall tree. Yet, he was being held by something.  This something was Donkey Kong, who was possessed.

        "No!" Mario called out.  Mario ran to the tree.  But, when he jumped to grab onto its bark, something took him away.  They rest of the heroes looked.  Soon, Mario was perched atop the tree next to Donkey Kong's.  Mario was being held by Diddy Kong.

        "Oo-ooo-oo-oo!" Donkey Kong taunted as he banged one of his fists against his chest.

        "I've got this," Fox said.  He held up his blaster and shot some blasts.  But, Donkey Kong easily avoided the shots.  Toon Link and Lucario tried to use their arrows and Aure Sphere's.  But, they were all fallibly easy to avoid.  Then, Sheik tried her Needle Storm, but attacked the branch he was standing on.  The branch fell and Donkey Kong merely jumped to another branch.

        "None of our projectiles will work," Fox said.  Then, everyone looked at Villager, who was on the ground.

        "What the hell are you doing on the ground at a time like this?" Toon Link outraged.

        "You'll see," Villager answered.  "Just distract them."

        That was no trouble.  Suddenly, Little Mac ran forward and started punching the base of the tree which Diddy kong was in.  The tree trembled and shook everytime Little Mac punched it, like an earthquake.  Soon, Little Mac started punching through the tree, little by little.  It would soon fall. Diddly Kong grabbed a vine and jumped to the tree with Donkey Kong.  Then, Little Mac finished punching the tree and it came crashing down.  The heroes avoided it as it fell to the ground.

        "Get the other tree!" Toon Link commanded.  Within a few seconds, Little Mac, Sheik, Toon Link, Fox, and Lucario were all attacking the tree, making it shake like a rumbling Wii remote.  The tree was easily being chipped through.  The Kongs would need to find a new one.  Then, they heard a voice.

        "Hey monkeys!" someone yelled.  Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong looked down.  The voice was Villager.  "I have a nice tree for you!" he was right.  It was small, but it was a ripe green tree.  Donkey and Diddy each grabbed a vine and swung to the tree.  Suddenly, Villager pulled out an axe and chopped the small tree straight down.  When the monkeys fell to the ground, they dropped Mario and Luigi.  Then, all of the fighters starting attacking.  Soon, a burst of white light came across the whole forest.  When the light diminished, Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong were once again good.

        "Oo-oo?" Donkey Kong questioned as he looked around.  Diddy was the same way.

        "Come with us," Mario offered as he held out his hand.  Donkey and Diddy both accepted and they had two new heroes.

        "Quickly, we have to get to out destination before dark," Villager beckoned.  So, all ten of the heroes walked onward.

        But, as they kept walking, they saw something.  Something unnatural.


Hey guys! You know the character Angel (Fox's wife). Well, she actually belongs to AngelGamerLove. I have no rights to this character so you should check her out.

Either way, vote and comment on the chapter and subscribe to my account. Don't forget to come back for chapter twenty two.  


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