Tipping The Scales

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Meanwhile, our Heroes came across Arena Ferox and they about to go inside. Soon, two of our heroes spoke up. It was Marth and Ike.

Marth: "Wait. You'll stay here, we're take it from here."

Ike: "It's our destiny."

Marth and Ike went inside.

Meanwhile inside, Lucina is seen almost about to be defeated.

Lucina: "Ah! What is this power?"

She was getting defeated the one and only, Captain Falcon.

Captain Falcon: "Yes!"

Lucina was fighting him because he hurt her father, Chrom.

Lucina: "You took out my father!"

Lucina dashes straight at Captain Falcon and fought, but Falcon kicked her off guard and prepares for his Falcon Punch.

Captain Falcon: "Falcon...!"

Soon, green beans of light came down and Captain Falcon was dodging them by flipping backwards.

It was a guy who was floating. He had a hood over his head with a sword and a spellbook in his hands. He closed his book and lower down to the ground and they stared him. It was Robin.

Robin: (To Lucina) "It's going to be alright. Time to tip the scales!"

Lucina: "Robin!"

Robin: "Smash has many powerful foes, Lucina. But I'm no ordinary swordsman!"

He did his special attacks on Captain Falcon by using his magic tomes.

Robin: "Thunder! Elthunder! Arcthunder! And...Thoron! Arcfire! Elwind! Nosferatu!"

Lucina: "Wow, you have so many tomes."

Robin: "I can only use them so many times, which is why I carry my Levin Sword!"

Lucina: "Then, this is no time for me to rest. I'll fight by your side!"

Lucina teamed up with Robin to fight Captain Falcon by using her attacks similar to Marth's.

Lucina: "Hup. Hup. Ha. Key-ya!"

Robin: "Lucina, I hope I didn't hurt you."

Soon, Marth and Ike finally shows up.

Lucina: (To Robin about Marth) "It's that...the Hero King himself?"

Robin: (To Lucina about Ike) "And the Radiant Hero of Legend. Worthy opponents indeed! Prepare yourselves!"

Lucina: "Come at me!"

Robin & Lucina: "HAH"

Marth and Ike were in a team dual with Robin and Lucina.

Chrom got up.

Chrom: "Guess I'll get my chance, another day."

Robin: "No, you'll get it today."

Two Smash Balls, which Robin and Lucina got. Robin's Pair Up, which involved Chrom. And Lucina's Critical Hit.

Robin: "Chrom!"

Chrom: "On my mark!"

They both started attacking them repeatedly.

Robin: "Begone!"

Chrom: "We'll not done yet!"

Chrom delivered the Finishing Blow and Lucina prepared her Critical Hit.

Lucina: "Time to change fate!"

Lucina KO'd them, but they were okay and Marth and Ike invited them to come along with the group.

Robin: "Sure!"

Lucina: "We'll Heroes after all."

Captain Falcon: "I will come along as well. Also, sorry for hurting your father, Lucina. No hard feelings, right?"

Lucina: "You are forgiven, Captain Falcon."

They got outside Arena Ferox and everyone was there.

(A/N: The chapter ends here. Here's a video about the guidance of Robin and Lucina.)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Mario, Donkey Kong, Link, Samus, Yoshi, Kirby, Fox, Pikachu, Luigi, Ness, Captain Falcon, Peach, Zelda, Sheik, Marth, Mr. Game & Watch, Dr. Mario, Falco, Meta Knight, Pit, Zero Suit Samus, Ike, Charizard, Diddy Kong, Olimar, Alph, Lucario, Toon Link, Villager, Wii Fit Trainer, Rosalina & Luma, Little Mac, Greninja, Palutena, Robin, Lucina, Sonic, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Sunset Shimmer, Spider-Man, Mega Man, Pac-Man, Luffy, Naruto, Goku, Astro Boy, and Akame joined your team.

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