Disventure Camp S1 Swap AU - Part 1

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I've gotten inspired after seeing all of the art and stuff involving other Swap AUs, so... why not join in the bandwagon? This swap is gonna be based on character labels alone, so there could be some personality changes to correspond to this.

I've got four of these, both being canon couples! So let's get these lovebirds out of the way first!

Ellie Parker
[The Gullible Gal]

(Swapped with Jake)

- A lot more naïve than her canon counterpart (as per the label), and not as strategical. She can act a bit petty at times, especially when she gets mad.

- Despite that, she retains her patient, understanding, and kind personality from canon. So, basically her beta self with the naive part of her being amped up a bit. She never goes down into her villainous ways in All-Stars.

- Can be get a bit anxious at times, and sometimes even lashes out if it gets too much for her. This is more apparent during her All-Stars run.

- She came onto the show due to her loner status as implied from the beta, often being picked on while doing her job (she only works one job here), and was wanting to make some new friends. She also came for the money, but here she isn't as desperate for it, as she's actually financially well compared to canon.

- The aforementioned job Ellie works as is as a fashion designer. She really loves her job though, even with all of the bullying she's faced.

- She still holds her grudges against her enemies, but they're more personal to her now.

- She was bitter about losing out on Season 1, and the game itself does take a toll on her mental state by All-Stars...

- Ellie grew to become less naïve as both seasons went by, and tried to improve on her sometimes-petty behavior. Though this came at the cost of developing trust issues in-between seasons due to the mishaps with her relationship. This tends to bite back at her and causes her to make more enemies throughout All-Stars than friends.

- Ellie regrets having gotten Tom's replacement fired from their job, and wants to apologize for it, and for any other mistakes she has made in the past. She doesn't exactly know how to approach them for that though.

- She has trouble controlling her emotions sometimes, and rarely lets those do the talking rather than her usual logical thinking.

Gabrysia 'Gabby' Nowak
[The Energetic Mystery]

(Swapped with Tom)

- Still as energetic (albeit toned down) and loyal as she was. She's still pretty disapproving and offended by others' actions that she finds dislikable, but this does happen more commonly, and on rare cases, she even gets pretty explosive over them. This affects her and Ellie's relationship going forward.

- By All-Stars, her energetic levels are at the same as her canonical self, especially by then, she's no longer affiliated with being a spy.

- Her scars came from her multiple previous spy jobs, which she wasn't really successful with. She even hid them away for most of the first season with a bandana, feeling a bit insecure about how others would feel about seeing them. Ellie was the first one to see them in-person.

- Like with Beta Tom, she's really unorganized at her job as a spy, often letting the excitement of it get to her head at times and screwing up at some missions that she has. She still makes up lies towards others in order to keep her identity sealed.

- Gabby got inspired into doing her spy job after watching many action and spy TV shows or films.

- Gabby's more enclosed than canon, mostly because of her job. She does let a few things slip up due to her incompetence, but is pretty quick to correct herself.

- She gets fired from her spy job in the same manner that Tom did in canon. She loved her job, so she wasn't really happy about it towards Ellie the next time they talked...

- Thankfully, she did manage to get a job as a police officer after stopping Jensen (yeah, the hosts are staying the same as canon) from stealing the grand prize. She's as dedicated to the job as she was as a spy, even though she can still be a bit incompetent at it. Even with her ineptitude, she's still well-liked by her police peers for her personality.

- Being more open-minded after the events of Season 1, she seems to have let go of any grudges that she previously held against others, even with the likes of Ellie's replacement.

- She and Ellie's relationship was still complicated, but not to the levels of canon Jam's. Though, she's more open with Ellie than Tom was with Jake. They managed to hook back up with each other early on in the merge after an emotional talk.

- She wishes things between her and Ellie could've went differently, but by All-Stars, she doesn't really blame her as much for how she got tricked into getting her own ex-girlfriend eliminated. She did even answer a few of Ellie's own calls in-between seasons, but she did act sort of dodgy about it.

Jacob 'Jake' Hamilton
[The Crafty Worker]

(Swapped with Ellie)

- More distrusting, strategic, calculating, and stoic than in canon. Of course, he's less naïve too. Still retains his nicer qualities though, though it's mostly seen during the start of both seasons.

- Jake's colder and distrusting side showing more commonly than Canon Ellie's was because of trust issues being developed after his disastrous relationship with his ex, and not to mention his parents.

- His economic situation is the same as Ellie's... which is pretty shit. He even had to work out on two jobs in order to pay out his parents' bills. He isn't that fond of them for being their money scapegoat and for issues regarding his sexuality.

- He's really desperate to win the money prize in order to move out of his parents' house and to finally manage life for himself.

- Jake's two jobs that he works for are a waiter in a restaurant and customer service at the cash register in a supermarket. He's not too fond of either jobs, and would rather try getting a hand at a baking job at a bakery. His parents think otherwise.

- He takes canon Ellie's place in the Villain's Alliance in All-Stars. He even tends to mess with others in order to benefit his own game, especially with relationships.

- He tends to be a bit of a schemer, often trying to sabotage other teams in order to get his team or himself further in challenges. He tries not to go too far with what he tries to sabotage, though. Even he himself has standards.

- He was responsible for the totem fiasco and breaking up Ellie and Gabby. Unlike Ellie, he felt no remorse for it, considering it as a necessary evil in order to advance further towards the win. You wouldn't believe how badly he took losing out on the game...

- Overall, Jake is less remorseful than he or Season 1 Ellie was in canon. His remorse levels are pretty much equal to All-Stars Ellie's.

- He's more explosive in terms of emotions during All-Stars, disliking when plans don't go the way he wants it to follow through.

- Jake became more petty and vile when it comes to relationships and grudges against others after All-Stars, practically as petty as his canon self got with Aiden (Prior to Episode 12) and Ally. Can you really blame him when he let his morals get the best of him during the finale?

- Even with his negative traits showing more throughout All-Stars, he still feels as if his relationship with his boyfriend was more important than the cash.

Thomas 'Tom' Reed
[The Hyperactive Nature-Lover]

(Swapped with Gabby)

- More energetic, but at a reasonable level compared to Gabby. A lot more open throughout both seasons, and still retains his loyal and leader-like traits.

- His scars came from a small incident with a bear. He isn't bothered as much by it.

- He's still as clumsy as he was in the beta, often happening whenever he tries to approach animals or if he's being hyperactive.

- He still has his strong sense of justice, and dislikes it when others do unjust things, especially if it's for selfish reasons.

- Tom's a bit socially awkward due to his lack of interactions after being locked up into an asylum for his conditions. He doesn't like remembering his experiences there...

- Like with Canon Gabby, he sometimes hallucinates another version of himself, one that's more aggressive and manipulative. He tries not to let that other side of him get into his head too much, but it has been proven quite difficult for him.

- Tom gets overwhelmed by certain things sometimes, and can explode into a fit of rage when that limit is reached, ESPECIALLY when it involves animals or any other forms of nature being harmed.

- In fact, Tom actually started to love animals and other nature-related things after reading some science books involving wildlife and biology.

- Tom owns as much pets as Gabby did in canon. Jake often gets a bit overwhelmed with taking care of them, but as long as if it makes his boyfriend happy...

- Jake and Tom's relationship is a LOT better than in canon. Tom even moved in with Jake into a new apartment after the first season ended with the combined money they had.

- He wishes he could contribute on helping Jake get out of his money fiasco, but it has been really difficult for him to find jobs around town, especially with how he sometimes acts towards others...

- In spite of the two still having some arguments here and there in All-Stars, mainly with Jake's path to villainy, they still love each other very much.

- He still became besties with Gabby after tracking down the hosts for their nature destruction crimes on Camp Tipiskaw. He does dislike it when Jake antagonizes her at times, wanting the two to become friends, especially with Gabby trying to show that she has no qualms with him.

That's all of the stuff I've got for the four! I hope you've liked them as much as I did! It was pretty fun thinking of differing traits for them with the differing labels they've had swapped around! I'll likely make some more real soon! Until then, tell me what you all think and I'll see you soon!


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