A What?

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**My own idea, inspired by a few one shots I've seen in other books. Peter is 4, biological son to Tony. The Avengers don't know about him at all, and when they finally meet him, they see a side to Tony no one has seen before.**

Tony was stuck in the world's most boring meeting. That was really saying something, seeing as Tony thought all meetings were boring.

This one, however, particularly irked him. To start things off, it had been scheduled last minute, something about SHIELD and The Avengers teaming up on a mission planned for the upcoming weekend. This last minute schedule meant Tony had to cancel his usual day of fun with his son, Peter.

Tony bounced his leg distractedly. He could be watching Disney movies right now! Or going to the toy store! Or playing with Legos in the lab! Thinking about it only made him more worked up, so he zoned out, staring out the window.

"Hey," Steve barked, snapping his fingers at his colleague. "Are you listening to anything I am saying?"

Tony looked up. "Oh, yeah. For sure. Keep going." The billionaire waved his hand to the blond, his gaze returning to the window. Every now and then, Tony's eyes would flick to the clock behind Steve, counting the hours he'd been there.

Realizing that he'd been sitting there for over 2 hours, Tony slumped back in his chair, a sigh escaping his lips.

"Jesus, Tones, you've been antsy all day!" Clint finally broke, throwing his hands up. "What could you possibly have planned for today besides working in the lab, more meetings, and going out with Pepper?"

The team snickered lightly, Tony turning a light shade of pink. He didn't mean to be a distraction. He was just... distracted.

"I actually had plans," Tony said, rolling his eyes. He'd decided a long time ago to keep Peter out of the media, out of danger, and out of the eye of his superhero colleagues for as long as possible.

"Like what?' Bucky crossed his arms, giving him a look that screamed 'yeah, right.'

"Like its none of your business! Just go back to... whatever we were talking about." Tony threw his hands into his lap, letting his eyes drift back to the window. It was such a nice day out, perfect for ice cream. And maybe a trip to the park.

Steve continued talking, shaking his head lightly and deciding to just ignore Tony's behavior.

"Sir," JARVIS interrupted the meeting. "It would appear that the young sir is awake from his nap."

Steve let out a frustrated growl. "Why don't we just stop everything for Tony's life? Why don't we let robots interrupt meetings!"

Tony sent him a scowl, then addressed JARVIS. "Where is Pepper?"

"She appears to have stepped out for a PR emergency, sir, Peter is starting to panic."

Tony ran a hand over his face, this was exactly the type of thing he wanted to avoid today. "I'll be right back," he stated flatly, leaving no room for his colleagues to argue.

"Wha-" Steve began, but stopped when he saw how serious Tony looked.

The billionaire stepped out of the room, leaving a bewildered team of superheroes behind him.

"Has anyone noticed that he's been acting odd lately?" Bruce decided to be direct.

"Try 'acting odd for the past 3 years'," Clint chuckled.

"He stopped drinking, too," Natasha threw in, filing her nails lazily. The team stared at her, silently questioning how she would even know that.

"What," she said defensively. "No one else noticed that he was drinking straight cranberry juice at the last press event, and that he's dried out the bar in the lab?"

No one had apparently noticed, but they all knew that Natasha was probably right. She usually was, if not always.

Steve attempted to restart the meeting, only to be interrupted again. Tony pushed open the doors, in his arms was a large bundle of blankets, one with the Ironman helmet on it, the rest with various animals or solid colors.

The man took his seat again, letting the bundle lean into his chest. When he was satisfied that his son was settled, he looked to his colleagues.

"Tony," Sam started. "What's that?"

Act natural, Tony thought. "A toddler," he said, in a matter of fact tone.

"A what?" Clint's voice raised an octave as he choked on some water.

"Who's toddler did you steal?" Steve's question was punctuated by soft laughs.

"I didn't steal him," Tony said with a sneer towards the man at the head of the table. "He's mine."

The team sat in silence, each trying to process this new information. Peter, who was very smart for his age, had been listening closely to the conversation, but decided it was best to let his father handle it.

"You... you can't have a kid," Bucky scoffed. Tony frowned.

"And why not?"

"Because you'd make a terrible father!" Steve's outburst startled the group. Peter, having heard this, wiggled out of Tony's arms and stood on his dad's lap, putting one hand on his hip and pointing the other at Steve. The toddler's brow was furrowed and his lips puckered, doing his best impression of his mom when she was upset.

"You take that back right now," he said seriously, shaking his little finger. "My daddy is the nicest daddy in the whole world, he gets me ice cream and lets me go to the park and we build Legos! You're just a meanie!"

Satisfied with his work, the boy sat down again, cuddling into his father's arms. Tony's smirk was cocky, but there was hidden pride hidden in there, too.

"Jeez, you got one hell of a fighter there," Sam whistled.

"Language," both Steve and Tony said, Tony covering Peter's ears.

"So," Natasha said, walking over to where Tony sat and crouching down. "What's your name?"

Peter's doe brown eyes met the assassins. "Peter," he said with a smile. "Peter Stark."

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