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**My own idea. Natasha finds out the kid she'd been watching out for since his aunt's death is a superhero, and oh boy, is she mad.**

Peter sighed, settling into his warm sheets. Despite the Avengers Compound being breezy and chilly, Peter's room was always warm. He may or may not have hacked the heating system.

The teen checked his watch. He could catch an hour or so of shut eye, then go out for patrol without fear of his adopted family catching him. Adopted family sounds weird, Peter thought as sleep started to pull at his mind. Really, more of a... a strange group of friends who are much... older...

The boy fell asleep. Natasha tiptoed down the hall. She poked her head in and, seeing Peter fast asleep, returned to the lounge where her colleagues were waiting for her.

"Okay, he's in bed, we can talk now."

"So," Clint started with a dramatic sigh. "Where did you find a 12 year old kid and why is he living here now?"

"More importantly," Bucky interrupted. "How long will he be here?"

Natasha rolled her eyes, settling back into the couch and taking a cup of tea from Wanda. "His name is Peter, so maybe use that instead of 'kid', and he's actually 15. As for why he is here, I used to know his aunt, and she passed away recently. I promised to look after him when she was gone, so here he is. He'll be staying until he moves out as far as I am concerned."

The ex-assassin shrugged to mark the end of her statement. The team was quiet.

"So he's got no one else he could go and bother?" Clint's question was a shock to the group, despite the same thought being on most of their minds.

Natasha's eyes flashed dangerously, but it was Wanda who stepped in before her older friend.

"How dare you Clint Barton!" The young woman wagged a finger in the man's face, her eyes a dangerous red glow. "Peter has been Natasha's godson for 14 years and you expect us to send him off to some foster family when we can be a perfectly good family right here?"

"Godson?" Steve glanced over at the red head, who was sipping her tea and watching Clint's face morph into an expression of pure fear with an amused smile. She looked up at the blond.

"Yeah, his parents and I knew each other. They died right after he was born, and May's had him until now."

Everyone was quiet. They hadn't known about Peter's past, otherwise they would have been much more kind to the poor boy. As if Natasha had read their minds, she quickly shot down their ideas.

"Don't go spoiling him, now, and don't make a big deal of his situation. He hates feeling like a burden, or like a charity case. He's here because I love him, you're all to be as normal and welcoming as possible. Without being weird." She glared at everyone, just to make sure they understood her.

"News, anyone?" Sam held up the remote to the large TV. Everyone nodded and Sam quickly turned on the TV.

"... and now over to Queens where there is a massive fire. It's already claimed most of the block, here, and people inside several apartment buildings are trapped, we don't have any new updates as of now, but-"

Peter's super hearing picked up the TV, which was loud anyways, and he was suddenly pulled from sleep. Danger!

The teen threw on his suit, a gift from Tony Stark. Peter was lucky Mr. Stark was such a good secret keeper, otherwise Natasha would have been informed right away, and the last thing Peter wanted was to worry his Godmother.

He slip open the window slowly, making sure to not alert the others that he was up. The, with a flying leap, he was swinging towards danger.

"-firefighters are asking that people stay away from the area, as it is extremely dangerous to be- Oh, look, its Spiderman!" The news reporter pointed up at the apartment building currently engulfed in flames. The camera followed her hand and sure enough, the familiar red and blue spandex suit was seen disappearing into the building. A second later, the young superhero swung out, a woman over his shoulder and 2 kids clinging to his arms.

"That kids has some moves," Sam commented, watching the young man swing back into the flames.

"He's really brave, too," Clint chimed in.

"Do you think he'd be interested in working with us sometime?" Steve's question caught everyone off guard.

"After Germany? No way," Clint laughed.

"I asked Stark about him, since he made the kid's new suit," Natasha said, watching Spiderman pull a few more people out of the building. "He definitely knows who he is, but he wouldn't tell me anything other than the fact that he's a teenager. Like, a young one."

"He is a kid?" Steve fell back onto the couch, his head in his hands. "I dropped an airport on a kid?!?"

The group laughed a little, then looked back to the TV. Spiderman was coughing. A lot.

"What's he doing?" Bucky squinted at the TV, watching grainy and far away footage of the kid as he coughed harshly into his watch.

"I think he's talking to someone?" The whole family watched carefully. Sure enough, a second later, there was a squeal from the reporter and she announced the arrival of Ironman.

"Of course, tin head just had to play hero to the hero," Clint rolled his eyes, but something caught his eye. "Hey, wait, is he... picking the kid up?"

Ironman scooped up the tinier male, and though his mask gave nothing away to the press or the on-lookers, the team could tell he was panicked. There was no fanfare, no handshakes or autographed.

A minute later, the familiar thunk of the iron suit landing alerted the team that Tony was there. They rushed to get the door for him.

"What happened?" Steve was running next to Tony as the shorter male rushed the teen in his arms to the medical ward.

"Too much smoke, I think. I need someone to get my phone, call the kid in my contacts under 'guy in the chair', he's the kid's best friend. He was connected to him the whole time, you gotta let him know I'm taking care of the Spider-idiot here," Tony barked instructions, and Clint moved to make the phone call from Tony's phone.

"Everyone out!" Tony's voice was commanding. "He doesn't want people to know his identity, you gotta let me work."

The team was hesitant to leave, but one look from Tony made them all scurry out the door.

"Oh, Pete," the man sighed heavily, peeling back the teen's mask and hooking up the oxygen mask.

The team was pacing in front of the med ward. Sure, they didn't know the kid, but they really cared about the hero. He was a real help most of the time, and no one wanted to see him get hurt. Clint came rounding the corner, confusion clouding his mind.

"Hey, Nat?" The red head looked up. "Is Peter Spiderman?"

The group looked at Clint, shocked. Natasha laughed. "As if," she said through giggles. "Peter is definitely not Spiderman, I think I would know."

"You should maybe double check, the kid Tony had me call was a teen, someone named Ned? Anyways, he thought I was Tony at first and kept saying 'how's Peter, is Peter okay?'"

The whole team thought for a moment.

"Lots of kids named Peter, Clint," Sam said.

Natasha suddenly jumped up, and without a word, she pushed her way back into the medical ward. Her godson, Peter Parker, brown curls and soot covered cheeks, laid on the table. Tony jumped up, trying to hide the teen's identity from the woman.

"Tony! You never told me!" In a few short strides, Natasha was next to the billionaire, throwing soft slaps and punches, not hard enough to hurt the man, but hard enough to get her point across. "You lied to me! You told me I didn't know him! All the while you were letting him go out, getting himself in trouble, getting himself hurt and shot at and God know's what-"

A soft hand found the woman's, and she stopped talking. Looking down, she saw Peter's doe eyes looking up at her.

"Hey, Tasha. Surprise," he joked lightly, a smile tugging at his tired face. Natasha couldn't help but smile back, despite her anger.

"You," she said sternly. "Are grounded. And you!" She whipped her head back to Tony. "You are in massive trouble."

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