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**Request for Starr_Riddle-Malfoy where Midtown is under attack and Peter has to deal with the baddies. One problem, though, he needs someone to evacuate students so he can actually deal with the threat without worrying about civilians or a secret identity. Enter one Amara Fury (Nick Fury's daughter) and you've got the perfect side-kick. This one was a lot of fun, especially because I got to invent this sassy character who acts way too much like her dad ;) Enjoy!!**

TW: School Setting Violence

Peter could smell it, the minute he turned the corner, he could smell it. It was musky, dark, and metallic. Like smoke and spare change. The teen stumbled over his feet, scanning the hall for anything suspicious or out of the ordinary.

Nothing. Not even a kid looking vaguely menacing. Not even a strange substitute or a teacher to look into as a suspect.

Peter knew he couldn't exactly pull the fire alarm and evacuate the school at this stage. There was no sincere threat- no proof that anything was going wrong. He knew he had to go to class and hope for the best, at least for right now. He could be a hero later, if the school really needed him.

Ned, who was already in the classroom when Peter got there and took his seat, spotted his friend's panic quickly.

"You okay?"

Peter nodded, his eyes darting around the room as he took a deep breath and tried to nail down where the gun powder smell was coming from.

"I thought I smelled something earlier, but I think it's gone now. Just my imagination." The minute those words were out of Peter's mouth, he wished he could take them back. A boy, all dressed in black, came through the door, and Peter nearly fell out of his seat from the smell.

Gun powder. Blood. Metal.

Peter grabbed Ned, pulling him down before the boy pulled out a gun and fired it into the air.

"Listen up!" He yelled, looking around the room. "I've got a little job to do here, and I can't do it without finding one Peter Parker. I know he's here."

Peter lowered himself closer to the ground, thinking of a plan. Where he was now, he was nestled behind a bookshelf, obscured by backpacks and desks. He just needed time. He needed a plan. He needed-

Ned popped up, wiggling out of Peter's hands.

"He's not in this class," he lied.

The boy in all black looked over at Ned, then down at his watch.

"Intelligence said he was in 5th period history."

"He is," Ned said, his voice barely faltering. "This isn't history, history is the hall over. This is social studies."

The boy scoffed. "Fuckin' spies. Never get the real info." He turned and went down the hall, the door clattering as he slammed it behind him.

"That won't keep him busy long," Peter said, bouncing up. "We need to get people out of here now."

Ned nodded, and started pulling people up and out of their seats, only to push them towards the door. Everyone seemed frozen, staring at Peter as he rummaged through his bag.

"Get them out, Ned," Peter said, pulling off his sweatshirt and shoving a few things into his pockets. "I'm going to start on some of the other classes."

Peter was out of the room in a flash, jumping over desks with all of his spider-powered ease. The class nextdoor was a mixed-grade spanish class, and as Parker luck would have it, it was where Flash was.

Peter threw open the door. "I need you all to evacuate immediately." When no one moved, the teen raised his voice. "Now!"

"Mr. Parker!" The teacher, Ms. Bustia, stood from behind her desk, red faced and upset. "I will not have you-"

The sound of gun shots came from down the hall, and most of the class startled. One girl screamed.

"Now!" Peter repeated, looking down the hall.

The teacher was herding people into a single file line, like it was all some big drill or something. Peter bounced on the balls of his feet, caught between wanting them to move faster and happy that they were moving at all.

"Come on, come on, come on," the teen urged, glancing down the hall. The gun shots were getting closer. Scanning the room, Peter spotted a freshman in the back. Anita.

"Nita," he called, looking over the heads of the other students. Anita looked up with wide eyes. She was one of Flash's most recent victims, and was pretty shy because of it. Or, rather, she acted shy. "Can you please get them out of here?"

The girl nodded, straightening her back and standing up. Pulling her long, curly hair back into a pony tail, she marched to the front of the room.

"I need everyone to stay low to the ground and move fast."

Flash scoffed. "Why should we listen to you, little grub."

Anita pulled a badge out of her back pocket, holding it out in front of her. "Anita Fury, daughter of SHIELD director Nick Fury, on temporary assignment here to protect Peter Parker."

The room froze at the word SHIELD. SHIELD? Here at Midtown? And Peter Parker was somehow related to them?

Anita crouched by the door, checking the hall. "Clear. Take the high side, I'll follow and get them to the main hall, cover you with fire."

Peter nodded, reaching up to grab the door frame and swinging out. Anita motioned for the class to start following her and they all started hurrying down the hall, some on all fours and others crouched like Anita was. Flash was half-way down the hall when he looked up at the boy in all black, holding a gun to his forehead.

"Don't move."

Flash froze, his eyes blown wide and panicked.

"Hey." The boy in black looked up, where Peter was perched against the ceiling. "Don't think you want to do that."

Flash barely had time to move as Peter launched himself at the boy, Anita firing a few well-aimed shots as they fought.

Flash scrambled away and into the crouching teacher behind him, who barely suppressed a shocked gasp. The fight was intense and close, with Peter throwing two punches for every one of the boy's. Anita was careful with her shots, only taking ones she knew Peter would be able to dodge in time. The boy was wrestling to get his gun to Peter's head, but Peter was holding him back and his super-strength was a force to be reckoned with.

Then, there was a sudden shot of energy, like a laser. Peter's spider-sense warned him, and he pulled back as the beam found its mark in the boy's shoulder, knocking him backwards and into the wall of lockers. Peter was quick to shoot a web and secure the boy to the wall.

"Thanks for the back up, Stark," Anita said, standing up and extending a hand to Tony Stark, who was standing at the end of the hall, an Ironman Gauntlet around his hand.

"No problem, Fury."

The billionaire turned, eyes Peter. "You good, Underoos?"

"Fine," Peter said. "At least Anita didn't knick my shoulder this time."

Anita blushed a deep red. "That was one time, Parker, and to be fair, you moved into my line of fire."

The three laughed a little, then Tony strutted forward to pull the webs away from the boy and pull him up by the collar. "Want me to take this one back to the Tower? Or back to SHIELD?"

Peter looked over at Anita, who shrugged. "Take him to the Tower, he was after me anyways. I'll interrogate him after school."

Tony nodded, said his goodbyes, and left. The whole hall was silent, and the few teachers and students who had been in the middle of evacuation were staring at Peter and Anita with wide eyes. Anita, who could take down full grown men and kick HYDRA ass on any mission, but shrank when she was the center of attention, retreated behind Peter as he came down the side of the wall.

"We should probably call the police, ya know?" Peter joked, shrugging his shoulders a little and popping a little smile. Anita couldn't help but snort a little.

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