Secret Lives

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**Request for Starr_Riddle-Malfoy where Peter is secretly Bucky and Natasha's son. I first want to apologize for how LATE this is, I am having the worst couple weeks y'all.  When it rains, it pours, and that phrase has never been more true to me right now. Secondly, This one was so much fun! Literally one of my favorites to write, haha, thank you so much for the request!!!! I hope it was what you wanted. I am working on the others, too, but in the mean time... Enjoy!**

Maria Hill pointed across the front of the conference room, the shadow cast by her body blocking out part of the projected graph. Tony let out a sigh, slumping back in his seat and making a face at Steve, who was across from him. The super soldier suppressed a snicker as the billionaire crossed his eyes.

Bucky elbowed him under the table. Steve let out a slight giggle. Clint pulled a face. Natasha imitated strangling herself. Wanda nearly spat out her coffee.

"You're all such children." Maria crossed her arms, staring at the team from the front of the room.

Bucky let out a heavy breath and rolled his eyes. "Kill joy."

Maria went on droning about whatever it was she was droning on about. This had become a scheduled meeting, one every month, to discuss costs and risks and all the other stuff no one really cared about. It was just a guilt trip by Fury to make the Avengers feel indebted to him. "I am paying for all of this," he would say, as if that made him king. Tony was always quick to say he would front the bill, but Fury always declined.

"-And here we can see how this month's expenditures outweigh the last's. Its important to-"

The door swung open, startling everyone. There, in the middle of the doorway, stood a small boy with dark hair and bouncy curls. He couldn't be more than 14 he was so skinny and short.

"Мама, папа! Угадай, что!" he said excitedly. (Translation: Mom, Dad! Guess what!)

Everyone furrowed their brows. Who the hell was-

"Какая?" Bucky said, the Russian rolling off his tongue easily. The team, besides Steve and Natasha, had never heard him speak Russian before.

"Я получил чертову стипендию!" The boy shouted, jumping up and down. (Translation: I got the fucking scholarship!) Bucky was out of hit seat in a flash, scooping the boy into a crushing bear hug and spinning him around. Natasha rolled her eyes.

"Language, baby, and please don't use Russian in the Tower. You know how jumpy people get about that. Everyone will think you're a spy."

The boy laughed nervously, patting Bucky's arm to let him down. "Sorry, Mama, I was just really excited!"

Natasha smiled. "I know, you should be! That's really great news!"

"I'm so proud of you," Bucky said, pressing a kiss to the boy's hair.

"Nice going, Peter," Clint said, shocking the team even further.

The boy, Peter, beamed. "Thanks, Uncle Clint!"

"Did you tell your Uncle Fury yet?" Bucky asked, leading Peter back to the table and letting him sit in his seat.

"Not yet," Peter said. "I wanted to tell you guys first, and I actually thought he'd be here."

"I'm sorry," Tony cut in, holding up his hands and leaning forward over the table. "But what the hell is going on?"

Peter seemed to only then notice that he was surrounded by Earth's mightiest heroes, and that he'd just blown his parents' secret.

"This is our son," Natasha said softly, taking Bucky's hand. "Peter. Or, rather, Pyotr." It wasn't that different from the English pronunciation, but somehow the name 'Pyotr' sounded all the more regal, all the more beautiful, rolling off Natasha's lips with a heavy Russian lilt.

"You two are married?" Wanda asked, eyes darting between Natasha and Bucky rapidly.

"And you didn't tell me?" Steve asked, hurt heavy in his tone.

"Actually," Natasha said, trailing off.

"We never got married," Bucky admitted. "We were seperated for a while, and then the whole pardon thing, and then we decided that we already had the house, we already had the kid, why bother with a wedding?"

"That's insane!" Tony said, standing up and slamming his hands on the table. "No wedding? Weddings are the best! You get to dance and eat cake and everyone brings you presents!"

Clint snorted. "You're still on the high from your own wedding, then."

Tony blushed. "Don't you get started, you apparently knew about this whole thing!"

Peter cut them off. "I'm really sorry to have interrupted the meeting, I didn't want to spull the big secret or start a fight, I'm really, really sorry."

Natasha laid a hand on her son's shoulder, looking up at Bucky.

"Don't apologize," Bucky said quickly.

"This was big news and we're happy you came to tell us. Besides, now you can stay for movie nights and team training." Natasha added. Peter's face lit up.

"Okay!" The teen's eyes seemed to sparkle as his face split into a grim. He was, without a doubt, the cutest, most innocent, most perfect teen to have ever been.

"What scholarship was it?" Wanda asked suddenly, tilting her head a little. She was the only other person who had picked up what the teen said, seeing as the Slovak word for scholarship was nearly identical to the Russian one.

Peter blushed. "A science scholarship. I'm getting a full ride to MIT on my engineering work."

Tony gasped. "MIT? I went to MIT!"


"I'll let you have my old MIT sweaters if you want, so you're ready on day one with school spirit." The billionaire was in a generous mood, and any kid smart enough to get into MIT was deserving of some generousity.

"How old are you, Peter?" Steve asked.

"16," the teen said, shifting a little in his seat. "I graduated early."

Steve whistled. "That's all Natasha, then. No way Bucky gave you that kind of brain."

"Hey," Bucky whined, shouldering Steve playfully. Everyone laughed a little, the awkwardness of learning their teammates had a secret son fading away.

"Can we get back to this, please?" Maria asked once the laughing had died down enough.

"Sorry," Natasha said, standing up. "But I think we're actually late for celebratory ice cream."

The little family of three started to make their way out of the meeting when Maria called after them. "What should I tell Fury?"

"Tell him his nephew got the scholarship." Bucky called over his shoulder as the door swung shut. Everyone sat in silence for a moment, processing what had just happened.

Finally, Tony broke the silence. "How come they got to leave early?"

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