Bigger Families Are Best

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**Hi, hello! I am back! I took a little break to figure some life stuff out and to recover myself from some stuff, but I am back, at least for a few chapters and requests. I have about... 4? I think I have 4 requests to do still, but I'm working through them slowly, so please bare with me. This one is for BethanyGregerson and its a pt. 2 from the last chapter about her OC. Also, a side note, today is the 16th anniversary of the first episode of Danny Phantom, and that show ROCKS but now I feel so old, jeez. Now, on to the chapter! Enjoy!**

Wanda stuck her foot into Peter's face, wiggling her toes under his eyes.

"Ugh, Wanda," Peter whined, pushing her foot away only for her to move it right back to his face. "Stop!"

"Look at the color, Pete. It's so sparkly!"

"Stop moving," Lily said, hunched over Wanda's other foot. The teen painted smooth strokes of paint over Wanda's nails, careful to not get any of the sparkly red color on the skin around the nail. Natasha, who was on Lily's other side, was happily painting Bucky's nails, who was fast asleep and completely unaware. Every now and then, the ex-assassin would go totally still while Bucky shifted in his sleep, then giggle as she got back to work when he settled again.

It was a slow afternoon. Peaceful. The kind of afternoon the team relished. Living a life of stress, danger, and near-constant brushes with death took its toll on each of them, so days when they could all relax, paint nails or nap and stuff themselves with pizza, those were the best days.

Peter scrolled on his phone, looking through his Instagram feed while Lily finished Wanda's nails and moved on to her own.

"Mmm..." she mused softly. "I think I'm doing to do red and then make one of them in a nice gold mirror polish."

"Gold and red?" Tony asked, coming into the living room from the kitchen where he had been making a behemoth of a sandwich. "Those are Iron Man colors!"

Lily nodded. "I think they look good together."

"Could you do mine after you're done with yours?"

Everyone looked up at Tony in shock, but the billionaire just shrugged his shoulders. "I like the finer things in life, and if we're all getting free pedicures, I am here for it."

Natasha laughed, her face splitting into an open-mouthed smile as she leaned backwards. Bucky jolted up, startled by Natasha's laughing, and immediately looked down to his bright pink nails.


The whole team burst into laughter, only to be cut off by FRIDAY sounding the alarm. "Sir, there appears to be someone scaling the side of the Tower."

Tony's smile slipped from his face as he went to the window and peered out. "Is it someone recognized as a threat?"

"No, sir, they are not on a blacklist. They are, however, recognized as a genetically enhanced human. It is Wolverine, sir."

The team all relaxed slightly. At least it wasn't someone coming to kidnap, torture, and murder them.

"Let him in," Tony said, curiosity getting the best of him. It wasn't often that the Avengers got to work with the X-Men, or anyone who identified as enhanced, and he wanted to know what brought Logan to the Tower.

It only took a few moments before the familiar claws of Wolverine came over the open window's sill and the man himself tumbled through.

"Lil, we gotta go." Logan stood, his huge frame blocking out the entire window. Lily looked up, scrunching up her eyebrows.

"Why? I told you when I left, I wanted to be part of this team."

Steve was looking between the man and the teen with worried eyes. He could sense something was going on by the way Logan was standing, muscles tense and ready to move. "Is something wrong?" the super soldier ventured.

"Yeah," Logan said gruffly, tossing his head towards Lily. "I gotta get her out of here."

"Woah, woah, woah," Bucky said, raising his hands as he got up off the couch. "Listen, Lily has been here for a while now, and if she is in danger, I think we can handle it."

Logan raised his eyebrows. "The MRD is coming to get her, and they are going to take you all in for questioning, too."

Everyone jumped at that.

"And what's your plan, huh? Drag her off to some cabin in the woods? Run for the rest of your lives?" Steve stepped forward, jabbing a finger at the mutant. "I don't think she wants that."

"What would you know about Lilith?"

"Lilith?" Bucky asked, scrunching up his face.

"That's her name, idiot," Logan said, tossing his head. "Her name is Lilith, she's 17 years old, she has the ability to pick up other powers. She was kicked out, she was-"

Steve cut the man off. "She's sweet and compassionate! She makes coffee in the mornings before Tony comes up to the kitchen! She's smart, too, she keeps up with Pete when he gets going!"

Bucky nodded along, humming in agreement as the super soldier got going. The team was staring at the men arguing, but Lily's eyes were glued outside.

"Guys?" she asked softly, peering closer at the jet headed towards the tower. The men were still arguing, though, and they didn't hear her.

"We can argue later, guys, right now we have to make a fucking plan!" Lily shouted, pointing to the plane getting closer to the Tower, the letters M.R.D. painted over the side.

"Language!" Steve scolded.

"Avengers, you are harboring a mutant," a booming voice came ringing through the sky and through the window, making everyone jump.

"Shit," Lily said, looking over at Logan.

"Come on," Tony said, grabbing Lily's hand. "We'll take the basement out, we'll head over to Clint's place."

Lily ran after Tony to the stairs, Steve, Bucky, and Logan close behind them.

"We'll take care of this, just keep Lily safe!" Peter yelled, already throwing webs towards the jet. Wanda nodded along, magic pulsating around her hands with a dark red glow. The rest of the team, Natasha, Sam, and Clint, were all getting ready to mount their own attacks on the MRD.

"Come on, come on, come on," Logan urged.

"Oh, shut up, the team is handling it!" Bucky snapped.

The unusual group of 5 found themselves shoved in an inconspicuous Jeep, Logan, Steve, and Bucky all smashed together in the backseat.

"You guys look silly," Lily remarked, snapping a quick photo.

The drive to the farm was quiet, but pretty quick as Tony was speeding down the highway shoulders to avoid traffic.

Logan was the first one out of the car, opening Lily's door for her and rushing her inside.

"I don't need a security detail, Logan!" she protested, shrugging his firm hands off her shoulders.

"So what's the plan?" Tony asked as they all huddled in the living room.

"First, we need to find out who told on Lily."

Steve pulled out his phone, shooting a quick text to Natasha. It was only a few moments before the phone dinged and everyone jumped at the sudden noise.

"Nat said the plane is down and the agents were captured," the super soldier said, reading the text with rapt attention. "It was Fury. She's dealing with him now."

Everyone eased slightly. When Natasha dealt with things, they were dealt with. For good. Forever.

"So," Tony said, a smirk slipping over his face. "Are we going to talk about which one of you is the most fatherly father?"

Steve, Bucky, and Logan all reddened, just slightly, and began to protest, but Lily cut them all off with a laugh.

"Bigger families are the best," she said through little bursts of laughter. "I love you guys."

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