Cut Deep

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**Request for tessalucy where Peter is the son of Clint and Laura and gets into a fight with Cooper. I made Cooper older than Peter, but I hope it's what you wanted! Enjoy!**

Peter was breathing hard, his face flushed and his hands clenched at his sides. The backpack he'd thrown at the wall was laying there dejectedly, Peter's textbooks and pens sprawling along the floor between Peter and Cooper.

"I am so sick of you butting in on business that doesn't even- this is not your business!" Peter jerked his arms up and down, his muscles taught and face hard.

Cooper was staring down at Peter with his own hard expression. Cooper wasn't that much taller than Peter - 3 inches, to be exact - but it was enough to give him that disapproving height and down-the-nose look.

"I think you'll find that it is my business, Peter! You're out there, running around like some-"

"It's really not!" Peter turned to try and escape to his room, but Cooper was there, grabbing his arm. Peter ripped his arm out of Coop's hands. "I'm so done with this conversation. I'm not kidding. Let me go."

Cooper shook his head. "We're not done here, Pete. You walk away and I tell Mom and Dad."

Peter's face went pale, but his eyes seemed to light up with a fiery rage. Cooper had never seen his brother look so fierce before, but it was nothing to prepare him for what Peter said next.

"You just can't handle that I'm better than you! We all know Lila is the princess, and Nate is the darling baby!" Peter was practically spitting then. "And you've held everything over my head this whole time. I was just a little nerd and you were a sports star and now that I am better than you- now that I am stronger and cooler, you can't handle it!"

Cooper had pulled away, his eyes blown wide.

"You can't handle being the disappointment, and now you want to mess with me so you feel better about yourself when Dad and I talk about work. But that's all you are. All you are, Cooper, you're just a disappointment."

Cooper let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. As Peter's rage faded, he finally noticed that Cooper was shaking. Not hard- not even that noticeable - but Peter could see his hands shaking. Cooper's breath was coming shallowly, but evenly, and then-

"I wish you'd never been born."


When Clint knocked on Peter's door hard, but Peter could barely hear it over the sound of his own sobs. It took a few knocks before Clint decided it was probably a good idea to just open the door.

"Peter? Are you okay? Cooper is also torn up and no one is talking and-"

Peter's face was wet and red and splotchy. His eyes were so swollen, they were half-lidded and dulled.

"Peter," Clint breathed out. Rushing forward, Clint pulled Peter into hug. Peter was limp and exhausted and let his head drop onto Clint's shoulder easily. "D-Dad..."

Clint didn't quiet know what to do, especially given that Peter was hardly ever this emotional. He was the solid one, the dependable one, the bubbly one. Hell, he took bullets to the shoulder without so much as a wince.

"What happened, Peter? Cooper is out there looking like he's going to-"

"I mess-messed up!" Peter pulled away from Clint, doing his best to control his breathing and to calm down. "I really messed up, Dad, I need to- I need- need to see Cooper! I need to apologize."

Clint furrowed his brow. "Peter, I don't think-"

"No, no, no! I need to!"

Clint nodded but his face was a mask of confusion. He wiped Peter's cheeks and pushed Peter's curls up off his forehead. Peter sniffled hard and tried as hard as he could to stop crying. After a few minutes, he had calmed down enough to where he felt comfortable getting up. Peter stumbled a little, then righted himself and headed for the living room. Cooper was on the couch, Laura sitting just a few feet away. Cooper was staring at the wall, his face blank. Peter knew he was thinking, though. Probably replaying what Peter had said over and over again.


Coopers head snapped up. As soon as he saw Peter, he was off the couch and pulling Peter into a hug, cradling Peter tightly against his chest.

"Peter, I am so sorry, I never-"

Peter pulled away, his brows pulled up in confusion. "Wha-What? No, Cooper, I'm sorry! I said such horrible things, none of- none of it is- is true! You're my big bro-brother! I l-love you and- and- and-" A renewed wave of tears ripped the words from Peter's throat. "I'm so sorry."

Cooper was desperately running his thumbs over Peter's cheeks, not unlike Clint had just done a few minutes ago.

"Peter, no, I deserved that," Cooper pleaded with Peter to understand. "I'm so sorry, Peter, you are- you are so wonderful. You are smart and funny and strong and I love you so much. I love you so much, Peter, I was so happy the day you were born and I should have never said what I said."

Peter was staring up at Cooper with wet and confused eyes. "You're sorry? Why are you sorry?"

"Why would you be sorry?" Cooper fired back.

The two brothers stared at one another, but Cooper couldn't take it anymore and pulled Peter back into his chest for a hug.

"Can we not fight again?" Peter asked quietly.

"Never again," Cooper promise. "I'm never going to do this again."

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