Teaming Up Pt. 2

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**By popular request and I forgot about it, so here it is now!! I think this one was requested by a whole bunch of people but all I have in my picture of the comment is StarlightSnowHeart and Ilovemydogblues so I'm super sorry if you were on that thread and my screenshot cut you off. Enjoy!**

Wade wasn't sure what was worse for his social image: Peter tagging along behind him, or Ned passed out in his arms.

The unlikely trio made their way to the nurse's office, the crowds of other students parting for them in hushed whispers. Wade caught a glimpse of someone taking pictures on a phone. Undoubtedly, Peter had seen it too. If there was one thing Wade knew about Peter from patrols, it was that Spider-sense never failed. 

"What happened to him?" Wade asked over his shoulder. Peter jogged a little to catch up.

"He fainted I think," Peter said between puffs of breath. Wade had longer legs, so he moved a lot faster than Peter even when they were just walking. "He- uh, he opened my bag. Saw my art book."

'Art book' was a code for something superhero related. Wade and Peter had settled on that one a while ago, when they first met on patrol, because neither of them took art.

Wade nodded sagely. "Ah, the ol' hidden in your bag trick, eh? My equipment doesn't fit in a backpack, unfortunately."

Peter entertained a mental image of Wade in his letterman jacket running down the hall with katanas sticking out of his backpack before letting out a little snort of laughter and kept jogging alongside Wade's shoulder.


When Ned came to, the first thing he noticed was the smell of very musky deodorant and... gun powder? It took a second for him to place the smell, but sometimes Peter had it on his clothes when he came to see Ned and once he'd figured it out, Ned started to panic.

"Ned, it's okay," Peter was holding Ned's shoulders. "We're at the nurse. You fainted."

Ned put an arm over his face, the bright lights starting to give him a headache. The lights went off, but Peter's hands never ;eft Ned's shoulders. Ned looked around, his eyes falling on Wade in the corner.

"Why is... Wade? Wade Wilson?"

"That's my name," Wade joked. "You can just call me your guardian angel, though."

Wade winked at Ned, who blushed hard. Peter just shook his head and pursed his lips. "Don't make him uncomfortable," Peter scolded.

"What happened?" Ned asked.

"You fainted when you saw my suit," Peter explained. "Wade carried you here."

"What?" Ned asked again, looking between Peter and Wade. "You- You- You had the Spider-suit. And Wade was- does he know? What-"

Peter shot Wade a look, and the jock quickly stuck his head outside of the room to check for people. Once Wade was sure they could talk quietly to themselves, he shut the door tight and gave Peter a tight nod.

"Yeah, Wade knows. I'm Spiderman," Peter explained slowly so Ned could keep up. "Wade and I patrol together."

Ned was looking between Peter and Wade with wide eyes, trying to understand what the hell was going on. "Patrol?"

"Together, yes," Peter said.

"I'm Deadpool," Wade said, poking his head over Peter's shoulder. "If that helps at all."

Ned was blinking slowly, his gaze wavering between Peter and Wade. Peter sighed in relief - the slow movements were way better than the jittery, quick jumps between the two supers. Peter was wrong.

"You're Spiderman?" Peter nodded. "And you're Deadpool?" Wade gave a sharp "yep!"

Ned shook his head and got up off the nurses bed. He was still shaking his head as he packed up his bag and slung it over his shoulder and headed for the door. Peter was watching him, frozen in confusion, while Wade was hiding a laugh behind his smirk, an expression Peter knew well.

It took a couple moments, but then Ned had disappeared into the office and Peter took off after him. Wade followed lazily.


Ned turned, then shook his head again. "No way, man, this isn't funny. You? You and Wade freaking Wilson?"

"I swear it's true." Peter was pleading with Ned, his bright eyes now swimming with tears. "Please. Do you want proof? Is that what you need?"

Before Ned could say anything, Peter was shooting a web. "Jesus Christ, Parker." Wade was immediately on high alert, looking around for anyone in the halls who might see. It was during class, though, so at least there was that. The halls were pretty much deserted.

"Peter! Get down!"

Peter lowered himself slowly, and Ned was speechless. After a moment, Ned found his words.

"Holy shit."

Peter looked over at Wade expectantly. "Well?"

"What, I have to prove to him that I'm a murderer? I thought you said I couldn't do that anymore," Wade teased.

Peter just gave Wade a look.

Wade took a pocket knife out of his pocket, ignoring the scandalized gasp from Peter. Flicking the blade out, he drove it through his hand, then held it up for Ned to see. The wound closed up like clay being pinched together and Ned let out a terrified scream.

"I forget how weird that looks the first time," Peter said, mostly to himself. Wade wiped his palm on his jeans. Peter made a face.

"That'll stain," he said. Then he turned back to Ned. "You okay?"

"My best friend is Spiderman," Ned said quietly. "My best friend is Spiderman, and he's best friends with the school football star. Who is Deadpool."

"Now you're getting it."

Ned wavered on his feet, but Peter caught his easily that time. "Woah, dude, no more fainting for you." Peter waited for a second to let Ned get his feet again, and then...

"Wait are you telling me that we could have been part of the cool jocks this whole time?"

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