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**What? Another phone call fic? I'm a predictable and easily appeased fan, okay? This one was (I think) mentioned in a comment somewhere, but I can't find it again so let me know if you requested this or if I'm imagining things. All the ringtone songs are listed at the end :) Anyways, enjoy!!**

The newest StarkPhone was, just like Tony Stark himself, very flashy. It had the best camera on the market, the most reactive touchscreen, the fastest processor, and the newest graphics processor. It was going to go on the market in a month, but Peter, being Tony Stark's favorite person, had one early.

The teen kept it out of sight - there's no way other students wouldn't notice it - and he kept it on silent. Not even a vibration setting.

Peter was sitting in his physics class when it first happened. The teacher was a strict man with wisps of silvery hair and glasses he kept perched on the tip of his nose. He was known through the school as being a cold and unfeeling man - he once refused to let a girl leave class even though she had a note until she told the class where she was going. It had turned out that she was going to visit an elderly and sick grandparent, and she'd run out of the room crying.

So when Peter's phone started ringing, Peter went white as a sheet. That wasn't supposed to happen.

Take me on a trip I'd like to go some day, take me to New York, I'd love to see LA...

I really want to come kick it with you... You'll be my American boy

Peter scrambled for his phone, furiously blushing as the teacher gave him a withering stare. Peter fumbled the phone in his hands, but caught it.

"Mr. Parker," the teacher said, looming over Peter unhappily. "I would like to remind you that phones are strictly prohibited in this classroom."

Peter paled when he saw the caller ID, but didn't turn it off just yet. "I swear, I don't know why it's going off. It's always on silent, I swear."

"Answer it," the teacher said, ignoring Peter all together. The teen swiped the phone to pick up the call, but the teacher cleared his throat and Peter looked up. "On speaker."

Peter clicked on the speaker setting. "Hey, Shuri."

"Hey, white boy! What took you so long?"

"I'm in school, Shuri. It's the middle of the day here, which means its the middle of the night there." Peter could hear a faint thump of bass in the background. She must be in the labs then, but they'd finished the new upgrades for Bucky's arm last week. What was she even doing? "Why are you up? What are you working on?"

"A present for you and Ned and MJ. What color lightsaber does Ned like?"

Ned's head whipped up so fast, Peter thought he was going to break his own neck.

"Blue," Peter said. "Like Skywalker. Did you make me one, too?"

"I made you one that looks like Death Maul's," Shuri said. "I don't trust Ned with a double-edged blade."

Peter just laughed. To be honest, he didn't trust Ned with any blade. "And MJ?"

"She's getting a droid."

"A droid?"

"It says 'fuck off' on command."


I'm a sex shooter, shootin' love in your direction...

I'm a sex shooter, come and play with my affection...

Come on, kiss the gun!

Peter's face was bright red as his phone went off in history, interrupting the lecture. Peter grabbed his bag angrily, tearing open the zippers to get to the phone. This was the second time now the silent mode had been overridden. Of course, Shuri knew how to do that herself, but no one other than Tony should be able to do it. That ringtone though...

"Since you've clearly got such important things to be doing, why don't you answer that for the class?" Peter's teacher was tapping her foot on the tile floors quickly, her hard leather shoes clicking sharply. Peter didn't even argue, he just flipped on his phone and pushed a few buttons.

"Natasha? How did you override the silent mode?"

"Tony helped me," Natasha said flippantly. "Now, when you get home, I have a project for you."

"And this couldn't wait until I got home?" Peter asked. Natasha didn't normally interrupt Peter's school day, so this was pretty out of the ordinary. "I'm in class."

"Peter," Natasha drawled. "When you get home, I have a project for you."

Peter paused. The way she was stressing her words made him think- Oh!

"Is Clint there listening?"


"And he's going to prank me, so he asked you to help?"


Peter hummed. "So when you tell me to come see you, I have to do the opposite?"

"Exactly!" Natasha said happily. "So when you get home, come straight to the gym and help me with some training, okay?"

"Sure thing, I'll just go around back and - uh - slip into the penthouse."


Peter was good at tuning out noise, so even when the whole class was chattering about different problems, he could focus. It was customary for Friday math class to have a 30 minutes work period to get started on homework, and Peter was furiously scribbling away on the calculus.

I want a girl who gets up early, I want a girl who stays up late...

I want a girl with uninterrupted prosperity, who uses a machete, to cut through red tape

The sound of Peter's ringtone wasn't nearly as loud as the rest of the class, and it took Peter a few minutes to even recognize that it was ringing. Peter hurried to pull it out.

"On speaker, Mr. Parker. Maybe it's someone to remind you that until that bells rings at 3:30, you are my student."

Peter answered the call with a single swipe of his finger.

"Hey, Pepper, what's up?"

"Peter! Thank God, when Natasha told me we could override the silent mode on the phone, I was a little skeptical, but-" There was noise on the other end of the line and Peter waited patiently. "Listen, Peter, there was a mistake in laundry and your tux for tonight got ruined. I need to get you a new one now."

"Pepper, I'm in differential calculus, I can't just get up and go over to Nordy's."

"Oh, heavens no. With your eyes, we're going straight to Dolce and Gabbana." Peter could practically hear the woman's pulled face through the phone. "I'm sending Happy and May over to get you and bring you here. We're going to head over to the Dolce place as soon as you get here so we can get things fitted. Can't have you standing next to Tony Stark with a crummy suit, okay?"

Peter just shook his head.


Switchin' the positions for you! Cookin' in the kitchen and I'm in the bedroom,

I'm in the Olympics, and I'm jumping through hoops,

Know my love infinite, nothin' I wouldn't do, that I won't do, switchin' for...

Peter grabbed his phone out of his bag, all eyes in the cafeteria turned on him. "FRIDAY?"

"Young Peter! I learned this trick from the Boss."

"That's very impressive, FRI, but I'm at school. Can I help you"

"Well, yes," the AI seemed to almost sound hesitant. "I'm sorry to disturb you at school, but it's the Boss. He seems to be spiraling a little."

Peter tightened his grip on his bag. "What happened to him?"

"He's been in the lab for over 52 hours, and from my records, he hasn't eaten or drank anything other than coffee in the last 27 of those hours. When you get home, can you please get him out of there? Or at the very least, bring him something you've made. From all of my records, he eats food you make personally 87% of the time, while food made by Pepper and Rhodey is only 63%, and food made by other team members is a dismal 24%."

Peter laughed. "Of course, FRIDAY, anything for you. Now, I have to go. I'll see you in a few hours."


'Cause I'm hot like hell, does it burn when I'm not there?

When you're by yourself, am I the answer to your prayers?

I'm giving you the pleasure of heaven, and I'll give it to you!

Hot as hell!

"Wade!" Peter didn't even bother letting his chemistry teacher order him to answer it on speaker. "I am in school!"

"And I care why?" The smooth voice of Wade Wilson came over the phone, as did the sounds of gunfire and explosions.

"Wait, are you in a- I don't care." Peter pinched his nose. "What do you need?"

"Am I invited to the big 17th birthday party?"

Peter hung up the phone with a hard tap to the screen. It wasn't nearly as good as the feeling of snapping a flip phone shut, but it was as good as Peter was going to get.


Ringtones (in order):

American Boy by Estelle and Kanye West
Sex Shooter by Prince
Short Skirt/Long Jacket by Cake (This entire song makes me think of Pepper. Seriously, go listen to it)
Positions by Ariana Grande
Hot as Hell by Dua Lipa

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