Enigma (for real this time)

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**Guys, I'm just a little burned out. I'm going to get out the Halloween chapter out tomorrow (YAY!) and I'm working on some other chapters, requests, etc. but I also have a ton of school work to catch up on and I'm working on fleshing out an idea for an actual published book. Ya girl is trying to move up, ya know? Anyways, I'll probably be slowing down my updates, but I will still work on my requests. Please please please forgive the delay on any new chapters after tomorrow. For now, enjoy this little idea I had!**

Peter Parker was an enigma. He never talked about his family, not ever. He never grouped up for projects or invited people over. He even dropped out of the clubs he'd been in before sophomore year.

It wasn't like people didn't try to figure him out. They did. They were relentless. From Ned pushing to hang out at Peter's place, to Flash desperately pushing Peter's buttons to weasel any and all information out of the other teen.

Peter walked through the halls, his head down and his eyes glued to the screen in his hands. Flash took the bait and slapped it out of Peter's hands, laughing a little at the way Peter jumped.

"Texting your girlfriend?" Flash taunted. The bully's hands found Peter's shoulder and he pushed hard. Peter fell backwards, but didn't make much noise.

Flash grabbed the phone and twisted it around to get a look at the text Peter had been sending, but Peter snatched it back before he could read any of it.

"That's private."

Flash gave a long, mocking "ooohhh" and pushed Peter a little harder. It wasn't common for Peter to talk back, but Flash let it go. There were too many people around for him to get away with a harder hit anyways.

Once Flash was down the hall and around the corner, Peter pulled his phone back out and finished the text.

- and please don't give him anymore frozen carrots, he already had one this morning before I left. He has a teething ring in the freezer if he gets fussy, but I think he should be fine. Thanks again for looking after him today.

Steve's reply came quickly. It's no problem, Peter. He's been great so far, please don't worry.

Peter let out a breath and hurried to class.


"Want to hang out this weekend?" Ned asked. He had been going on and on about his newest Lego set and Peter was happily geeking out over it.

Peter opened his mouth, an enthusiastic yes on his tongue, but then he remembered. Tony and Pepper were still out of the country on business and Peter would have to find a sitter for the weekend, when most of the Tower would be empty anyways. The happiness died on his face as he stammered out an excuse other than 'someone has to watch the baby'.

"I have to check with my family, man, I might be busy this weekend."

Ned let out a sigh of disappointment, but he didn't want Peter to feel bad. "That's alright, I get it. You never talk about your family, man, are they super busy? Are they, like, working three jobs or something?"

"Or something," Peter said vaguely. "My parents take a lot of business trips, and my Aunts and Uncles' only days off are on the weekends. I don't like to ask them to- uh, I don't like taking off on the weekends."

"We could go to your place," Ned offered, but Peter just shook his head.

"No, really. It's fine, man, we could just plan for next week. My parents get back on the 13th, we could definitely schedule something then."

Ned nodded his head a little and gave Peter a half-hearted smile.


Peter sat in class, itching for the bell to ring. He just wanted to get home. It was the last day before his parents would be back, and in an act of ultimate desperation, he'd asked Bruce to watch the baby. Clint and Nat were out at the farm, Steve, Sam, and Bucky were on a mission, Rhodey was on base, and the others had all already made plans for the day when Peter asked.

It wasn't like he didn't trust Bruce, of course, but he could get overwhelmed at times and the baby could be a handful.

As if on cue, Peter's phone began to ring. Loudly.

The teen scrambled to get it out of his pocket and panicked when he saw it was Bruce.

"Mr. Parker. I believe the rule is: a phone rings in my class and you answer it on speaker." The teacher was looming over Peter's shoulder, sharp eyes boring into Peter's worried ones.

"Bruce?" Peter asked, answering the call and putting it on speaker. "What's up?"

"Peter! I tried calling your dad, but he's giving a press conference and I can't get a hold of anyone else on the team! Pepper, too, she's with Tony at the press thing!"

Peter tried to ignore his classmates whispers. "It's okay, just tell me what happened. Is Ben okay?"

"Ben is fine. We're in the med-bay getting checked out."

Peter nearly gasped as he stood up and started collecting his things. "Why is my son in the med bay?"

"He pulled down a stack of books earlier and I moved him to the crib while I picked them up, but when I turned back around, he wasn't there. He was climbing up the wall, Pete, I think he inherited the spider DNA."

Peter swore quietly under his breath. "Just stay there, I'm going to head home. Can you call-"

There was a noise on the other end of the line, like Bruce's phone was ringing, and Peter heard Bruce connect the two calls. "Tony."

"Brucie Bear, I love you, but if you hurt my grandson on the one day Peter asked you to watch him, I will kill you myself."

"Hey, Dad," Peter said, stuffing the last of his books in his bag. "I'm going to leave class early and head back. Bruce thinks Ben inherited the spider DNA."

"Of course he did. Peter Stark, the resident Spiderman, passed along the spider powers to his 6 month old son."

Peter couldn't even think of the consequences at this point, he was just trying to get out of there. He tried to not make eye contact with any of his classmates as he slung his backpack over her shoulder and headed out to the hall. "I'm on my way now, Bruce. See you soon."

The call disconnected and Peter disappeared down the hall. The class was stunned behind him, but then...

"So that's why he was always so busy," Ned said.

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