In Your Dreams pt. 2

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**Request for alice_rollings as a part 2 from a story I did forever ago! This was actually a really clever continuation idea, and I really, really liked it!!! It s a little short - I have an insane headache - but I really hope you like it! Enjoy this amazing idea!!**

The Avengers settled at the front of the class, Natasha perched on the edge of the teacher's desk, while Tony had plopped down in the presenter's chair at the front of the room. The rest of the team were all leaning against the whiteboard. Peter had resigned to just put his head to his desk, waiting for his dad and the team to embarrass him and be done with it.

"So," Tony started, his paparazzi smile taking on a bit of that mischievous glint Peter knew oh so well. "As we all know, I'm a businessman."

"I'm a spy," Natasha added. "Clint, too."

"I was a soldier in the war," Steve said. "So was Bucky, and Sam. And Rhodey, actually."

Rhodey gave a curt nod. "Thanks for remembering me, Cap." Tony threw him a glare. "Right, sorry. Steve."

Bruce cleared his throat a little. "And I'm a scientist."

The class was still reeling from the face that one, the Avengers were assembled in their classroom for Career Day, and two, Peter Parker, resident nerd, was apparently Tony Stark's son. Flash was pale as a sheet, the teacher looked just as shocked, and the rest of the class was tittering uncomfortably in their desks, shooting Peter sideways glances. Peter himself was starting to catch on to the little game his family was playing, too. They were all talking about the jobs they had before the Avengers, as if the students were going to ask about anything other than being superheroes.

"Who has questions?" Tony asked. "You, in the front."

Tony pointed at the girl in the front row why had her hand up. Peter recognized it was Cindy Moon, but he kept his head down still. There was no way he was going to participate in his family's antics.

"Hi, I'm Cindy. I was wondering if you could tell me a little about what it is like to be a superhero?"

Tony glanced at Peter, but didn't answer right away. After a second, he sniffed and said "An excellent question! Being a businessman is a little monotonous, but I make my own hours and I get to work on exactly what I want to work on. When I first decided to stop making weapons, I got to create the company I always wanted to and work on the groundbreaking projects I always wanted to study, you know?"

"That wasn't my question," Cindy said, faintly baffled. Tony just flashed her a bright smile.

"Exactly!" Tony looked over at Peter again, and Peter let a little glare slip onto his face. "Anyone else?"

Another student raised their hand and Tony pointed. It was a boy Peter didn't know too well, but he had a couple classes with him.

"Hi. I was curious if Captain America would talk a little about his work as a national icon and his superhero work."

Steve opened his mouth. He shut it. He opened it again. Finally, he said "I joined the war when I was pretty young, after Bucky here was drafted. I wouldn't recommend the army during wartime, kids."

"I wouldn't recommend it during peace times," Bucky interrupted.

"Anyways," Steve continued, ignoring Bucky's comment. "Being in the army is a strange job. We do a lot of different things, but once you start moving up, you start getting into the planning and execution of plans, you know? Bucky was a higher rank than I was, and I don't remember where Sam was."

Sam looked up. "I was relatively lower level. Now that I'm out of the service, I've been working on charity works and psychiatric help for veterans coming home. Its rewarding work, but it can be incredibly hard work."

The class was starting to titter and whisper in anger. The team wasn't answering any of the questions and the teacher was noticing.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wilson, but I think the kids wanted to hear more about the Avengers." The teacher looked so uncomfortable speaking up against the team and Peter smirked a little. It was amusing in its own way, but he knew people were only interested in one things and Peter understood why the teacher was getting involved.

"I know," Tony said. "We're very accustomed to the questions we get about our work, but the truth is, the Avengers aren't a job. I believe the point of this was to talk about viable career options for the kids, and aside from Peter and possibly Ned and NJ, I don't think anyone in this room is on the track to become the newest recruits."

Flash couldn't help but laugh out loud. "The nerds? As if. Puny Parker doesn't even struggle when you get a hit on him, I seriously doubt he'd be the next Avenger."

Peter couldn't help his blush. His family didn't know about Flash getting physical with him, and there was something sort of embarrassing about them finding out, but when Peter glanced up at his family, but instead, he saw that they looked more pissed off than pitying.

"Guys, don't." Peter's tone was warning, but there wasn't much strength behind it.

"Peter, has this kid been giving you trouble?" Tony was looking at his son with sharp eyes and a solid, serious set on his face. "Dimmi la verità, figliolo." (Translation: You tell me the truth, son."

"Si, he's kind of a jerk." Peter offered a shrug. "Seriously. Nothing to worry about, Dad."

The team was still glaring daggers at Flash, but Tony's face suddenly lifted and then...

"Peter, come up here."

Peter didn't test his dad and instead headed up to the front of the class and stood at his father's side. Tony wasn't shy about pulling Peter into a hug and ruffling his hair, much to the teen's dislike, and then getting up and putting Peter in the chair.

"You guys want to hear about being a superhero? Ask away. Peter here is Spiderman, the most recent Avenger."

The classes stunned silence and blank faces were enough to make Peter laugh. He didn't mean to, not really, but they all looked so silly like that, sitting in their chairs and staring at Peter with a sort of awed reverence.

"Questions?" Tony asked again, scanning the class. "How about questions for us big kids with real jobs? No?"

When no one said anything or raised their hands, Tony clapped loudly and looked around the team. "Well, then. Who wants to go out for lunch?" Tony gripped Peter's shoulder and steered him out into the hall.

"I could go for lunch. Can we go to that place on 3rd with the good tacos?" Clint asked, following his teammates out of the room.

"No way," Natasha said with a face. "I hate that place."

Peter jumped a little, waving his hand around. "Let's get sandwiches!!"

The team all laughed at Peter's antics and let him lead the way - he knew the neighborhood best - and disappeared out of sight. The class was still recovering from the shock of Peter being Spiderman. Spiderman.

"Wait," Cindy said, pulling a face. "Flash. Peter could've kicked your ass years ago."

Flash's face was red with an embarrassed blush. "But he didn't, so. Yeah."

Ned just laughed. "You guys really should have just asked about their jobs."

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