Fighting The Family

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**Request for pll_rvd_lm_fan_. Takes place during Civil War, but it's a nice ending lol. I made it a little different, I hope you don't mind. Mostly Nat and Peter don't know they are on the same team lol. Enjoy!**

Peter was nervous. Very nervous. The hum of the plane engine was loud, but comforting. It was something to focus on at least. The rest of the plane was pretty empty - it was a private jet after all - but Peter almost wished it was a regular, commercial flight. At least he would have someone to talk to then. At least he wouldn't be flying half-way across the world to fight the world's best known superhe- ex-superheroes, that is.

The feel of his phone vibrating brought him out of his nervous trance. He pulled out his phone, surprised to see a text from his Aunt. Well, not his aunt. May was his godmother, but it was easier to say Aunt May than it was to say Godmother May.

May: How's the flight going? Still have wi-fi?

Peter: Yeah, we do. It's fine, just long and lonely. There's too much space.

May: Go find one of the others?

Peter got up and stretched his arms above his head before heading through the doors at the end of the plane and into the make-shift office Tony had at the bulkhead. Peter recognized a few of the other heroes, but there was one he knew better than all the others. Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow, mom.


Peter hadn't seen his mom in years, not since she'd left him with May and took off for a mission. She'd never really taken Peter back. Sure, he saw her when she was in town and they had a good time all together, but she didn't know Peter was Spiderman. She didn't know that Tony's masked intern was her son. She didn't know he was standing across the room from her.

"Mr. Stark?" Peter asked, drawing attention to himself. Natasha furrowed her brow for a moment as she thought about about where she had heard that voice before. It was familiar. Really familiar.

"Spiderman," Tony said, looking over. "What's up?"

"Flight seemed empty," Peter said with a shrug. "I got lonely out there and my aunt said to come find you."

Tony chuckled, but got up and excused himself anyways. He slipped out into the plane, Peter following him out, and closed the door behind him. "You okay, kid? I know you've not been away from home this long."

"I'm okay," Peter said, pulling off his mask for a second, just to breath. "Mr. Stark, can I trust you to keep a secret?"

Tony nodded and Peter jerked his head towards the other side of the plane. The billionaire followed Peter with a furrowed brow. It was unusual for Peter so be forthright about things like being lonely or whatever. He didn't want to be a burden or bother the man. When they were finally far enough from the rest of the team for Peter to feel comfortable, he looked up at Tony with shining eyes. "Natasha Romanoff is my mom."

Tony's face went blank for a second, but he recovered quickly. "Okay. Does she know you're Spiderman?"

Peter shook his head. "We don't see each other much. She left a few months before the spider bite for a mission and I've been staying with May, my godmother, ever since."

"Okay, so do you want to tell her?"

Peter thought for a moment, then shook his head. "I don't think right now is a good idea. I just think it'll get in the way of the mission and I don't want to do that."

Tony nodded. "Okay. Then that's what we do. Do you want me to stay out here with you? I don't mind. We could play cards or talk about some of the projects I'm working on."

Peter settled into one of the seats and tapped the one next to him for Tony. "Tell me about your projects, Iron Man."


When the plane landed on the tarmac, Peter wasn't expecting the other superheroes to be there. He wasn't expecting to see Captain America go up against Mr. Stark as if it were nothing.

And then there was a familiar face in the crowd, but Peter couldn't make it out while dodging punches and focusing on not getting his brain knocked out. In between bows, the teen would crane his neck to try and see if it was who he thought it was. Finally, there was a perfect moment of clarity and Peter looked right over at his father.

"Papa!" He called, forgetting for a moment that he was in his suit. That they were fighting with one another. That his father was a world-wide fugitive.

"Peter?" Bucky completely changed, not even trying to fight as he looked around for his son. Natasha had yet to see Bucky, but when she heard him call for Peter, she turned quickly, her eyes searching.

"Bucky!" Natasha ran at him, jumping into his arms and planting a kiss on his lips. He returned it happily, then remembered Peter and pulled away. 

"Is Peter with you?" he asked.

Natasha shook her head, but Peter had already torn off his mask and was running to his parents, his curls bouncing in the wind. "Mama, Papa!"

The two ex-assassins spun as Peter ran at them, both surprised to see their teenage son thousands of miles from May and dressed in the Spiderman suit.

"Peter!" they both cried as they pulled Peter in for a tight hug. "How are you here?" Bucky asked just as Natasha asked "you're Spiderman?"

Peter laughed awkwardly. "Yeah, I'm Spiderman. Mr. Stark brought me, he didn't know you two were my parents. He didn't know."

Natasha laughed hard. "Oh, love, I'm sure he didn't."

Bucky pressed a kiss to Peter's head, smiling into the hair and smelling the strong shampoo. "Oh, Peter, you can't believe how much I missed you."

The other superheroes were slowly coming to stand around the small family, watching them as they reconnected and loved one another and finally - finally - held each other for the first time in years. Steve was the first one to break the silence. "You... you know each other?"

"Know each other?" Bucky laughed. "Stevie, this is my wife and son!"

Everyone was shocked, save Tony, who knew part of the story already. They all watched as Bucky, Natasha, and Peter found their breath and all began to settle down, the adrenaline of fighting and finding each other wearing off.

"So... you guys are family?" Tony asked, stepping forward a little.

"Yeah," Bucky said cautiously. Tony wasn't a big fan of his, and the last thing he wanted was to-

Tony stuck out a hand to Bucky to shake. Bucky took it after a moments hesitation, then shook it firmly. "Good to meet you on better terms, then. Peter is my intern and mentee. He's an amazing kid, you should be proud."

Bucky nodded numbly. "He's incredible, I know. He gets it from his mother."

Natasha snorted. "If we're all done having a stupid pissing match, I'd like to take my son and husband home." She looked around pointedly at the rest of the superheroes who were still surrounding the small family. One by one, each one nodded at her, signaling that they could set aside their differences for her sake. For Bucky's sake. For Peter's sake.

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