New Power

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**Request for pll_rvd_lm_fan. Peter is biologically Pepperony's son ft. field trip. We stan a dramatic Tony. Anyways, enjoy!!**

Peter was one of the most eloquent and well-balanced people you might meet. He was an excellent student and a hard worker and an innovative engineer. He could go to school, patrol the city, make it home for board meetings and project proposals, and still get up the next morning to make it to class on time. He could nurse a shot out shoulder while signing contracts and press releases. Which is why he hardly ever broke down.

All that being said, when he walked through the mail doors of the Stark Industries main research and development labs, he couldn't help but begin to boil under his cool exterior. The lab was a mess. Papers were scattered across the desks and lab tables, tailing onto the floor and across the walkway. Half-finished projects were littered around the lab, some even in pieces still. Still, a mess wasn't something to overreact about.

"And here we have the main research and development lab!" the tour guide said, leading Peter and his class into the lab. Peter had been dreading the field trip for a while now, but being here and not being able to tell the lab staff to clean up was killing him.

"It is here that scientists, researchers, and interns work through the prototype stage of new projects and technologies. The only exception to that is personal projects of Mr. Stark's."

One of Peter's classmates, Cindy, raised her hand. "Didn't Tony Stark retire the company to someone else?" she asked once the guide called on her.

"Indeed he did! I still say Mr. Stark, though, because it is his son who took over. Although we here at SI have yet to meet Mr. Stark, we understand that he's logging long hours in the lab upstairs and he's well respected here."

Peter smirked to himself. He knew that the news of Tony's retirement hadn't been taken well, especially when it was announced that his 'mystery son' would be taking over but not yet made public. It was nice to know that the workers were getting used to it and actually beginning to respect Peter from afar.

There was a snort from across the room. The class, and the guide, looked over.

"This 'Mr. Stark's son' thing is getting ridiculous." It was the head researcher for the department. He mostly did the paperwork and assigned teams to different projects, but Peter had never actually met him. The teen scowled a little.

"Mr. Greenwood. I really don't think-" The tour guide tried to ease some of the tension, but the researcher just cut her off again.

"We all know Stark is a drama queen. My bet is that he made this whole thing up. A son? You really think that he could have a son and keep him quiet for years and years without anyone knowing?"

"He could, yes," the guide said, now determined to defend her boss. "I think you forget how many houses he has. It's entirely possible he and Pepper moved into one-"

The researcher cut her off again. "And that. You really think Pepper Potts and Tony Stark love each other? He's using her to cover up his playboy rep, and she's using him for the money. It's the only logical answer," he said. Peter could feel the anger bubbling up in his stomach. It was an unusual feeling, one that made him want to puke and punch the wall at the same time.

"All I'm saying it that I think it's all a publicity stunt. It's not real, and the sooner the rest of us figure that out, the sooner Stark will get back to doing his job and we can all stop pretending."

The tour guide just scoffed. "If anyone isn't doing their job right now, it's you. You've got at least 4 teams behind on their projects, and the lab is a mess! What would you do if an advisor or Stark came down here?"

The researcher rolled his eyes. "It's not my fault if the teams are behind, I'm not their nanny. And I'm not a cleaning lady, either."

"That's it," Peter said, stepping forward and into his professional persona. "Mr. Greenwood, I assume. I can't say it's nice to meet you."

The man looked up at Peter lazily. "I'm sorry, kid, who are you?"

"Mr. Stark, sir, the newest head of the company."

There was a stunned silence in the lab. No one had ever seen the Stark heir so for it to turn out to be a teenager on his high school tour was a surprise to say the least. Then again, now that they knew what to look for, Peter had Tony's curls. His eyes. Pepper's smile.

The researcher was the only one who didn't get the message. Instead, he just cocked an eyebrow and chuckled. "You? Some scrawny little teen on the tour just happens to be the new Stark heir? Huh. I buy that."

The researcher leaned in close, holding up a prototype Peter had seen the plans for in the database a few weeks back. It looked finished, but Peter knew it had was over a week late to be submitted for the final sign off. The researcher dropped it in front of Peter, letting it crack at his feet.

"Whatcha going to do about it, baby Stark? Fire me?"

Peter didn't even flinch. "Yes, actually. Pack your things and go. I'll have security escort you out. FRIDAY?"

"Yes, Peter?"

"Call Happy, please."

The researcher's face paled. No one just addressed FRIDAY like that unless they were known. Unless they were part of the system. Unless they were close enough to Tony to be programmed into FRIDAY's database.

"That- That- That- I'm not sure that's necessary, sir,"  the researcher stammered out. "I'm very sorry, I didn't know. If I had known, I would have never-"

Peter held up a hand, effectively cutting the man off. "Regardless of if you knew or not, you shouldn't treat anyone the way you treated this intern-" he gestured to the tour guide "and you shouldn't talk about people behind their backs in such a crude and cruel way. That will be all."

The researcher opened his mouth to speak again, but Peter hardened his glare. "That will be all," the teen repeated.

The researcher headed back to his desk, his head hung low in shame. He started to pack.

"Peter," Mr. Harrison, the chaperone for the field trip, said. "That was-"

The doors slid open to the lab, cutting the teacher off.

"Peter!" Pepper and Tony ran in, both rushing over to their son and giving him a hug. "FRIDAY told us everything," Pepper explained.

"My son and his first firing," Tony said with teary eyes. He snapped a picture with his phone. "I can't believe I missed it!"

"FRIDAY has video, love, just like the first steps thing," Pepper assured her husband, who was crying softly. She turned her attention to Peter again. "Peter, that was so beautifully done, I can't believe it was your first."

Peter blushed. "It was nothing, Mom."

"It was more than nothing!" Tony said loudly, tears still streaming down his face. "We should celebrate this! FRIDAY, call the team. We're having a party in the penthouse for Peter's first firing."

The AI sent the message and Pepper and Tony ushered Peter out of the labs. There was the sound of metallic rustling and then Clint fell out of the vents in front of the class.

"Did they leave already?" he asked one of the kids. She just nodded and he took off through the doors, yelling for the little family to wait up.

The tour guide was still shocked, her face blank. Then, she whispered "so that's the new Mr. Stark" and wrung her hands. 

"Well," she said loudly as she clapped her hands. "Let's get back to that tour, right?"

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