Gobble Him Up

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**Request for _Reading_Dragon_ where Peter is being bullied by Flash, and a certain symbiote decides to take things into his own hands. This one was kind of hard to write (I own Venom being it's been ages since I saw it so I did a Venom-crash course for his voice and behaviors) but I really hope you like it! Enjoy!!**

"You grabbed the chocolate I left for you?"

Peter turned back from the elevator to look over at his dad. There was chocolate smeared all over his mouth and he was still chewing a little. "Yes."

"Want another for the road?" Tony held up a second bar of chocolate and Peter nodded excitedly. Tony just laughed a little and tossed it across the room. Peter caught it easily and headed out for school.

Once the elevator doors closed and Peter was gone, Steve looked over from his spot in front of the news. "How's he handling things?"

"Better," Tony said honestly, putting away some dishes. "We've got him on a schedule and Venom is mostly quiet now. Peter says he helps with homework sometimes. He's apparently very good with biological sciences."

Steve snorted. "Leave it to Peter to make a friend out of a flesh-eating, alien parasite."


Peter wandered through the halls without much urgency. He was coming back from lunch and still had 15 minutes before his next class.

"Peettterrrrr," Venom hissed, his cuter form popping up over the back of Peter's bag. "Can we have the other chocolate bar now?"

Peter smirked a little. "Sure, Ve-ve, we can have chocolate."

"Do not call me that," Venom growled. "I am a superior being. I am better than a child's nickname."

Peter snorted. "Sure, Ve." Peter opened his locker and dumped his lunch into it, grabbing a couple of his books and journals into his bag as he did so. "Just let me-"

Peter barely pulled his hand out of his locker before it slammed shut. Thank God for Spider-sense. Venom retreated quickly to stay out of sight. It was the only lesson Venom seemed to remember, actually.

"Puny, pathetic Parker," Flash started. "Fancy meeting you here."

Peter stayed quiet. It was better to ignore it than to give Flash something else to attack. Peter had learned very quickly that talking back got him harder hits, and even after he became Spiderman, Peter tried to keep quiet. He couldn't provoke the bully, not when he'd walk into class the next day healed up. What was the point of drawing even more attention to himself if it was only going to raise more questions?

This, though... this was the first time Flash had gotten at Peter when Venom was in the equation.

"Not going to talk to me, huh?"

Peter zipped up his bag and put it over his shoulder, then turned to walk away. A couple of Flash's friends were behind him, though, and they grabbed Peter's shoulders. Peter felt a roll in his stomach, and suddenly, the chocolate bar in his pocket felt way heavier.

"Hey, guys," Peter raised his hands like he was surrendering and his voice took on a pleading tone. "You really don't want to do this."

"What, you're going to cry at us? Fight back?" Flash stepped forward into Peter's space again. He leaned into Peter's face. "You could try."

The two boys holding Peter's arms laughed a little, and then...

Flash's fist came hard against Peter's stomach. Peter willed Venom to stay low and ignore it. Ignore it. Ignore it.

"You're just some worthless orphan, Parker," Flash hissed. Another punch, this time at Peter's face. Peter could feel Venom getting more and more restless, more and more hungry.

"Peettterrrrr," Venom hissed quietly. It was a warning. It was a warning for Peter, a warning that Venom would make an appearance if Flash kept this up. "I want to eaaatttt him..."

"No," Peter moaned through a sore jaw. "Don't."

"Are you begging me to stop?" Flash asked, landing another blow to Peter's jaw.

The feeling of rumbling in Peter's stomach grew more and more strong until it was almost like waves rolling against his skin. Peter knew it was coming before the first specks of black began to squeeze out through his pores and out across his body. Flash gasped and stepped back as Venom dripped down Peter's back and pulled away to puddle on the floor. Globs began to rise up, the full form of Venom taking shape in front of Peter, but this time, he wasn't encasing Peter. He was his own body, free of Peter's body, only connected by a single rivulet of black ooze.

"You hurt him," Venom growled out, towering over Flash. "I will devour your flesh and crunch your bones between my teeth."

Flash was shaking at that point, and Peter almost laughed when he saw a puddle under Flash's feet.

"Venom, you can't eat my classmates," Peter said with a roll of his eyes. "Even one who is a bully."

Venom growled louder, baring his teeth as Flash cowered against the wall of the  hallway. Peter just dug the chocolate out of his pocket and waved it lightly above his head.

"You sink one tooth into his body and no chocolate for the rest of the da- no, wait, week. The rest of the week."

Venom shrunk back, and after a moment or two, he retreated back into Peter's skin. Flash was still cowering, and when Peter inched forward to check if he was alright, he noticed Flash was crying.  Hard.

Peter bit back a small smile. "Hey, Ve, you want that chocolate now?"

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